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Posts posted by efezzers

  1. Hello,

    I've created my android timeline and messenger on my Macbook. When I try to build ios timeline app it gives error. But it's really a silly error. I can start my script on emulator with visual studio and xcode. But when I connect my iphone to my pc and try to build app into it I got an error. So I can't archive and share it my friends. Only work on the emulator. So I need really help with that error. If anyone can help me solve that error I'll send him Wowonder 2.2 DLL for any of website he has.


    See it's working on emulator : http://prntscr.com/l8iimc

    It's giving error when deploying iphone or package: http://prntscr.com/l8iiqw


    My script is Wowonder Ios Timeline 1.8


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