Files posted by Weaboify
“Solfège” is the BIGGEST xenForo themes Pages Pack ever made on xenForo, includes +8 TOTALLY DIFFERENT theme Layouts with the same content box that allows you to create powerful pages with unlimited possibilities.
with more than +12 Header and Navigation Layouts you can use to make an awesome community in minutes, This is definitely a New Revolution in the way you create forums!
You can use Solfège for any purpose starting from business, marketing, corporate, app, creative, minimal, professional, and Education.
RE-ME Framework Features List
You don’t just get a simple theme; you’ll get settings that will change the default framework into your own. It’s your website; make it yours!
Google Web font is easily configured. Node Background Avatar Shape Guest Message Text Logo Remove Sub-navigation row Collapsible Categories Sticky Category Strips Simplified Node Statics "New" Indicator Label Sidebar Position Sticky Sidebar Collapsible Sidebar Collapsible Sidebar Blocks Separate Sticky Threads Show the avatar of who last posted Three Different Messages Layout First Post Unique Background Offline status indicator Collapsible User Extras Optional Glyphs (Navigation-Sidebar-Message ActionBar) Extra Footer is easily customized with 8 different widgets. And more...... -
This time we present you SWIFT, our latest premium xenForo 2 themes. It's airy and appealing look fits with all of today's design trends and will take every project you want to a whole new level! It comes with 4 different node layout to choose from, which gives it that extra touch.
Main Features List
4 Different Node Layout Node Image Category Colors Configured by Admin Featured Post RE-ME Framework Features List
You don’t just get a simple theme; you’ll get settings that will change the default framework into your own. It’s your website; make it yours!
Google Web font is easily configured Avatar Shape Custom Scrollbar Guest Message Sticky Staff tools Text Logo Two Login Triggers Styles Remove Sub-navigation row Collapsible Categories Sticky Category Strips Last Poster Avatar Simplified Node Statics "New" Indicator Label Sidebar Position Sticky Sidebar Collapsible Sidebar Collapsible Sidebar Blocks Separate Sticky Threads Show the avatar of who last posted Online/Offline status indicator in the discussion list Three Different Messages Layout First Post Unique Background Offline status indicator Collapsible User Extras Optional Glyphs (Navigation-Sidebar-Message ActionBar) Extra Footer is easily customized with 8 different widgets. And more...... -
Inspired by FontAwsome, XenAwsome brings a modern and unique design to XenForo 2. It can be a breeze to customize to suit your community and your members.
Fully Responsive Layout Clean Retina & HD display Support Three Different Header Layout Three Different Nodes Layout Guest Message Text Logo Collapsible Categories Collapsible Sidebar First Post Unique Background Offline status indicator Extra Footer easily customized And more........ -
We are proud to launch our new xenForo Theme – MaterialXen! MaterialXen is a theme inspired by Google's MaterialYou design principles, whose purpose is to enhance legibility, be bold and intentional, and bring real life movement and depth to the web.
A lot of essential features came with MaterialXen. We wanted to make sure every detail was perfect, so we integrated Advanced, Easily Customized style properties to give you the best UX.
Material design is basically a result of Google’s set of guidelines for better designing, keeping in mind mobile users. It supports better browsing by enhancing the visual and motion experience. This theme is almost Material-based to make a better user experience.
RE-ME Framework Features List
You don’t just get a simple theme; you’ll get settings that will change the default framework into your own. It’s your website; make it yours!
Google Web font is easily configured. Node Background Avatar Shape Guest Message Text Logo Remove Sub-navigation row Collapsible Categories Sticky Category Strips Simplified Node Statics "New" Indicator Label Sidebar Position Sticky Sidebar Collapsible Sidebar Collapsible Sidebar Blocks Separate Sticky Threads Three Different Messages Layout First Post Unique Background Offline status indicator Collapsible User Extras Optional Glyphs (Navigation-Sidebar-Message ActionBar) Extra Footer is easily customized with 8 different widgets. And more...... -
Mere is our latest premium theme release, which is our demo present default theme. The use of contrasting colors gives this theme its slick & trendy look, perfect for any website type. Mere also has a few custom features included (all settable in current theme settings) like show or hide header message, collapse node categories, and an option to switch the sidebar position.
More Features:
Fully Responsive Layout Clean Retina & HD display Support Google web font & Custom Icon font Avatar Shape Guest Message Header Background Text Logo Two Login Triggers Styles Remove Selected Tab Sub-Links Collapsible Categories Simplified Node Statics Sidebar Position Collapsible Sidebar Collapsible Sidebar Blocks Three Different Messages Layout First Post Unique Background Offline status indicator Collapsible User Extras Optional Glyphs (Navigation-Sidebar-Message ActionBar) Extra Footer is easily customized. And more........ -
Based off the tried-and-true methodologies of its XenForo 1 predecessor, UI.X continues to push the boundaries of intelligent design. With a basis in Google’s Material Design, the framework is backed by a team well-versed in the XenForo software making UI.X a wise choice for any forum. ThemeHouse has been building products for XenForo since day one of the software’s release and we aren’t going anywhere.
More UI.X Features:
Standard, floating, or sticky navigation and userbar
Right to left support
Dozens of different search bar and navigation position variations
Collapsible nodes, sidebar, postbit,and signatures
Many types of category description types (tooltip, inline, or none at all)
Social Media icons can easily be moved down to the footer or to the logo block
Different login styles such as modal window, dropdown, and slideout
Option to enable avatars based on Material Design's color system
Option to remove the forum list page actions (New Posts and Post New Thread buttons)