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Same Day Flowers PK

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About Same Day Flowers PK

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  1. Thank you @Ryomen for helping and sorting out the issue. Dear All, can anyone please help, how to save POS domain link from spammers and bot attackers? This would be a great help. Thank you.
  2. Dear @Ryomen, I logged in via cpanel and opened the file from the main home directory. I edited the .env file and added the username as mentioned in the instructions. After that, saved the file and logged in with the same username. But not showing the module section and administrator backup option. I have added stock and started POS entries but am not able to take backup. Please help.
  3. Dear Everyone, Can anyone please help? I have added admin username in .env file but still module option and backup option is not showing. Thanks.
  4. On side panel, there is Module option and administrator backup. but after adding the sueradmin user, these two options not showing in my side panel. Can anyone please help. I have already added the superadmin user in .env file. Please help.
  5. I have done this settings. ADMINISTRATOR_USERNAMES=”myadminuser″ saved the file but this username is not getting the super admin rights and not able to install any addons/modules. Please help.
  6. Thank you. I have installed. One more issue. After changing the super adming username in .env file. It is not showing me options of modules like mentioned in the help document. I want to install super admin module but I am unable to, even I hade created super admin username in .env file. Please help. Thanks in advance.
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