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Posts posted by KawaiiDoggo

  1. 3 hours ago, Ollie Dean said:

    mate do you know an easy way to move the paid addons and themes from version 7.0 to this new version, everytime i update it i lost the site weather its from updating in the admin or manual update thanks

    With every update, take the resources/extensions folder and add it to the newest update, but first try to go to phpmyadmin > extensions maybe the addons have been automatically disabled from there, change the installed 0 to 1 on each addon that has been disabled.

  2. 56 minutes ago, SOUFIANE NOUAL said:

    @KawaiiDoggo AH ok sorry I thought it's that link, did u use API from premium gpt accounts?

    I trust Doniaweb but I know very well that a creator (of MagicAI) can be on the site fishing for links.
    A few weeks ago, Yes I had forwarded the link in my bio but from the next day I lost access, an admin modified the portal.txt file and I lost my access to the forum, admin not of Doniaweb but of MagicAI! The script has many backdoors.

    I have received money from the script several times, unfortunately when I lost access I lost about 150 members, but it's okay... First, you will not make an AI and promote it, you must already have a community with active stats ( members ), so it's easier to get customers, then you need to put information where they will attract users. For example, what profession do your customers / users do? If the other person is a musician, you can make an AI for music, maybe for ideas, psychology, etc. to attract users and make your community more active!

    I studied marketing and IT so this is something I know well 😂

  3. 5 hours ago, Guru Sekali said:

    I followed all the installation steps,

    UPDATE `settings_two` SET `liquid_license_type` = 'Extended License', `liquid_license_domain_key` = 'DoniaWeB' WHERE `settings_two`.`id` = 1;

    and replace ApplicationStatusRepository file. I remove cache to in browser.

    But still get "Activate your license"

    Active Licence.jpg

    Many have the same problem! Have you tried downloading a previous version and updating the script to the newer version?

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