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Bicrypto v4.0.7 + All Plugins ×

Wolly Bushman

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Everything posted by Wolly Bushman

  1. I will check again. How can I tell if node is installed correctly?
  2. Yes I will. But I also tried this one previous. Files look same - dates are same too. Now I think something else wrong? but I wil try AGAIN ;-/
  3. I purchased. Can you check my server? Maybe something wrong there. Because I tried this same files before. Everything loaded and DB connected but always makes Database Exception error
  4. I cannot find file to purchase now? Seems i am lost in the forum. So tired from trying to get this running since two days.
  5. I think I have composer installed properly but I dont know or if jii node is working correctly. I can see files from 3.2 that I tried to get working. I can login but cannot save any changes. Do you think I have jii and node correct? Because if so I feel better to buy 4.1 and do new install.
  6. Hello, I can purchase now. I am in trouble after I made promise to do this but I had so many issues with bad script that I purchased but it did not work. If I can get some help to install I will buy now. But I need to install now too. I have new VPS just for this.
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