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File Comments posted by KawaiiDoggo

  1. 4 minutes ago, Mahmoud said:

    It doesn't work that simple😅

    You are right! I forgot the constants.php file...


    1. Create a file named constants.php.
    2. Add the following code and replace the word "admin" with the word you want to use for the ACP (Admin Control Panel) URL:
    \define( 'CP_DIRECTORY', 'admin' );

    Rename the admin folder to the word you set earlier, and you’re done!

  2. 1 hour ago, EK Entertainment said:

    Method 1 | FIX 7.1 ERROR

    Follow these steps:

    1- Go to the database and choose the "app_settings" table


    2- Change the value of the theme names in front_theme and dash_theme to default
    3- The 500 error will disappear, edit the version.txt file in the main path of the project and change the value to 7.00


    4- Go to the dashboard and update the script
    5- Finally, you will go to the "app_settings" table and write the names of the themes you want to activate as you want in the values front_theme and dash_theme

    Even now, it doesn't work. When you give the update-manual command, version.txt is automatically updated to the newest update.

  3. On 8/7/2024 at 10:08 AM, MD Ikram Hossain Joy said:

    take a backup first before you do anything.
    then install the original one restore the backups of what you have taken.

    No you can't, at least not effectively and safely!

    Null editions are modified so that the license is not necessary, this means that the creators lose access to your page and at the same time some basic functions (such as anti-spam), even if you find a way your page will not be secure , there will always be a security gap! You can contact the ips company and inform them that in the past you had a null forum and you want to return to a normal one, but at the risk of having your page removed. Always and everywhere there are backdoors whether we know it or not.

    wowonder is complete nulled

       22,350    184

    Question... We all know, WoWonder is full with backdoors, did Doniaweb successfully removed that backdoors, and if yes... @Mahmoud do u know how to Migrate ( not free obviously ) users  from others social media to WoWonder for example  ?

    • Love 1
  4. On 7/24/2024 at 6:02 AM, akundownload Ku said:

    How do I solve this problem?


    Go to /vendor/rachidlaasri/laravel-installer/src/Repositories and replace the file ApplicationStatusRepository

    Then, go to phpmyadmin, find you database and run ' UPDATE `settings_two` SET `liquid_license_type` = 'Extended License', `liquid_license_domain_key` = 'DoniaWeB' WHERE `settings_two`.`id` = 1; ' 


  5. 19 minutes ago, aristrotech said:

    Script is working fine but I can not add Payment Gateways. It shows 500 Critical Server Error. How to fix it?

    Sure, first for all go to vendor/rachidlaasri/laravel-installer/src/Repositories and upload replace the ' ApplicationStatusRepository.php ' , change the permissions to 644

    Then, go to resources/views/default/panel/admin/finance/gateways/particles/ and replace the file ' license.blade.php ' ( make default permissions 444 )

    Last step!  Go to /storage/app/ and make ' Portal ' file read-only!


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