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  1. BeLink is the highest quality and most advanced url shortener application currently available. It can be used to easily create your own public or private url shortener website in minutes without any coding knowledge. It features a clean and more design, high quality code and unmatched feature set. Read more about the features below and try the demo site to see why BeLink is easily the best choice. More Features Editable Homepage – Default landing page can be easily edited via built-in appearance editor with live preview and no coding knowledge. (Optional) SaaS mode – Earn money with built in premium subscription system. Create different plans for users to subscribe to and control what functionality and limitations each plan has. High Performance – BeLink is lightweight and has lighting fast performance and page load time out of the box. API – Links can be created via built-in API. Link Statistics – Link reports allow users to see many statistics about their links including date and count of clicks, countries, referrers, devices, browsers and more. Link Groups – Group multiple links together to allow viewing statistics for all links in that group and see how different groups perform when compared to each other. Link Sharing – Share shortened urls on facebook or twitter with a single click from user dashboard or link frame/splash pages. QR Code – Generate and copy a fully functional shortened url QR code with a single click. Scanning QR code will redirect to long url. Custom Domains – Users can attach custom domains and sub-domains so their short links will use their own site url. Domain different then main site url can also be set as default by admin. Link Overlays – Link overlay redirect type will show a fully customizable overlay over destination website . Link Custom Pages – Create fully custom html pages with built-in WYSIWYG editor that can be shown to user before redirecting them to destination url. Link Splash Pages – Splash pages with information about destination url and optional ads can be shown to user before redirecting them to destination url. Expiration Date – Links can be set to automatically expire at specific date and time. Custom Link ID – Links can have custom human-readable short IDs, instead of random generated strings. Link Metadata – Each link can have metadata, including tags, title and description. This allows easier management of links as well as customization for link page SEO tags. Password Protection – Links can be protected so only users with password will be redirect to destination url. URL Validation – URLs can be automatically validated against custom blacklist of domains and keywords or using Google safe browsing API and Phishtank API. Tracking Pixels – Tracking pixels from various services can be attached to links to measure their performance. Location and Device Targeting- Links can be redirecting to different destination url based on user device (mobile, desktop etc) or their location. Multiple URL Shortening – Easily shorten multiple urls with one click. Permissions and Roles – Use fully featured permission and role system to allow (or disallow) users, subscription plans or guests to peform specific action accross the site. Appearance Editor – Site appearance can be easily changed without any coding knowledge via built-in editor with live preview. Dark Mode – BeLink comes with pre-built light and dark themes. You can fully customize them or add new themes via appearance editor. Custom Pages – Custom pages (for example terms of service, about us etc) can be created using built-in WISIWYG editor. Menu Editor – All the menus accross the site can be easily edited via drag and drop without any coding knowledge. Translations – BeLink is fully translation ready and can be easily translated to any language from admin area. Custom Code – Custom code can be added directly from appearance editor without the need to modify any files. In-Depth Documentation – BeLink comes with in depth documentation that explains everything from installation to usage of all the features. SEO Editor – SEO tags for all pages can be modified directly from appearance editor in admin area. Authentication – Fully featured authentication system including social login, recaptcha protection, option to completely disable registration and more. Mail Template Editor – Modify various mail templates (like user email confirmation) used by BeLink via built-in visual mail template editor. Contact Page – Allow users to contact you easily with questions via built in contact us page. Integrated Ads – 6 integrated ad slots. All you need to do is paste your ad codes in admin area and BeLink will display your ads in the corresponding slot on the site. Modern Design – BeLink features a clean, modern, professional design based on google material design specification. Settings – There are many settings that allow you to enable or disable functionality across the site, fine tune how links work, configure various date and time formats and much more. Google Analytics – Google analytics are fully integrated, all you need to do is enter your tracking code. Multiple Homepages – Choose between multiple homepages including default landing page, login page or your own custom html page. Sourcecode – Full original sourcode is provided with each purchase along with documenation on how to make custom modifications so you can make any changes you might need. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/belink-ultimate-url-shortener/24354590 Download: belink-v1.0.2.zip
  2. “Travel Agency” is a complete solution for Travel Agency Business Website and Management System with Booking Engine. This CMS Includes almost everything you need to make a travel agency business website, management system and booking engine. Clients can book any package very easily and no need for registration to complete the order. Paypal and stripe are integrated for easy payment transaction. It has many important sections whice are important for any travel agency business website and everything is fully dynamic. This system is fully responsive for any device. Admin can manage complete website without single line of coding knowledge. It has strong SQL injection protection system which will keep away this system from hackers. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/travel-agency-responsive-travel-agency-management-system-with-booking-engine/19867004 Download:
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  3. Multicrm is a Powerful Advanced CRM ready for Saas. Build on top of Laravel 5.7, Twitter Bootstrap and SCSS. CRM contains over 50 features & modules. Platform is easy to extend, customize, developer, can extend and modify application with short time. New features ## New Features in 3.1.x - Added Events to Leads & Contacts - Added Tab Filters (All, Assigned To Me) in Leads, Contacts, Accounts, Tickets) - Tickets module. Added new fields in ticket (Ticket Owner), Added Print view with QR Code - Accounts Module. Added new fields Payment Currency, Payment Condition, Extra ID - Invoices. Added QR Code. - Contact module. Added Websites (Customer internet adresses) - Contact module. Mailing List (Usable for integration with other applications) - Testimonials module. Extended fields and features. - Products module. Added additional dates feature. - Added static field (Example in Testimonial Form) - Added BapUpdate Command (Usable when updating from prev version) - Calls module. Added status field - Invoices module. Invoice Settings - Added default due days (number) - Companies module. Added new fields to list. - Added Force delete (Removes companies and users) - soft delete - Added possiblity to change displayed text size in generic datatables. - Send Welcome Email to new User What will customer get ^multicrm – Powerful Multi-Company Modular CRM Application Landing Page Website – Separate Application HTML Template that we use in ^multicrm Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/multicrm-multicompany-laravel-crm/22196657 Download:
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  4. Script Features Include: Media Upload User Authentication Facebook & Google Authentication User Profiles Commenting User Likes Full Admin Panel Multiple Color Schemes Add Pages NSFW Functionality Language Translation Ready And Much Much More… Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/ninja-media-script-viral-fun-media-sharing-site/6822888 Download:
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  5. View File DirectoryPlus V1.08 - Business Directory Script DirectoryPlus is an all-in-one solution for creating a Business Directory website. DirectoryPlus is a standalone PHP script that doesn’t require other platforms to function and allows you to create a directory website with only a few clicks. Directory Features Overview All native PHP code with a simple structural framework, any person with even a basic PHP knowledge is able to quickly understand what’s going on and make modifications Extremely fast page load times (< 500ms average) Works fine on cheap shared hosts even with thousands of listings(demo is running on a shared host) Super easy install, get up and running in 5 minutes Templating system based on Bootstrap 4 Configurable billing plans (free, paid, one time payment, monthly, annual, featured listing) Google Maps, Mapbox, OpenStreetMap, HERE, TomTom, Wikimedia Maps compatible Geolocation support (HTML 5 API) Coupons: business owners can create coupons to show on their listing pages Payment Gateways: Paypal, Stripe, subscription possible Custom fields for single categories or for all categories Search by custom field Claim listings so you can populate your site with listings then let business owners claim and pay for the listing Contact owner form for each listing Create static pages and blog posts using TinyMCE Rating system User reviews and comments Login with Facebook, Twitter and email account Multiple currencies support Responsive design looks good on mobile and desktop SEO optmized, friendly URLs, user-defined meta descriptions Translations files in plain text format (editable in notepad or similar) including the admin area Intuitive and simplified files and folders structure, no complicated nested folders makes it easy to edit Built-in contact page (contact site owner) with form to email Fast support Setup in less than five minutes DirectoryPlus comes with a one click installer that will get you up and running in no time. Just upload the files, edit the config file and hit the install page and click “Install”. Bootstrap based design DirectoryPlus uses Bootstrap 4’s layout grid, components and utilities extensively and it has a very neutral theme that can easily adapt to several business types. This also makes it easy for third party designers to make layout modifications because they only need to be familiar with the Bootstrap framework. Custom Fields DirectoryPlus allows you to create “Custom Fields” on the category level or create global custom fields. For example, you can create a “Delivery (yes/no)” field and it shows up only for listings in the “Food” category. Or you can create a “Free Wi-fi” field to let users search for listings that offer free wi-fi. Custom fields can be required/optional and also searchable. Monetize Your Directory Flexible pricing plans allows you to create one time payments as well as monthly and annual recurring subscriptions. Current payment gateways supported are: Paypal Stripe Claim Listings With this feature you can kickstart your directory by creating listings and let business owners claim and pay for the listings so that they can edit, correct and add additional information. Speed is a Feature. Fast Loading Times According to Google engineers, pages must load within 1000ms. This means that the users’ browsing experience deteriorate and switch mental context if the pages don’t completely load in much less than 1000ms (1 second). Directory Plus has been designed with page loading speed as a feature. All pages load fast and takes about 400ms to 800ms to load completely. You can test Page Load Times on Pingdom: https://tools.pingdom.com/ Please note that the only important metric is the Load Time in miliseconds. Create Pages DirectoryPlus comes with a CMS system that allows you to create blog posts and pages and uses the popular TinyMCE wysiwyg editor. You can define whether to show a post in the feed, if not, it will be a stand alone page. Map Providers DirectoryPlus supports multiple map providers: Mapbox, HERE, TomTom, Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap and Google Maps. You can choose one or multiple ones. If you select multiple map providers DirectoryPlus will randomly select one on every page load. Useful if you want to take advantage of the free usage quotas of multiple map providers. Coupons Allow business owners to create coupons for deals and discounts. Users can browse all coupons available on the site. Business Logos Each business can upload its own logo to show up as their main image on the directory. Logos will show in the results pages (search, categories, cities, etc) and on the business page as the main image next to the business name. Fully Brandable DirectoryPlus is a standalone PHP script that doesn’t require any other CMS platform. If you are building a directory for your client, it will not show that you are using another platform such as Wordpress. Use Cases You can use DirectoryPlus to build niche directories, here are some examples: Restaurants and bars directory Health care directory Automotive listings (dealers, repair, parts and supplies, tires, etc) Church listings Local area directory Night life directory Pets directory and much more Submitter Mahmoud Submitted 12/10/2018 Category Scripts Demo https://codecanyon.net/item/directoryplus-business-directory/22658605 Unlimited license
  6. Create your own Viral Geek Shop Website with this script. You can create a site like thisiswhyimbroke.com and many other popular product affiliate sites. Geekshop is built on top of Laravel and Voyager. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/geekshop-geeky-cool-product-site/19559053 Download:
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  7. This script makes it easy to manage a garage cooperative. Convenient control panel with notifications, garage card, gate count, billing and many other functions Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/garage-master-garage-management-system/22652605 Download: doniaweb.com_garage-master-v2.4.zip
  8. Menorah Restaurant is a full-fledged food ordering system for restaurants. Menorah Restaurant comes with a responsive design and user-friendly interface, which is compatible with desktops, laptops, mobile phones, and tablets. Menorah Restaurant is easy to set up and install. Menorah Restaurant comes with a lot of features like custom CMS, Order management, menu management, customer management, SMS Alerts, SEO optimization, Referral System etc..Using the admin panel, you can manage an order, create menu categories and items, and also set such parameters, as a currency, restaurant opening time, site language, site logo etc. From the admin panel, you can add, update data. Source: https://codecanyon.net/item/menorah-restaurant-restaurant-food-ordering-system/23180351 Download:
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  9. APP FEATURES Native Features Its fully native app, like camera,gesture controls Push Notifications Its come with push notifications Google Admob Make money with your mobile app through the google admob program Supported Modules App comes with Event,Page,Group,Marketplace,Music,Videos,Photo modules Custom Menu Links You can add custom menu from admin panel to display link in the app through WebView Post Background Crea8social let your members to use the new post background technology in their posts to beautify their post User Experience Our mobile apps comes with great user interface, ease of navigating to different features bring good user experience Drawer Menu with great animation Animation with navigating to different features Use of camera and Native features Demo: https://www.crea8social.com/apps Download:
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  10. Web Dating Businesses is the future of the Internet. Internet has changed a lot how we interact and nowadays over 80% users are using Internet to keep in touch with their friends or to meet people. People are now using Internet first than going to a pub for meeting others. The number of people who use Internet to date someone is increasing every year. Dating Businesses have also become the second most profitable niche on the Web and all leading dating businesses are increasing more and more their incomes every year. 100% Open Source, 100% Customizable, Based on a Modern & Innovative Pattern This Social Dating Software is 100% open source (unlike most competitors), in order to allow you to personalize as you really want! It also allows to create themes in an innovative way by writing/editing code as little as possible for maximum customization. Pictures, Videos, Chat, Instant Messaging, Games, ... “pH7CMS” Social Dating Software includes several modules to distract users and allow them to return again and again to your site and making it Viral & Fun! Social-Friendly, it also offers Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook integration, Chatroulette, Love Calculator, Instant Messenger, “Hot Or Not Clone”, Chatrooms, … Based on a Highly Secure Framework; Including Spam Protection Systems The software is based on the “pCO8 Security pH7Framework™”, which offers one of the highest protection against spam, brute-force attacks, duplicate content, mass messages, mass comments/posts, and has an UNIQUE algorithm protection system against Spam that helps you to fight against the most unwanted users. You are also able to block entire countries from accessing your website. Finally, it is fully protected against SQL injection, XSS, CSRF, Session Fixation, Authentication Hacking, Brute-Force Login, Reverse Tabnabbing phishing attacks and can even protect against some DDoS attacks! Attractive Responsive Design Get more visitors from any devices thanks pH7CMS. We created the Next Generation, Powerful & Elegant Design which is 100% compatible on Desktop and Mobile Phones. With pH7CMS, you get 4 responsive themes that makes your web app attractive & unique. pH7CMS can also be easily published into an Android/iOS webview mobile appthanks its Mobile-Optimized Templates. UGC Moderation System The software has been built to moderate absolutely all UGC (User-Generated Content). There are a lot of software out there that don’t even allow to remove profile avatars. pH7CMS definitely stops that! It also allows you to log in into any user accounts and do what you need. Finally, you can enable the smart “Nudity Detector” that automatically set all images uploaded by the users for approval (so you are sure there are no adult photos if you don’t want that). SEO-Friendly Highly optimized for Search Engines. pH7CMS has been built by a SEO expert. Sitemaps (including sub-sitemaps as well!), Automatic generation of unique page titles, meta description and meta keywords. Possibility to modify all URL names easily (via XML route files) and even translate all URLs in each language for multilingual websites (we’re the only ones to offer that!). The software also fully uses the features offered by the new hreflang attribute to get the best SEO rate although you have a multi-languages site. Create a Real Freedom Discussion Area Thanks to the powerful and interactive communication tools integrated in the software, your users can express their opinions, share their ideas and seize their unforgettable moments anywhere and interact directly and instantly with other users and friends around the world! Make Money in an Easey Way The software allows you to earn money easily by working a little bit (in the long term). With the Banner Module and the JavaScript Code Injector, you can easily integrate highly profitable affiliate programs. In addition, you can offer Paid Membership Plans to your users to get Smart Recurring Income. Finally thanks pH7CMS, you will be able to accept credit card payments from users the most popular payment gateways such as PayPal, Stripe, Braintree, 2CheckOutand Bitcoin. Users like to be anonymous on dating sites. Allowing to pay through Bitcoin is an excellent way to increase easily the retention rate of your users! Source: https://ph7cms.com Download:
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  11. Font AwesomePro Get more icons, styles, tools, & support. A Font Awesome Pro subscription includes a lifetime license to our icons and toolkit, plus renewable yearly access to new icons, software updates, services, and support. More Icons + Styles Ditch the mismatched look & get a real icon system. Every icon you'll ever need. In three styles. More Tools + Services Save time and get back to work with our full ecosystem of desktop tools and cloud services. Updates + Support Get software updates & new icons as they're ready. And Actual Human support when you need it. Demo: https://fontawesome.com/pro fontawesome-pro-5.7.0.zip
  12. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/pubg-tournament-app/23898180 Download: doniaweb.com_pubg-tournament-app.zip
  13. 400+ Happy users! Thank You So Much! Extra Flexible & Modern Classifieds MultiPurpose Portal solution with industry innovative features, specifically designed for easy customization, translation and use. Mobile apps are also available on market, scroll down for details Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/classifieds-multipurpose-portal-infinity-market/16572285 Download:
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  14. Version 1.6


    TikTok App| Short Video Creating – Video Status With Reward Point Android App TikTok App| Short Video Creating – Video Status With Reward Point Android App. User earn points from post video, like video , comment , registration, share etc. Earn point will be withdrawal in bank account. This App for creating and sharing short videos. The customizable social video application to build your own trending video sharing platform with video dubbing features, various filters & social media integrations & more. Build your unique Roposo / chingari / snack video / Tik Tok / Musical.ly / Dubsmash-like Clone Today! User Record Video within Application & add filter, Crop (Trim) video & post on Application. Also get video from gallary and upload on application server Share video on Facebook feed, stories, wall, Instagram stories, Whatsapp status (WA Status saver), post, Download videos, share to others. Top users show by earn points. Latest videos, New arrival videos show on application. there are other additional feature like about company, Privacy policy, Share app, Rate App, Login with Gmail & Login with facebook, Registration, Fibase push notifiation enable / disable. This application created by Android studio for client side and then Php (codeigniter) / MySQL for Admin side. Run under Android platform which is the most popular operating system in the world. By using this application you can save your money and time in creating application for your own Status Video application. Admin Panel URL :- https://www.divinetechs.com/envato/app/videostatus/ username :- [email protected] password :- admin
  15. Update 1/23/20 Crypterion is a multi-featured peer to peer, self hosted Cryptocurrency exchange platform. Crypterion comes with a responsive and customizable design. Unlike most Cryptocurrency exchange scripts out there, we support self hosted wallets, you get to provide free wallet service along side peer to peer interactive exchange. A few coins provided by BitGo are supported at the moment, Moreover, we can integrate/adapt your custom coin upon request provided that you have a reliable API service to integrate with. Here, you will find all the necessary information as regards to the installation and usage of the script. Feel free to check the FAQ section, you may discover one or two things which could be of help to you. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/crypterion-multifeatured-cryptocurrency-exchange-platform-with-selfhosted-wallets/25160482 Download: doniaweb.com_crypterion-multifeatured-cryptocurrency-exchange-platform-with-selfhosted-wallets.zip
  16. YouFetch is a library/class which allows you to fetch download links and information about any public YouTube video. YouFetch can even fetch download links for videos encrypted with YouTube cipher algorithm. It can fetch both audio and video streams, also the brief information about the video. No API keys are required. It follows 100% PSR standards so this can be used and integrated into any existing project with ease. Please note, this item is for Developers only. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/youfetch-youtube-video-downloader-class/22177159 Download:
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  17. Awebooking is built on the Laravel 5.8 framework. It helps build a website for renting homestays, villas, and rentals flexibly For a variety of payment gateways such as popular Bank Transfer, Paypal, Stripe in many countries around the world. We will also constantly update system to get more features to support higher and more specific requirements Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/awebooking-a-marketplace-for-homestays/25564281 Download:
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  18. mooSocial is the best social networking program to create a community or social site. Multiple functions - Extensible with multiple additional functions. MooSocial looks great on mobile devices and is easily accessible through mobile web apps or Android and iOS apps. Start your community site in minutes, it's easy to use, even without design and programming skills. Demo: https://moosocial.com/ mooSocial comes with all the features to create a successful social network, for example. blog, photo, group, event, video, theme ... MooSocial supports many ways to monetize, such as advertising services, unlimited membership or exclusive access rights. MooSocial can serve users in different languages. It can handle multiple languages, manuscripts, cultural conventions (currency, sorting rules, number and date formats ...) without redesign. Download: moosocial-v3.1.0.zip
  19. People, Are you tired of making mail to your clients over and over. We haveaneasy solution for you. LaraMailer is a simple, efficient email marketing application. There’s no super requirements and no advanced experience is required, You can make your email marketing campaign in just minutes. You can dynamically generate and send personalized e-mails to customers using SQL Server. Program gives you full control over e-mail you can send: use HTML to your messages. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/laramailer-email-marketing-application-with-multiple-smtp-support/21077275 Download:
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  20. Askk is a full-working PHP template where people can post, browse or edit questions and answers, help users who need to know something about any topic or just get answers to their own questions.Users are also allowed to post anonymous questions and answers, report inappropriate content/users, like and dislike answers.The Admin should daily check the database for reported content/users, and take action for it.The design is clean, code is commented and project folders and files are well organized in the package.This script can share the same database of the iOS and Android versions on back4app! Change Log April 15, 2021 - Updated to Android Studio 4.1.3 - Updated dependencies in build.gradle - Edited the 'openCamera()' function in the 'EditProfile.java' and 'PostScreen.java' files - Edited the 'fireInterstitialAd()' function in the 'XServerSDK.java' file Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/askk-web-php-social-qa-template/24002377 Download: doniaweb.com_askk-android-social-qa-application.zip
  21. SocialPlus is a good framework with all the features to build a successful social network! USER PROFILE Activity Feed Photos; photo albums Profile cover Reposition cover Slideshow instead a simple cover Tracks About, interests Groups follow Private photo albums Current status (post) Shared videos Friends Send, receive gifts Ability to indicate relative friends Profile Privacy Settings Profile Cover Picture Profile Search Searchable Custom Profile Fields Friendly Profile URL Block User Bookmark User Report User Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/social-plus-ultimate-social-network-platform/21391853 social-plus-v1.1.7.zip
  22. Simpleyd is a powerfull movie and tv series and people database. Along with extensive metadata for movies and people, it comes with best selections of high resolution posters and images. On average, over 1,000 images are added to database every single day. Simpleyd allows you to easily create your own fully functional Movies and TV shows site in minutes with zero coding skills. Movies series are update automatically to database. You don’t need to worry about adding new movies to database by yourself. This script is also integrated with 7 playable servers, all autoemebed. DEMO : http://smdb.aamish.net Download: smdb-v1.1.zip
  23. Acelle Mail – current version v3.0.18 (September, 6th 2018) Acelle Mail is a self hosted, open source, full-featured and easy to use Email Marketing Web Application written in PHP / Laravel 5 that lets you send high-volume marketing emails via your own server or through other email service (SMTP) providers. Acelle Mail comes as a fully open sourceproduct. Install Acelle on your own web server and you can use marketing/transaction emails without any limitation. You can get rid of expensive email services like Mailchimp, ActiveCampaign… as now you can have full control over the entire system of your own. Acelle can be configured to send email through your own SMTP servers like Postfix, Exim, Sendmail or Qmail. It can also integrate with other email service providers like Mailgun, SendGrid, SparkPost, ElasticEmail or Amazon SES. Demo:https://codecanyon.net/item/acelle-email-marketing-web-application/17796082 Download:
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  24. RSS News Make the building of News Sites Faster and Easier. It depends on Importing News from RSS Sources and Save them with Images (if found) to Database. RSS News has many Features : Responsive Design Using Bootstrap 3 RTL supported (Theme) New in V3.0.1 User Friendly Control Panel. Unlimited Categories . Unlimited RSS Sources . Unlimited Pages . Can Import News from any feed type ( RSS or Atom ). Can Import News Manually and Automatically . Use Smarty Templates Engine for more Flexibility in Theme Editing. Can Make Money with Three Built-in Adsense Spaces. Use LazyLoad For Image to Speed the Page Loading. Sitemaps (categories, news) Disqus Comments Integration Add Open Graph to display Image when share to facebook and more .. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/rss-news-autopilot-script/11812898 Download:
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  25. Track the prices of 2000+ Crypto Currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple etc. Crypto Currency Tracker is an ultimate platform to keep track of crypto market and prices. It has a clean, user-friendly, contemporary design, awesome features, continuous updates, 24/7 customer support and free installation on your server.. Source: https://codecanyon.net/item/crypto-currency-tracker-prices-charts-news-icos-info-and-more/21588008 Download:
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