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Usman Kaleem

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About Usman Kaleem

  • Birthday 10/22/1987

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  1. Turkish MultiLanguage Movie Site Tahatma v5 with autoembed Nulled With additional autoembed plugin fully compatible with the theme can be used with other themes. Instructions: Paste it into the license.php file in the wp-content\themes\tahamatav5\includes\themes\ folder. http://warez-script.com/lisanslar/tahamatav5.php --> Licensing site tahamatav5 - streamingscript.xyz.zip superbot.zip
  2. Youtube API V3 CMS PRO PHP Script – Download Nulled Download Nulled YouTube API V3 CMS PRO builds your video cms that depends on youtube.com videos quickly and easily. It is powered by YouTube and it is fully automated so you don’t need to do anything. It features popular YouTube videos, channels and user profiles. You can also easily monetize this by adding your advertisement code. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/youtube-api-v3-cms-pro/14947199 Youtube API V3 CMS PRO - 141352.zip
  3. Overview MovieWordpress is an impressive theme. Its flexible design and robust feature set make it adaptable for many movie sites. Perhaps the coolest feature in MovieWP is the TMDB and IMDb importer which lets you quickly build your own movie directory. Data imported includes images, text, and reviews. With its importing tools and modern design, MovieWP is a great choice for making a movie and tv show portal site with trailers, ratings, and videos. Features Native Wordpress Code Extra powerful, sharp and diverse Native WordPress Theme with clean and tidy design. Source Code We don't encrypt or hide our code. You have the freedom to integrate and change our code to make it fit your needs. Fully Responsive This theme looks amazing either on phone , pc, tablet and console, so you don’t have to worry about it. Seo Optimized If your SEO WordPress theme isn’t optimized for SEO its pages will struggle to rank well in SERPs. Optimized Speed The theme has been optimized, with a better speed than other movie and series themes, to leave your visitors with a good experience. Translatable You can translate theme to any language. One click data generator Create your posts with a single mouse click! You will not have to worry about anything, just enter the IMDb id of the movie or the TMDb id of the tv show and the posts will be automatically created in a second. Directors, Actors and Creatos The pages of directors, actors and TV series creators are automatically generated! You don’t have to waste precious time, it will do the whole theme automatically. Choose the Resolution With the switch player module you can choose whether to display videos in various resolutions, 1080p, 360p and 4k. Filter your movies and TV series We’ve also introduced features like most viewed, top IMDb and random TV shows and movies. Alphabetical search Quickly search for your favorite movies or TV series by pressing the initial letter Advanced AJAX Live Search Search in movies, tv series, actors, directos and more with advanced caching technology an poster image precaching. Bulk import movies (NEW!) With the new plugin included in the theme, you can instantly bulk import movies from the largest online movie database. Requirements PHP 7.2 + MySQLi PHP Extension PDO PHP Extension cURL PHP Extension allow_url_fopen Instructions When you have activated the theme go to theme settings > reading > Blog pages show at most > 24. Go to Wordpress settings > permalinks > category base > write "genre" as category base > save changes. Genres are automatically generated, You don't need to create new ones! moviewp_3.8.7.zip
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