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  1. A to Z SEO Tools v2 is a Search Engine Optimization Tools. We have more than 50 SEO Tools to keep track your SEO issues and help to improve the visibility of a website in search engines. It also helps to optimize web content by analyzing content for keywords, on-site links and other SEO considerations. Main Features: - User Management System - Oauth Login System Included (Twitter, Facebook and Google ) - Fully translatable to any language - Track your visitors traffic and input queries - Fully SEO-friendly URLs - Captcha protection system for SEO Tools - One-Click Ads integration - Powerful admin con Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/atoz-seo-tools-search-engine-optimization-tools/12170678 Download: atoz-seo-tools-v2.5.zip
  2. MTDb allows you to easily create your own fully functional movie and tv database or streaming site in minutes with zero coding knowledge. Demo of title page with enabled videos panel can be found here. Features Easy Installation – Install MTDb easily with no coding or server knowledge in a few minutes with our easy to use installer and documentation. Automation – MTDb can be set to “automated” mode which will automatically import and update news, movies, series, actors and other information from 3rd party sites. Content Management – MTDb can be used as a CMS, it allows you to fully create and modify everything from admin area including movies, series news, reviews, people and more. Videos – Various videos including trailers and full movies or episodes can easily be attached to titles from admin area or by regular site users, if this functionality is enabled. Lists – Regular users and admins can create lists of movies, series and people. Automated Homepage – Homepage including slider and all content can be fully automated or populated manually. Search – When “automated” mode is enabled, virtually any movie, series or person can be found via search. Related Titles – Similar titles can be suggested based on title genres and keywords. Full Information – MTDb can store and display all information about movies and series, including full credits, seasons, episodes, videos, images, revenue, budget, quotes, release dates and more. User Ratings and Reviews – MTDb includes fully featured ratings system allowing users to rate titles or leave a review along with their rating. Average of these ratings and reviews can then be shown as title overall rating. Browse Page – Browse page allows users to find movies or series based on various criteria, including genres, release date, budget, revenue, language, country, user score, certification and more. Appearance Editor – Easily manage your site appearance (colors, logo, landing page, menus etc) from appearance editor. Ads – Paste ad codes into integrated ad slots in admin panel and MTDb will display them automatically. Ajax Based – MTDb is ajax based application, which means it’s faster when a regular site and has no full page reloads when navigating between pages. Roles & Permissions – Assign roles and permissions to users to give or restrict access to specific functionality on the site. Analytics – Google analytics are integrated right into admin panel so you don’t need to open a separate page to see how your site is doing. Translatable – Site can be easily translated from admin panel, it also has multi-language suport. Responsive – MTDb is fully responsive and will work on desktop, mobile, tablet and other devices. Documentation – MTDb comes with in depth documentation that explains everything from installation to all the features. Authentication – Fully featured authentication system with social login (facebook, twitter and google), normal login, registration, password recovery, account settings and more. Disable Registration – Registration can be fully disabled from admin panel so only users you create manually from admin panel will be able to login. Professional Design – Pixel-perfect professional design based on google’s material design. Settings – Admin panel has many settings that allow you to fine-tune the site to your needs. Multiple Homepages – Choose between multiple homepages including landing page, login page or your own custom html page. Source Code – You will receive full, unencrypted source code upon purchase, allowing easy custom modifications. Latest version 3.1.3 | Changelog Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/mtdb-ultimate-movietv-database/6447206 Download: mtdb-ultimate-movietv-database-v3.1.3.zip
  3. BeDrive allows you to create your own fully-featured, self-hosted file sharing and hosting website in minutes without any coding or server management knowledge. Admin Account and Panel When accessing login page on demo site, you will get admin account credentials pre-filled. Note that destructive actions like deleting and editing are disabled on demo site. Admin accounts will reset every hour and be populated with some sample files. To test a regular user, create a fresh account byregistering on demo site. Features Easy Installation – Install BeDrive easily with no coding or server knowledge in a few minutes with our easy to use installer and documentation. Ajax Based – BeDrive is ajax based application, which means it’s faster when a regular site and has no page refreshes. Sharing – Users can share files and folders with multiple users, allowing collaboration. Uploads – See status, progress, estimated time left and more for all current uploads. Shareable Links – Create publicly shareable links for files and folders with optional expiration date, password and permissions. Translatable – Site can be easily translated from admin panel, it also has multi-language suport. Responsive – BeDrive is fully responsive and will work on desktop, mobile, tablet and other devices. File Previews – Preview multiple file types including audio, video, text, pdf, zip and images right in the browser without the need to download the file. Amazon S3, DigitalOcean, Dropbox Storage – Easily store user upload files on many different cloud services and providers. Documentation – BeDrive comes with in depth documentation that explains everything from installation to all the features. Authentication – Fully featured authentication system with social login(facebook, twitter and google), normal login, registration, password recovery, account settings and more. Roles & Permissions – Assign roles and permissions to users to give or restrict access to specific functionality on the site. Disable Registration – Registration can be fully disabled from admin panel so only users you create manually from admin panel will be able to login. Grid and List views – Both grid and list views are available and freely switchable by the user so they can select the one they prefer more. Ads – Paste ad codes into integrated ad slots in admin panel and BeDrive will display them automatically. Professional Design – Pixel-perfect professional design based on google’s material design. Appearance Editor – Easily manage your site appearance (colors, logo, landing page, menus etc) from appearance editor. Settings – Admin panel has many settings that allow you to fine-tune the site to your needs. Analytics – Google analytics are integrated right into admin panel so you don’t need to open a separate page to see how your site is doing. Multiple Homepages – Choose between multiple homepages including landing page, login page or your own custom html page. (Optional) Payments system – BeDrive comes with integrated subscription system that allows you to effortlessly offer your users plans with different amounts of space available (fully configurable by you), this system can be completely disabled as well, if not needed. Drag and Drop – Natural drag and drop features for uploading, selecting and moving files & folders. Context Menu – Fully integrated context menu (right click on file or folder) is available with all the actions you’d expect like delete, copy, share, move, rename, get link and more. This menu can be accessed from navigation bar as well on touch based devices. Trash – Deleted items will first be moved to trash so they can be restored later. Favorites – Favorite files or folders so you can find them easily from favorites page later. Search – Powerful search will find files and folders that are at any level of depth. File Details – Sidebar on the right will display selected file or folder details as well as preview (if available). Source Code – You will receive full, unencrypted source code upon purchase, allowing easy custom modifications. Latest version 2.1.3 | Changelog Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/bedrive-file-sharing-and-cloud-storage/12700384 Download: codecanyon-12700384-bedrive-file-sharing-and-cloud-storage.zip
  4. InstantPost, it’s a complete instagram Poster solution that allows you to auto post (Images / Multi Image / Videos) to instagram, schedule and manage. InstantPost include story and story poll posting. It is a web-based app and fairly easy to use and easy to operate. You can manage all those instagram Posting from one place. Managing all posting media for business purpose is a huge pain. InstantPost helps you save time managing multiple instagram accounts. So we made this to make your life easy. This application comes with a lot of handy features along with almost all types of social posting soluation. It will make your life so much easier. Lets reviews its features. Instagram General Poster (Image/Video). Instagram Story Post Instagram Story Pull Post Multi-user & SAAS Application. Multil-account Support. Multilangual Support. Social Login (Google+, Facebook) Payment Management (Paypal + Stripe). One click installation. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/instantpost/22597279 Download: instantpost-v1.4.zip
  5. DevStack : Devstack is a platform for developers , Where developers register into specific communities and can view articles , questions , projects , developers available in that community . Later a developer can also follow other communities . Basically it is like a social network for developers , Where they can get all the stuff at one place . Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/devstack-developers-network/22819232 Download: devstack-developers-network-v1.0.zip
  6. ShadowMsg, it’s a complete Facebook Messaging solution for Page.Facebook Messenger Marketing is now the alternative of Email. ShadowMsg has Auto Reply, Auto comment, Auto Like & Bulk message sending with comment hide delete. It has two type auto reply & comment account wise & post wise. Every auto reply and comment has two part one is Universal Auto reply & comment which means common auto reply & comment for every lead and the another is Bot Auto Reply & Comment which means filter auto reply & comment with her comment. Page Posting feature with auto share (Text, Image, Link, Video). It is a web-based app and fairly easy to use and easy to operate. You can manage all those Facebook Posting from one place. Managing all posting media for business purpose is a huge pain. ShadowMsg helps you save time managing multiple Facebook accounts. So we made this to make your life easy. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/shadowmsg/22848583 Download: shadowmsg-v1.6.zip
  7. Worketic is a Freelance Marketplace Laravel Application with some exciting features and excellent code quality. It has been designed and developed after thorough research to cater the requirements of people interested in building freelance marketplace or other similar projects. The design is contemporary but at the same time it focuses on the usability, visual hierarchy and aesthetics to ensure easy navigation for the end users. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/worketic-market-place-for-freelancers/23712284 Download: worketic-v1.1.zip
  8. Sendy is an email application that allows you to send monitored emails through Amazon Simple Email Service (SES). This allows you to send authenticated bulk emails at an insanely low price without compromising deliverability. Demo: https://sendy.co/ Download: sendy-v4.0.2.zip
  9. Courier DEPRIXA PRO v3.2.6.2 It is a software designed for companies that handle loads that require a system to monitor the logistics of storage and handling of cargo to its final destination, binding modules collection that will create automatic billing, according to the dimensions , weight and shape of said load handling. Additional Courier DEPRIXA PRO v3.2.6.2, The advantage of this software is that it is a web system, allowing it to be accessed from a PC, Tablet or Smartphone possessing an Internet connection. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/courier-deprixa-pro-integrated-web-system-v32/15216982 Download: courier-deprixa-pro-v3.2.6.2.zip
  10. What is StockPile? StockPile makes the process of managing an inventory based business much easier. All of your inventory, orders and customers managed and accounted for in one place. All your products managed in one place. It’s simple, efficient and easy to control. A smart way to create sales and purchase orders. Stocks, warehouses, currencies, taxes and price-lists in one system, not on spreadsheets. Collaborate with your whole team using permissions for each member. Save the time you spend on process and use it to explore new opportunities. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/stockpile-complete-inventory-and-order-management-system/19286825 Download: stockpile-v1.7.zip
  11. LCRM SAAS is a CRM software which you can run on your own server and offer it as a SAAS product for free or paid. Updates 1.1 – 15-03-2019 Added option to create staff from UI Added trending price plans feature Added backup feature Added TODO feature Marked many fields as optional Fixed image upload issues Fixed many small bugs Source: https://codecanyon.net/item/lcrm-saas-run-your-own-saas-crm/21392671 Download: lcrmsaas-v1.1.zip
  12. VFM is a simple and flexible plug-and-play file manager, easy to use and plenty of options. Send files to your customers, create new users with dedicated folders, or simply use it as your personal file cloud. Access from any device, manage users and general settings from an intuitive administration panel, customize it to your brand. - Easy installation: simply copy all VFM files to your server, do your first login and update your password. That’s it. - No DataBase needed - No coding skills required - Supports any language (including Right-to-Left option) - Chunked file uploads: with the HTML5 file api you can upload BIG files without worring about your server upload_max_filesize limit Source: https://codecanyon.net/item/veno-file-manager-host-and-share-files/6114247 Download: veno-file-manager-v3.4.8.zip
  13. A to Z SEO Tools v2 is a Search Engine Optimization Tools. We have more than 50 SEO Tools to keep track your SEO issues and help to improve the visibility of a website in search engines. It also helps to optimize web content by analyzing content for keywords, on-site links and other SEO considerations. Main Features: - User Management System - Oauth Login System Included (Twitter, Facebook and Google ) - Fully translatable to any language - Track your visitors traffic and input queries - Fully SEO-friendly URLs - Captcha protection system for SEO Tools - One-Click Ads integration - Powerful admin control panel - Easy Maintenance Mode - Google analytics support - Responsive design - Inbuilt Sitemap Generator - Advance Mailer for Account Activation, Password reset etc.. - Support both SMTP and Native PHP mail - Contact page for visitors to contact you easily - Create unlimited custom pages - Add-ons Support - Support Theme customization / Custom coded themes - Two Simple Themes included on the Package! - Inbuilt Easy Installer Panel List of SEO Tools: Article Rewriter Plagiarism Checker Backlink Maker Meta Tag Generator Meta Tags Analyzer Keyword Position Checker Robots.txt Generator XML Sitemap Generator Backlink Checker Alexa Rank Checker Word Counter Online Ping Website Tool Link Analyzer Google Pagespeed Insights Checker My IP Address Keyword Density Checker Google Malware Checker Domain Age Checker Whois Checker Domain into IP URL Rewriting Tool www Redirect Checker Mozrank Checker URL Encoder / Decoder Bulk GEO IP Locator (Free Addon) Color Picker Tool (Free Addon) Server Status Checker Webpage Screen Resolution Simulator Page Size Checker Reverse IP Domain Checker Blacklist Lookup Suspicious Domain Checker Link Price Calculator *Website Screenshot Generator Domain Hosting Checker Get Source Code of Webpage Google Index Checker Website Links Count Checker Class C Ip Checker Online Md5 Generator Page Speed Checker Code to Text Ratio Checker Find DNS records What is my Browser Email Privacy Google Cache Checker Broken Links Finder Search Engine Spider Simulator Keywords Suggestion Tool Domain Authority Checker Page Authority Checker RGB to Hex (Free Addon) Htaccess Redirect Generator (Free Addon) Source: https://codecanyon.net/item/atoz-seo-tools-search-engine-optimization-tools/12170678 Download: atoz-seo-tools-v2.3.zip
  14. Premium URL Shortener is a PHP URL shortener script packed with many unique features. It has been built from scratch with performance in mind. Some of the features include geotargeting, premium membership, powerful dashboard and admin panel and a series of CMS tools to help you build your dream. Furthermore, it will keep getting better with each update! Change Log Version 5.5 (18/03/2019) + Added custom schemes + Added option to change length of random alias + Added option to modify email messages + Added unique clicks counter tracker (faster stats page) + Added option to choose domain when editing links + Fixed pixels issue + Fixed delete bundle issue + Fixed display advanced feature Source: https://codecanyon.net/item/premium-url-shortener/3688135 Download: premium-url-shortener-v5.5.zip
  15. MTDb – new version 3.1.1 with many new features and improvements is now available! MTDb allows you to easily create your own fully functional movie and tv database or streaming site in minutes with zero coding knowledge. Demo of title page with enabled videos panel can be found here. Features Easy Installation – Install MTDb easily with no coding or server knowledge in a few minutes with our easy to use installer and documentation. Automation – MTDb can be set to “automated” mode which will automatically import and update news, movies, series, actors and other information from 3rd party sites. Content Management – MTDb can be used as a CMS, it allows you to fully create and modify everything from admin area including movies, series news, reviews, people and more. Videos – Various videos including trailers and full movies or episodes can easily be attached to titles from admin area or by regular site users, if this functionality is enabled. Lists – Regular users and admins can create lists of movies, series and people. Automated Homepage – Homepage including slider and all content can be fully automated or populated manually. Search – When “automated” mode is enabled, virtually any movie, series or person can be found via search. Related Titles – Similar titles can be suggested based on title genres and keywords. Full Information – MTDb can store and display all information about movies and series, including full credits, seasons, episodes, videos, images, revenue, budget, quotes, release dates and more. User Ratings and Reviews – MTDb includes fully featured ratings system allowing users to rate titles or leave a review along with their rating. Average of these ratings and reviews can then be shown as title overall rating. Browse Page – Browse page allows users to find movies or series based on various criteria, including genres, release date, budget, revenue, language, country, user score, certification and more. Appearance Editor – Easily manage your site appearance (colors, logo, landing page, menus etc) from appearance editor. Ads – Paste ad codes into integrated ad slots in admin panel and MTDb will display them automatically. Ajax Based – MTDb is ajax based application, which means it’s faster when a regular site and has no full page reloads when navigating between pages. Roles & Permissions – Assign roles and permissions to users to give or restrict access to specific functionality on the site. Analytics – Google analytics are integrated right into admin panel so you don’t need to open a separate page to see how your site is doing. Translatable – Site can be easily translated from admin panel, it also has multi-language suport. Responsive – MTDb is fully responsive and will work on desktop, mobile, tablet and other devices. Documentation – MTDb comes with in depth documentation that explains everything from installation to all the features. Authentication – Fully featured authentication system with social login (facebook, twitter and google), normal login, registration, password recovery, account settings and more. Disable Registration – Registration can be fully disabled from admin panel so only users you create manually from admin panel will be able to login. Professional Design – Pixel-perfect professional design based on google’s material design. Settings – Admin panel has many settings that allow you to fine-tune the site to your needs. Multiple Homepages – Choose between multiple homepages including landing page, login page or your own custom html page. Source Code – You will receive full, unencrypted source code upon purchase, allowing easy custom modifications. Source: https://codecanyon.net/item/mtdb-ultimate-movietv-database/6447206 Download: mtdb-ultimate-movietv-database-v3.1.1.zip
  16. Web Dating Businesses is the future of the Internet. Internet has changed a lot how we interact and nowadays over 80% users are using Internet to keep in touch with their friends or to meet people. People are now using Internet first than going to a pub for meeting others. The number of people who use Internet to date someone is increasing every year. Dating Businesses have also become the second most profitable niche on the Web and all leading dating businesses are increasing more and more their incomes every year. 100% Open Source, 100% Customizable, Based on a Modern & Innovative Pattern This Social Dating Software is 100% open source (unlike most competitors), in order to allow you to personalize as you really want! It also allows to create themes in an innovative way by writing/editing code as little as possible for maximum customization. Pictures, Videos, Chat, Instant Messaging, Games, ... “pH7CMS” Social Dating Software includes several modules to distract users and allow them to return again and again to your site and making it Viral & Fun! Social-Friendly, it also offers Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook integration, Chatroulette, Love Calculator, Instant Messenger, “Hot Or Not Clone”, Chatrooms, … Based on a Highly Secure Framework; Including Spam Protection Systems The software is based on the “pCO8 Security pH7Framework™”, which offers one of the highest protection against spam, brute-force attacks, duplicate content, mass messages, mass comments/posts, and has an UNIQUE algorithm protection system against Spam that helps you to fight against the most unwanted users. You are also able to block entire countries from accessing your website. Finally, it is fully protected against SQL injection, XSS, CSRF, Session Fixation, Authentication Hacking, Brute-Force Login, Reverse Tabnabbing phishing attacks and can even protect against some DDoS attacks! Attractive Responsive Design Get more visitors from any devices thanks pH7CMS. We created the Next Generation, Powerful & Elegant Design which is 100% compatible on Desktop and Mobile Phones. With pH7CMS, you get 4 responsive themes that makes your web app attractive & unique. pH7CMS can also be easily published into an Android/iOS webview mobile appthanks its Mobile-Optimized Templates. UGC Moderation System The software has been built to moderate absolutely all UGC (User-Generated Content). There are a lot of software out there that don’t even allow to remove profile avatars. pH7CMS definitely stops that! It also allows you to log in into any user accounts and do what you need. Finally, you can enable the smart “Nudity Detector” that automatically set all images uploaded by the users for approval (so you are sure there are no adult photos if you don’t want that). SEO-Friendly Highly optimized for Search Engines. pH7CMS has been built by a SEO expert. Sitemaps (including sub-sitemaps as well!), Automatic generation of unique page titles, meta description and meta keywords. Possibility to modify all URL names easily (via XML route files) and even translate all URLs in each language for multilingual websites (we’re the only ones to offer that!). The software also fully uses the features offered by the new hreflang attribute to get the best SEO rate although you have a multi-languages site. Create a Real Freedom Discussion Area Thanks to the powerful and interactive communication tools integrated in the software, your users can express their opinions, share their ideas and seize their unforgettable moments anywhere and interact directly and instantly with other users and friends around the world! Make Money in an Easey Way The software allows you to earn money easily by working a little bit (in the long term). With the Banner Module and the JavaScript Code Injector, you can easily integrate highly profitable affiliate programs. In addition, you can offer Paid Membership Plans to your users to get Smart Recurring Income. Finally thanks pH7CMS, you will be able to accept credit card payments from users the most popular payment gateways such as PayPal, Stripe, Braintree, 2CheckOutand Bitcoin. Users like to be anonymous on dating sites. Allowing to pay through Bitcoin is an excellent way to increase easily the retention rate of your users! Source: https://ph7cms.com Download:
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  17. Luxx – Clients, Invoices and Projects Management Platform for Small Business Features: - Personal Contacts, Clients, Developers and Other Contacts - Projects with Tasks and Project Workers - Invoices with Invoice Items Demo: - Website: http://mouple.tk/demo/luxx/ - Demo E-mail: [email protected] - Demo Password: demo12345 Note: Modules are not included in the purchased script. They are sold separately. Source: https://codecanyon.net/item/luxx-clients-projects-and-invoices-management-platform/22612310 Download: luxx-invoices-management-platform.zip
  18. We are providing you free installation and testing services. After purchase send us your envato purchase code with username and server details at [email protected] .Job Links is best and most complete job management script with paypal integration. You will get paid by offering premium jobs to employers. It comes with 3 types of users roles Admin, Employer, Job seekers. Everyone will manage their account with elegant dashboard. There is a very powerful admin panel for admins to manage each and everything of website. It will provide various companies to place their vacancy profile on the site and also have an option to search candidate resumes. Apart from this there will be an admin module for the customer to make changes to the database content. Source: https://codecanyon.net/item/job-links-complete-job-management-script/20672089 Download: job-links-v1.0.zip
  19. Make a Chrome Extension / App in less that 1 minute with our powerful tool… Ever wanted to make your own Google Chrome Extension / App, but didn’t know how to do ? With Google Chrome App Maker, you can make your own Chrome Extension / App very, very, very easily And the best….........you can make an UNLIMITED number of Chrome Extension / App With Chrome App Maker, you will generate a Chrome Web App packed in .zip archive. So this App will link to your website Why create a Google Chrome Extension / App ? Reach more customers (more than 120 million Google Chrome users) Earn revenue (selling your Apps to Chrome users) Get discovered more easily (more people flock to the Chrome store to find applications. They can find YOUR site) Get your brand out to the world *Requirement : PHP. No API or database needed / the script include a comprehensive guide Source: https://codecanyon.net/item/make-chrome-app-within-1-minute/7229691 Download: chrome-app-maker-v2.0.zip
  20. PHP Social Microblogging Twitter is a script style, designed to share news, events, or simply what you want, through publications of 140 characters, and may refer to other users, create Hashtag and share with other site users. a part of it can upload images, videos from Youtube or Vimeo. Follow other users, send direct messages and other features that will be described below. source: https://codecanyon.net/item/php-social-microblogging/5095921 Download: php-social-microblogging-v3.1.1.zip
  21. Track the prices of 2000+ Crypto Currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple etc. Crypto Currency Tracker is an ultimate platform to keep track of crypto market and prices. It has a clean, user-friendly, contemporary design, awesome features, continuous updates, 24/7 customer support and free installation on your server.. Source: https://codecanyon.net/item/crypto-currency-tracker-prices-charts-news-icos-info-and-more/21588008 Download:
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  22. Menorah Restaurant is a full-fledged food ordering system for restaurants. Menorah Restaurant comes with a responsive design and user-friendly interface, which is compatible with desktops, laptops, mobile phones, and tablets. Menorah Restaurant is easy to set up and install. Menorah Restaurant comes with a lot of features like custom CMS, Order management, menu management, customer management, SMS Alerts, SEO optimization, Referral System etc..Using the admin panel, you can manage an order, create menu categories and items, and also set such parameters, as a currency, restaurant opening time, site language, site logo etc. From the admin panel, you can add, update data. Source: https://codecanyon.net/item/menorah-restaurant-restaurant-food-ordering-system/23180351 Download:
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  23. Easily sell your domains with a stylish and fully responsive theme. No coding experience is needed as it comes with a user friendly visual editor that manages your content, template colours and adds new domains you wish to sell from just one install. Key features: • Visual Editor to manage content and theme (no coding experience needed!) • Fully Responsive • Google Adsense Enabled • Multi domain supported which means you only need to install once • Clean optimised code written in PHP • Google reCAPCHA for spam protection • Jquery Push Menu • Ajax Contact Form • Detailed instructions in setting up template • Fast, friendly support • Free updates Source: https://themeforest.net/item/domain-seller-domain-for-sale-php-landing-page/22592985 Download: domain-seller-v1.0.zip
  24. Are you looking to utilize the full visual editing power of our Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin WITHOUT using WordPress?If you don’t have the option to use WordPress on your server or just don’t want to, the Slider Revolution jQuery Visual Editor Addon which (only) works in conjunction with our Slider Revolution Responsive jQuery Plugin is the best choice.SERVER REQUIREMENTSPHP 5.3+ and MySQL 5.0+These requirements are default features of almost all web hosters. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/slider-revolution-jquery-visual-editor-addon/13934907 Download:
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  25. Live Stream Pre-Recorded Video To Instagram - Module for Stackposts is one of the awesome modules for Stackposts app. It allows and helps you to easily schedules live stream to Instagram accounts. Note: This module is not standalone app. To use this module, you need to get main Stackpost app from here:https://goo.gl/usfSVz Features: Live Stream Pre-Recorded Video To Instagram Schedule a live video broadcast from your Instagram accounts Dowload video from Youtube to live stream Preview live stream before publish Add watermark for video live stream Report live stream Many useful and awesome features from main Stackposts app: https://goo.gl/usfSVz. Server Requirements & Installation PHP v5.6 / v7 & MySQL v5.x Make sure your server has FFMPEGinstalled. (ffmpeg version atleast: libpostproc 53. 3.100) Make sure exec() is available in server. Demo Website: http://demo.stackposts.com/modules/ Username: [email protected] Password: 123456 End-User License Agreement Please read this agreement carefully before installing or using this product. If you agree to all of the terms of this End-User License Agreement, by checking the box or clicking the button to confirm your acceptance when you first install the web application, you are agreeing to all the terms of this agreement. Also, By downloading, installing, using, or copying this web application, you accept and agree to be bound by the terms of this End-User License Agreement, you are agreeing to all the terms of this agreement. If you do not agree to all of these terms, do not check the box or click the button and/or do not use, copy or install the web application, and uninstall the web application from all your server that you own or control. Note: With Stackposts, We are using the official Social Media API (Facebook, Twitter etc, except Instagram) which is available on Developer Center. That is a reason why Stackpost depends on Social Media API . Therefore, We are not responsible if they made too many critical changes in their side. We also don’t guarantee that the compatibility of the script with Socia Media API will be forever. Although we always try to update the lastest version of script as soon as possible. We don’t provide any refund for all problems which are originated from Social Media API (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc). We’re not responsible for any issue related to the social accounts. If you do not accept the terms of this agreement and you purchased a product containing the web application from an authorized retailer, you may be eligible to return the product for a refund, subject to the terms and conditions of the applicable return policy. Important notice: We don’t offer free support (Time support can up to 2 days) We don’t offer refund (If item has been Dowloaded or Mistake) We don’t support install and custom script free Read all the product information before you decide to buy it Note: You cannot charge users for using this script with the Regular license. Kindly buy the Extended license for commercial use of this script. Demo: https://stackposts.com/p/instagram-live-with-recorded-video-module-for-stackposts Download: instagram.zip
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