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Posts posted by KawaiiDoggo

  1. 31 minutes ago, Bili Lal said:

    Thanks a lot for this explanation; I’ll keep it in mind and activate the automatic backup. I’ll try to figure out where the backdoor is coming from, and if I find anything, I’ll share it here.

    I thought it was something that only happened to me since they know my website because I bought the extended license, but I requested a refund that was accepted. They have been disabling my website with Error 500 when I left them a review that wasn’t 5 stars! It felt like total abuse and completely inappropriate. Personally, if anyone wants to buy the extended version, I personally don't recommend it. The customer support is nonexistent, and they pull this kind of crap even when you’re paying if they consider.

    A few weeks ago I bought MagicAI for $39, unfortunately it didn't helped me because to use payment methods I wanted the Extended package... I asked for a refund from the rude staff and they sent me, when they revoked the license my AI crashed but I found the solution! If they close your site, go to Storage > App > Portal and add the following: 


    It worked for me!



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  2. The developers have the access whenever they want to erase and permanently remove your page with a few clicks! MagicAI has many Backdoors, I have written below a list of what to do and what NOT to do with MagicAI ( nulled ).


    • Regularly Back Up Your Data: I recommend keeping backups almost daily! Personally, I have the ability to create automatic backups every 2-3 days via JetBackup on my CPanel.
    • Keep Your Nulled Script Private: Never share the link to your nulled script. There is a 70% chance that one of the developers is intentionally registered on forums with similar content.
    • Close All Security Backdoors: A good solution is to go to Storage > App > Profile and set the permissions to 4.4.4 (read-only), as I was advised in the past.
    • If Using Nulled Scripts: Immediately go to the .env file and set the Database permissions to 4.4.4, just as described in the previous step!



    • Don’t Update Immediately: Allow a time buffer of at least 15-20 days before applying updates.
    • Modify the Design: Customize the design as much as possible.
    • Use Subdomains for Your AI: For example, if your URL is demo.myai.com/, try changing it to demo.myai.com/ai.
    • Never Update Without Backups: It’s simple: create a folder (e.g., old version), select all files, right-click, and COPY (not MOVE) them to the folder, e.g., old backup. This way, if you update to the new version and it doesn’t suit you, you can delete all the files, go to the old backup folder, take all the files, and transfer them back to the main directory!


    AND DON'T FORGET! Check Mahmoud's post The ugly truth about nulled scripts/themes/plugins 


  3. 2 hours ago, Bili Lal said:

    I've found that the creators can take down your site with a 500 error even if you have the nulled script; they can also track your website and know if u are using their script. Someone know how we can prevent that and cut any connection with them?

    We know that, this script have so much backdoors haha, they closed my website before few days but I found a way to restore everything.


    Check here 


  4. 10 hours ago, AlmareNet Gestão e Negocios said:

    @Mahmoud  In to the MagicAI V.6.5.2, To activate all payment methods on the Finance/payment gateways link, simply place the code below inside the PHP file license.blade.php at the following path:


    <!--<div class="mb-4 w-full rounded-xl bg-red-100 !p-3 text-center text-red-600 dark:bg-orange-600/20 dark:text-orange-200">
        {{ __('To access this page, you should upgrade to Extended License.') }} <a href="{{ route('LaravelInstaller::license.upgrade') }}"><u> {{ __('Upgrade License') }}</u></a>

    <div class="grid grid-cols-2 gap-4 sm:grid-cols-3 md:grid-cols-4 lg:grid-cols-5 xl:grid-cols-6">
        @foreach ($gateways as $entry)
                    class="flex min-h-[250px] w-full flex-col rounded-md px-0 pt-0 text-center"
                    class:body="flex flex-col items-center"
                <div @class([
                                'flex aspect-square w-full justify-center rounded-md mb-2',
                                'bg-[#1a1d23]' => $entry['whiteLogo'] == 1,
                            class="max-w-32 h-full max-h-32 w-full object-contain object-center"
                            src="{{ url('') . custom_theme_url($entry['img']) }}"
                            alt="{{ $entry['title'] }}"
                <h3 class="mb-4 w-full [word-break:break-word]">
                            href="{{ $entry['link'] }}"
                        {{ $entry['title'] }}
                <div class="justify-content-center mt-auto flex w-full">
                    @if ($entry['available'] == 1)
                                href="{{ route('dashboard.admin.finance.paymentGateways.settings', $entry['code']) }}"
                            {{ __('Settings') }}
                        <h6 class="italic opacity-60">
                            {{ __('Coming soon') }}
                @if ($entry['available'] == 1)
                    <div @class([
                                    'rounded-full absolute start-2 top-2 px-2 py-1 text-white inline-flex items-center gap-1 font-medium',
                                    'bg-green-500' => $entry['active'] == 1,
                                    'bg-red-500' => $entry['active'] == 0,
                        @if ($entry['active'] == 1)
                            <x-tabler-check class="size-4" />
                            <x-tabler-x class="size-4" />
                        {{ $entry['active'] == 1 ? __('Active') : __('Inactive') }}

    Works totally fine! But be carefull, change the permissions to read only! 

    Thanks ❤️ 


  5. Loxcy - Landing Page Template

    Loxcy is Startup Landing Page, Responsive quick and easy customizable Modern Startup Landing Page Template that comes with HTML5 pages in 8 home page variations with 3 Authentication pages. It’s fully responsive and built with Bootstrap v5.3.2. Users will love your site because it gives them a unique user experience (UX), clean, modern & beautiful design. You will be easily able to customize it for your needs

    The Loxcy - Landing Page Template includes a DISTINCT set of 8 Home Pages, 1 sign-up form, 1 login form, and 1 password reset form. By downloading the file, I've compiled ALL TABLETS / DESIGNS into different files!!! For questions or updates, write in the comments! Enjoy ❤️



  6. 53 minutes ago, pol73rge1s7 said:

    Happy to take a look if you DM Me, but looks like a .htaccess error might be the issue. Try replacing it with the one from the original installation zip.

    Also FYI, always make complete backup by creating a Zip of your websites folders before modifying any files.  That way if it breaks, you can easily extract the zip and overwrite the changes back to what "Was" working.


    I did everything but nothing, I found the problem... For some reason some files from the previous update got stuck in the current one... I used a Backup and everything seems to be fixed.. If I notice something I will contact you! Thanks.


    It dosnt matter! Even with backup the same issue! 


    4 minutes ago, Tausif Khan said:

    @KawaiiDoggo the error is only in payment gateway settings, rest is working well


    Go to /vendor/rachidlaasri/laravel-installer/src/Repositories ( via CPanel or Plesk files ) and replace ApplicationStatusRepository.php with that file ( KEEP A BACKUP OF UR FILE > RIGHT CLICK AND DOWNLOAD )




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  8. 2 hours ago, ExsiteAi said:

    Hi guys , how did you managed to fix the issues ? , and which file I need to edit to change tags h1 , h2 etc ? As im trying to find it and i cant 😕, thanks in,advance .


    Btw I have plenty of issues on log file 😕



    The error message indicates that there is an attempt to read a property called status from an object that is null. This is causing an exception to be thrown. The error is occurring in the PageController class, on line 18.


    Try downloading the PageController file from the old version and uploading it to the current one. It's a script error, not yours. Either things will work or you will get an error again, you rolled back your version with the result that some files were updated. Remember, even though you roll back with an old backup many times the mysql files are not updated and need to be done separately!



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