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Everything posted by KawaiiDoggo

  1. Have you try to change the default admin infos ? If not, try username: admin@admin.com password: 12345678
  2. A few weeks ago I bought MagicAI for $39, unfortunately it didn't helped me because to use payment methods I wanted the Extended package... I asked for a refund from the rude staff and they sent me, when they revoked the license my AI crashed but I found the solution! If they close your site, go to Storage > App > Portal and add the following: a:3:{s:19:"liquid_license_type";N;s:25:"liquid_license_domain_key";s:8:"DoniaWeB";s:9:"installed";b:1;} It worked for me! PORTAL FILE SHOULD ALWAYS BE READ-ONLY! BECUASE AUTHOR CAN CHANGE THE FILE ANYTIME!
  3. The developers have the access whenever they want to erase and permanently remove your page with a few clicks! MagicAI has many Backdoors, I have written below a list of what to do and what NOT to do with MagicAI ( nulled ). WHAT TO DO: Regularly Back Up Your Data: I recommend keeping backups almost daily! Personally, I have the ability to create automatic backups every 2-3 days via JetBackup on my CPanel. Keep Your Nulled Script Private: Never share the link to your nulled script. There is a 70% chance that one of the developers is intentionally registered on forums with similar content. Close All Security Backdoors: A good solution is to go to Storage > App > Profile and set the permissions to 4.4.4 (read-only), as I was advised in the past. If Using Nulled Scripts: Immediately go to the .env file and set the Database permissions to 4.4.4, just as described in the previous step! WHAT NOT TO DO: Don’t Update Immediately: Allow a time buffer of at least 15-20 days before applying updates. Modify the Design: Customize the design as much as possible. Use Subdomains for Your AI: For example, if your URL is demo.myai.com/, try changing it to demo.myai.com/ai. Never Update Without Backups: It’s simple: create a folder (e.g., old version), select all files, right-click, and COPY (not MOVE) them to the folder, e.g., old backup. This way, if you update to the new version and it doesn’t suit you, you can delete all the files, go to the old backup folder, take all the files, and transfer them back to the main directory! AND DON'T FORGET! Check Mahmoud's post The ugly truth about nulled scripts/themes/plugins
  4. We know that, this script have so much backdoors haha, they closed my website before few days but I found a way to restore everything. Check here
  5. Have you try to login via: Username / email: admin@admin.com Password: 12345678 ( Delete the spaces )
  6. Go to /vendor/rachidlaasri/laravel-installer/src/Repositories and replace the file ApplicationStatusRepository Then, go to phpmyadmin, find you database and run ' UPDATE `settings_two` SET `liquid_license_type` = 'Extended License', `liquid_license_domain_key` = 'DoniaWeB' WHERE `settings_two`.`id` = 1; ' ApplicationStatusRepository.php
  7. Sure, first for all go to vendor/rachidlaasri/laravel-installer/src/Repositories and upload replace the ' ApplicationStatusRepository.php ' , change the permissions to 644 Then, go to resources/views/default/panel/admin/finance/gateways/particles/ and replace the file ' license.blade.php ' ( make default permissions 444 ) Last step! Go to /storage/app/ and make ' Portal ' file read-only! replace.zip
  8. View File Loxcy - Landing Page Template Loxcy is Startup Landing Page, Responsive quick and easy customizable Modern Startup Landing Page Template that comes with HTML5 pages in 8 home page variations with 3 Authentication pages. It’s fully responsive and built with Bootstrap v5.3.2. Users will love your site because it gives them a unique user experience (UX), clean, modern & beautiful design. You will be easily able to customize it for your needs The Loxcy - Landing Page Template includes a DISTINCT set of 8 Home Pages, 1 sign-up form, 1 login form, and 1 password reset form. By downloading the file, I've compiled ALL TABLETS / DESIGNS into different files!!! For questions or updates, write in the comments! Enjoy ❤️ Submitter KawaiiDoggo Submitted 07/29/2024 Category Template Demo https://themeforest.net/item/loxcy-landing-page-template/53366811  
  9. 20 downloads

    Loxcy is Startup Landing Page, Responsive quick and easy customizable Modern Startup Landing Page Template that comes with HTML5 pages in 8 home page variations with 3 Authentication pages. It’s fully responsive and built with Bootstrap v5.3.2. Users will love your site because it gives them a unique user experience (UX), clean, modern & beautiful design. You will be easily able to customize it for your needs The Loxcy - Landing Page Template includes a DISTINCT set of 8 Home Pages, 1 sign-up form, 1 login form, and 1 password reset form. By downloading the file, I've compiled ALL TABLETS / DESIGNS into different files!!! For questions or updates, write in the comments! Enjoy
  10. I did everything but nothing, I found the problem... For some reason some files from the previous update got stuck in the current one... I used a Backup and everything seems to be fixed.. If I notice something I will contact you! Thanks. It dosnt matter! Even with backup the same issue!
  11. This is a script from 2022 with no update so far.
  12. Only this error ' found, and server-generated directory index forbidden by Options directive '
  13. For no apparent reason, I have modified .htaccess files, various files, updates, and cache, but nothing seems to work... For no reason! Suddenly, I received this error, and despite everything I've tried (even updating PHP), I haven't seen any results! Has anyone experienced something similar?
  14. Go to /vendor/rachidlaasri/laravel-installer/src/Repositories ( via CPanel or Plesk files ) and replace ApplicationStatusRepository.php with that file ( KEEP A BACKUP OF UR FILE > RIGHT CLICK AND DOWNLOAD ) ApplicationStatusRepository.php
  15. Go to /app/Http/Controllers/PageController.php and upload this file ( KEEP BACKUP OF PageController.php before u upload the new one ) PageController.php
  16. Question... Can someone with Sngine use this script ? WoWonder and Sgine both of em, have almost the same requirements.
  17. Go to vendor/rachidlaasri/laravel-installer/src/Repositories and upload / replace this file ApplicationStatusRepository.php
  18. Did you get the error when you installed the script or when you did the update? Also, you already had a version BEFORE you did the update (if it started from there)
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