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Coin Profit

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  1. hello @Mahmoud , am willing to pay fee if you can modify the script to 'allow users to log in using email address only and not wallet address' . i have sent u a message. please check. thanks
  2. @Mahmoud hello i purchased the script recently here. i have one question only pls. - how do i enable users to only log in using faucetpay email address only? appreciate your response. thank you
  3. hello! when trying to upload the faucetpay add script, it says 'The configuration file does not exist.' - what should i do sir?
  4. Hi @Mahmoud , do you have this script for sale? https://smartyscripts.com/product/ruminer and https://smartyscripts.com/product/scm_simple_cloud_mining_script - if you have it available, i am interested to purchase it sir.
  5. thank you. i have sent you a message regarding - how do i edit the main page of the cloud mining site? which file is the index located?
  6. hello sir can you suggest me some hosting provider where i can host Cloud Mining website? because hostinger.com do not accept my website.
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