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Everything posted by KawaiiDoggo

  1. To fix this issue, go to /vendor/rachidlaasri/laravel-installer/src/Repositories and add / replace this file ApplicationStatusRepository.php
  2. I am not sure but try to go to public/themes/default/assets, all CSS files container here. I'll look into it and let you know when I find something!
  3. Go to /app/Http/Controllers/PageController.php and upload this file ( KEEP BACKUP OF PageController.php before u upload the new one ) PageController.php
  4. The error message indicates that there is an attempt to read a property called status from an object that is null. This is causing an exception to be thrown. The error is occurring in the PageController class, on line 18. Try downloading the PageController file from the old version and uploading it to the current one. It's a script error, not yours. Either things will work or you will get an error again, you rolled back your version with the result that some files were updated. Remember, even though you roll back with an old backup many times the mysql files are not updated and need to be done separately!
  5. I Fix the issue, somehow... For some reason the php version was generating this error. Logically, some file permission had a newer php update or something similar.
  6. Okay, i have your solution then! Go to /app/Http/Kernel.php and upload this file Hope it works Kernel.php
  7. @best4fans it's simble... To activate script, run this command in phpmyadmin: UPDATE `settings_two` SET `liquid_license_type` = 'Extended License', `liquid_license_domain_key` = 'DoniaWeB' WHERE `settings_two`.`id` = 1; Then replace this file with the file in the path: /vendor/rachidlaasri/laravel-installer/src/Repositories ApplicationStatusRepository.php
  8. Unfortunately, there are no other designs available, but the creators have announced a new UI for mobile devices coming soon! I'm glad it worked!
  9. Unfortunately, I was a WoWonder user for quite some time... My page was hacked twice in one year, even after purchasing the regular package. I started using Sngine some time ago, and I am much happier with the services and the security it provides. PS: If there was a problem with the files, I would have the same problem as many others. Everything works perfectly!
  10. It's a problem with your hosting Server, not the files. The files work fine because I tested them on my site.
  11. Old yes, now no... You need to add at least $5 to buy the Api Key from OpenAI Platform unfortunately as such. At first it was giving me error, I was writing to Chat and receiving infinity typing loop. In Server I used the update of AI it's creating again the same error without any reason infinity loop I'm getting...
  12. No, nulled are modified scripts where there is no Licence key, if you want to use the legit ips then you have to buy the legit package.
    I am no longer using WoWonder, and here are the reasons why: In 2023, I was using the regular WoWonder, and I lost my CodeCanyon account due to a Gmail account breach. When I contacted them, I never received any support. There are many bugs and security holes in the app. The developers do not allow you to modify the design unless you pay them. I have now moved to Sngine, and everything seems (not perfect) but much better!
  13. version 1.5 released! https://k97.gumroad.com/l/theme?fbclid=IwAR2DvT9engtRsjszazitiRZo3yeWeVfdokuq9sgq8_kPvRwkLcNgiEaRh0Y
  14. As of November 2023, the company that created WoWonder has modified the verification links, making it virtually impossible to get the WoWonder app for iOS or Android for free. Unfortunately, their update is too recent for the code to be modified/bypassed/reset. We expect that something will change in the future and free keys will become available, but personally... I am only a creator of Api Keys for unlimited video and voice calls as well as for AI for either WoWonder or WordPress ( and Sngine soon ).
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