well they remove the instagram at 3.2.9 version. the fact is what i really need from the script is the instagram module ? that's why i leak the 3.2.8 nulled version to the public. and that one of the reason why i am here hoping your version of script work on the instagram so i can buy it.
is the instagram follower work on your script? i had the latest pes pro from the original dev, but IG is not working, and on their latest update the completely remove IG from the script
well when user try to earn nani from fb like or yt like the pages will be show on pop up windowds right. if can setting user have to wait 4-5s before closed the popup windows to get the nani. lower then that time they will not earn nanis
ok it's good now.. but can you make user had to wait 4-5s before they can close the window or they cant get nani. this for preventing bot to farm nani from the site
ERROR: This Youtube account doesn't exists!
what i should be put on youtube username for youtube like earning?
and when i subcribe youtube channel it doesnt earning nani?