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  1. 106 downloads

    This is a premium plugin which can be purchased on our store and integrated with your site to give your members ability to make both Video and Audio calls seamlessly. It is a modern two-way video conference plugin for making both video and voice call between two users in real-time. Demo: https://demo.crea8social.com/message s Note: It requires Twilio API and SSL Certificate
  2. MTDb allows you to easily create your own fully functional movie and tv database or streaming site in minutes with zero coding knowledge. Demo of title page with enabled videos panel can be found here. Features Easy Installation – Install MTDb easily with no coding or server knowledge in a few minutes with our easy to use installer and documentation. Automation – MTDb can be set to “automated” mode which will automatically import and update news, movies, series, actors and other information from 3rd party sites. Content Management – MTDb can be used as a CMS, it allows you to fully create and modify everything from admin area including movies, series news, reviews, people and more. Videos – Various videos including trailers and full movies or episodes can easily be attached to titles from admin area or by regular site users, if this functionality is enabled. Lists – Regular users and admins can create lists of movies, series and people. Automated Homepage – Homepage including slider and all content can be fully automated or populated manually. Search – When “automated” mode is enabled, virtually any movie, series or person can be found via search. Related Titles – Similar titles can be suggested based on title genres and keywords. Full Information – MTDb can store and display all information about movies and series, including full credits, seasons, episodes, videos, images, revenue, budget, quotes, release dates and more. User Ratings and Reviews – MTDb includes fully featured ratings system allowing users to rate titles or leave a review along with their rating. Average of these ratings and reviews can then be shown as title overall rating. Browse Page – Browse page allows users to find movies or series based on various criteria, including genres, release date, budget, revenue, language, country, user score, certification and more. Appearance Editor – Easily manage your site appearance (colors, logo, landing page, menus etc) from appearance editor. Ads – Paste ad codes into integrated ad slots in admin panel and MTDb will display them automatically. Ajax Based – MTDb is ajax based application, which means it’s faster when a regular site and has no full page reloads when navigating between pages. Roles & Permissions – Assign roles and permissions to users to give or restrict access to specific functionality on the site. Analytics – Google analytics are integrated right into admin panel so you don’t need to open a separate page to see how your site is doing. Translatable – Site can be easily translated from admin panel, it also has multi-language suport. Responsive – MTDb is fully responsive and will work on desktop, mobile, tablet and other devices. Documentation – MTDb comes with in depth documentation that explains everything from installation to all the features. Authentication – Fully featured authentication system with social login (facebook, twitter and google), normal login, registration, password recovery, account settings and more. Disable Registration – Registration can be fully disabled from admin panel so only users you create manually from admin panel will be able to login. Professional Design – Pixel-perfect professional design based on google’s material design. Settings – Admin panel has many settings that allow you to fine-tune the site to your needs. Multiple Homepages – Choose between multiple homepages including landing page, login page or your own custom html page. Source Code – You will receive full, unencrypted source code upon purchase, allowing easy custom modifications. Latest version 3.1.3 | Changelog Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/mtdb-ultimate-movietv-database/6447206 Download: mtdb-ultimate-movietv-database-v3.1.3.zip
  3. This sketch tool is intended to be used in projects where you need drawing capabilities. Comes packed with simple round brushes in three diferent stroke sizes and 8 different colors to pick from by default. An eraser tool and a button to clear the canvas and start a new drawing are also included. The sketch tool is mobile ready, with support for touch input. These tools and options are completly and easily customizable: add the amount of brush variations or colors you need for your project by simply twiking a couple of lines of code. It’s also easy to add-on new features of your own. The package also comes with a PHP function to process and export a PNG image of the drawing. All completely customisable and easy to edit. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/html5-sketch-tool/21447361 Download: html5-sketch-tool-v1.0.zip
  4. WoWonder Timeline is a social timeline application for WoWonder social network, with WoWonder Timeline users can Post & Interact with users feeds and like and comment and more , now using the application is easier, and more fun ! WoWonder Timeline is easy, secured, and it will be regularly updated. Updates Android ( Stable Version 2.5.8 ) 27 August 2019 Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/mobile-native-timeline-applications-for-wowonder-social-php-script/19703216 Download: doniaweb.com_mobile-native-timeline-applications-v2.5.8-for-wowonder.zip
  5. EVERYTHING WHICH YOU NEED TO START A LARAVEL PROJECT! Laravel is the most popular PHP framework since since its inception. Vue.js is new but its gaining lots of attention from all over the world since last 2 year. You can generate some awesome apps by combining Laravel & Vue.js. There are many Laravel+Vue.js starter kit available but none of them are complete enough to get started. Some lacks with basic functionality like authentication, some with sample CRUD module, some with responsive layout etc. I tried to create one starter kit with some basic features like authentication, registration, user profile with a sample task module which is built on latest version of bootstrap.This script can be handy enough for your new Laravel+Vue.js project & will surely speed-up your project development time. If you are working first time on Laravel+Vue.js or learning Vue.js then this is perfect script to get started. Instead of developing your project from scratch, you can choose to start with our script & use the basic features with few clicks. You will also get a responsive bootstrap 4.1 theme by (Wrappixel.com) to give awesome experience to you/your clients. This script will be updated regularily with latest version of framework & plugins. Please share your feedback, feature request which will be surely implemented in upcoming versions. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/laravel-vuejs-starter-kit-with-bootstrap4-admin-template/20516111 Download: laravel-vuejs-starter-kit-with-bootstrap4-admin-template.zip
  6. PHP Social Microblogging Twitter is a script style, designed to share news, events, or simply what you want, through publications of 140 characters, and may refer to other users, create Hashtag and share with other site users. a part of it can upload images, videos from Youtube or Vimeo. Follow other users, send direct messages and other features that will be described below. source: https://codecanyon.net/item/php-social-microblogging/5095921 Download: php-social-microblogging-v3.1.1.zip
  7. vCity is an online browser game platform that is developed with the latest web technologies. vCity is multifunctional game script that will help you to create your own online browser game to your liking, because it has many options and settings by which to modify and create your desired browser game. It can be easily customized to fit your needs and will help you to create the most respected virtual life game in the world. vCity is a fully functional browser based game engine. Its an easy-to-use, feature-packed PHP script with which you can efficiently create your very own gaming website in minutes. Also one of the important features of vCity is that you can earn real money through the integrated paid services in the game – just invest as purchasing it here and create your own game from which you can make real money. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/vcity-online-browser-game/21398810 Download: vcity-online-browser-game-v1.6.zip
  8. Feature list : Automatically display your courses from WPLMS Site. Automatically recognise user logins from your site. Students can register directly in the app and their account is created in the site. Students can browse courses in the App – directory and subscribe to the courses. Students can enrol themselves in free courses or pay via website – WooCommerce checkout system which supports multiple payment gateways. Students can keep track of their courses on App or website in sync. Students courses are loaded and available in offline mode. Administrator can send notifications and updates to App users. Administrator can remove/force logout users from the app. Wishlist feature in app. Blog feature in app. Quiz with MCQ, MCC, Fill blank, Select drop, text answer type. Quiz results section. User Dashboards with Course and Quiz graphs. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/wplms-learning-management-system-app-for-education-elearning/20632362 Download: wplms-learning-management-system-app-v2.6.zip
  9. Ion2FullApp is the most complete Starter App for Ionic2. It includes more than 34 carefully designed views and components. Hand crafted by Professionals, this multipurpose app template includes tons of different components to build the app you need. We offer 3 different versions of this app with more screens and functionalities so you can choose which one fits your needs. The app uses SASS, which basically is CSS with super powers. Each component has its dedicated sass files and partials well structured with independent variables so you can have maximum modularity, flexibility and customizability. Ionic framework is an open source front-end SDK for developing awesome hybrid mobile apps with HTML5, CSS and JavaScript. Ionic is focused mainly on the look and feel, and UI interaction of your app. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/ion2fullapp-full-ionic-2-app-template/20312002 Download: ion2fullapp-elite-v1.1.3.zip
  10. Prorank Script is a tool to analyze websites to find weaknesses related to competition and make a suggestions to improve your website rankings. It also has a module for analysis of technologies used on the website. Prorank Script allows you to create a website in less than 5 minutes. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/prorank-analyzer-stats-website/18722377 Download:
    Hidden Content.
  11. Postpoint is an online marketing tool auto posting web application that allows you to auto post to Facebook, schedule and manage your Facebook accounts at the same time. Postpoint helps you save time managing multiple Facebook accounts. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/facebook-auto-post-schedulerpostpoint-facebook/22259242 Download:
    Hidden Content.
  12. VFM is a simple and flexible plug-and-play file manager, easy to use and plenty of options. Send files to your customers, create new users with dedicated folders, or simply use it as your personal file cloud. Access from any device, manage users and general settings from an intuitive administration panel, customize it to your brand. - Easy installation: simply copy all VFM files to your server, do your first login and update your password. That’s it. - No DataBase needed - No coding skills required - Supports any language (including Right-to-Left option) - Chunked file uploads: with the HTML5 file api you can upload BIG files without worring about your server upload_max_filesize limit Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/veno-file-manager-host-and-share-files/6114247 Dowload: doniaweb.com_veno-file-manager-v3.5.2.zip
  13. 23 downloads

    Uranus is a responsive skin only compatible with Nextpost Instagram v4.1.1+ Easy to use, easier to install and customizable. It’s an excellent choice for using Nextpost with the Extended license. This skin is not standalone app. You need to get main Nextpost Instagram app to use this skin. You can get main Nextpost Instagram app from: https://goo.gl/IZNMaA Modern & Responsive UI Simple & Clean Code Easy Installation Automated price lists Mobile Responsive Sign in, Sign up, Password Recovery pages Privacy & Term fo Services page templates Changelog version 1.0 – July, 2018 - Initial Release
  14. eSMS – Online School Management System Simple, Powerful & Affordable School Management System What is eSMS ? Want to improve the efficiency of your School with eSMS-Online School Management System? . eSMS involves School Management System software that automates the life cycle of a student from admission to pass-out, maintains academic records (Course details/ Student details/ Staff details/ Appointment details/ Inquiry details, etc…), facilitates collaboration, conduct exams and print report, etc… Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/esms-online-school-management-system/19463364 Download: esms-v1.0.zip
  15. TMail is simple to use, fast and mobile ready temporary email system with impressive feature set. It takes just 3 min to install TMail on your server. You can watch video tutorial on how to install TMail here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcIeTlGNJqo Requirements Below are server requirements. Usually, all major hosting providers covers each and every requirement specified below. PHP Extensions IMAP iconv Email with IMAP Support Default Email Forwarder (Catch all Email) PHP 7.1 and above Set allow_url_fopen = ON Everything which requires Laravel to run Note : New version of TMail will not work in sub directory. You can either install TMail on Sub Domain or a Proper Domain Don’t hesitate to contact if you have any questions Support Need help in installing? Did you find any bug? Having some amazing ideas? Throw them here Top quality support with 48hrs response time is always available to support you with any question or query you might have. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/tmail-multi-domain-temporary-email-system/20177819 Download: tmail-v5.11.zip
  16. A to Z SEO Tools v2 is a Search Engine Optimization Tools. We have more than 50 SEO Tools to keep track your SEO issues and help to improve the visibility of a website in search engines. It also helps to optimize web content by analyzing content for keywords, on-site links and other SEO considerations. Main Features: - User Management System - Oauth Login System Included (Twitter, Facebook and Google ) - Fully translatable to any language - Track your visitors traffic and input queries - Fully SEO-friendly URLs - Captcha protection system for SEO Tools - One-Click Ads integration - Powerful admin control panel - Easy Maintenance Mode - Google analytics support - Responsive design - Inbuilt Sitemap Generator - Advance Mailer for Account Activation, Password reset etc.. - Support both SMTP and Native PHP mail - Contact page for visitors to contact you easily - Create unlimited custom pages - Add-ons Support - Support Theme customization / Custom coded themes - Two Simple Themes included on the Package! - Inbuilt Easy Installer Panel Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/atoz-seo-tools-search-engine-optimization-tools/12170678 doniaweb.com_atozseotools-22.zip
  17. Newszon is complete solution for any kind of News, Magazine and Blog Portal. This CMS Includes almost everything you need. Newszon is fully responsive for any device with four attractive template. Lravel PHP Framework is used to develop this system so any developer can add any feature very easily. Admin can manage complete website without single line of coding knowledge. Newszon allows multiple admin with different roles. It has strong SQL injection protection system which will keep away this system from hackers. This script creates an unique session for each login every time and checks login session is valid with this system or not. So there is no question about session hijacking. Scripts Features ✓ Fully Dynamic Content ✓ Fully responsive for any kind of device ✓ 4 Gorgeous Home Page ✓ Editor Base Portal Management ✓ Best Advertisement Management System ✓ Easy and simple interface to use ✓ Easy and simple interface to use ✓ Powerful admin backend Dashboard ✓ Clean coding with proper commenting ✓ Secured coding against SQL injection ✓ Direct access or invalid URL press stopped for each pages ✓ Multilevel user management ✓ Unlimited category and post creation ✓ Unlimited photo and video gallery creation ✓ Unlimited photo and video creation ✓ Facebook comment section for each post ✓ SEO meta data setup for each post, page and category ✓ SEO friendly URL structure ✓ Built in search system. ✓ Built in social share system. ✓ Dynamic google analytics script add option. ✓ Unlimited file uploading system ✓ Subscriber data export as CSV format ✓ Unlimited Advertisement management with website links ✓ General Settings ✓ Change everything such as logo, site title, footer from admin panel. and much more… Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/news-paper-dynamic-news-magazine-and-blog-portal-script/20914360 news-paper.zip
  18. Luxx – Clients, Invoices and Projects Management Platform for Small Business Features: - Personal Contacts, Clients, Developers and Other Contacts - Projects with Tasks and Project Workers - Invoices with Invoice Items Demo: - Website: http://mouple.tk/demo/luxx/ - Demo E-mail: [email protected] - Demo Password: demo12345 Note: Modules are not included in the purchased script. They are sold separately. Source: https://codecanyon.net/item/luxx-clients-projects-and-invoices-management-platform/22612310 Download: luxx-invoices-management-platform.zip
  19. Perfex CRM is complete Customer Relationship Management software that is a great fit for almost any company, freelancer or many other uses. With its clean and modern design, Perfex CRM can help you look more professional to your customers and help improve business performance at the same time. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/perfex-powerful-open-source-crm/14013737 Download: codecanyon-14013737-perfex-powerful-open-source-crm.zip
  20. DevStack : Devstack is a platform for developers , Where developers register into specific communities and can view articles , questions , projects , developers available in that community . Later a developer can also follow other communities . Basically it is like a social network for developers , Where they can get all the stuff at one place . Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/devstack-developers-network/22819232 Download: devstack-developers-network-v1.0.zip
  21. Deals manager is deals or lead management system & sales crm for organise leads, deals, task,contacts,files. Open Source software for convert leads to sales and make profit. TOP FEATURES:- Deals/Leads Management To-do / Task Management Contact Management Company Management Invoices Group Management Roles Permissions Custom Fields for Deal , Contact & Company Reports Pie Chart & Table Export Deals , Contacts & Company Deal Activity History Pipeline & kanban Board Multi Language Dutch English French German Italian Russian Spanish Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/deals-manager-2-crm/23800312 Download: deals-manager-v2.0.zip
  22. Decentralization Decentralized architecture with no central authority or ownership. Relationships can be made across any compatible system, creating a network of Internet scale made up of smaller sites. Seamless wall-to-wall posts and remote comments, even across different network nodes. Privacy Access lists for every item. Private conversation groups — on these pages all communications are restricted to group members. One-to-one private messaging on supported protocols. Optionally "expire" old content after a certain period of time. Download your personal data. It all belongs to you. Interoperability Built-in support for StatusNet, GNU social, Quitter, and diaspora*. Support for email contacts and communications (two-way) via IMAP4rev1/ESMTP. Import arbitrary websites and blogs into your social stream via RSS/Atom feeds. Support for other services via plugins. Demo: https://meld.de/ Download: friendica-full-2019.06.zip friendica-addons-2019_06.tar.gz
  23. Premium URL Shortener is a PHP URL shortener script packed with many unique features. It has been built from scratch with performance in mind. Some of the features include geotargeting, premium membership, powerful dashboard and admin panel and a series of CMS tools to help you build your dream. Furthermore, it will keep getting better with each update! Change Log Version 5.5 (18/03/2019) + Added custom schemes + Added option to change length of random alias + Added option to modify email messages + Added unique clicks counter tracker (faster stats page) + Added option to choose domain when editing links + Fixed pixels issue + Fixed delete bundle issue + Fixed display advanced feature Source: https://codecanyon.net/item/premium-url-shortener/3688135 Download: premium-url-shortener-v5.5.zip
  24. InstantPost, it’s a complete instagram Poster solution that allows you to auto post (Images / Multi Image / Videos) to instagram, schedule and manage. InstantPost include story and story poll posting. It is a web-based app and fairly easy to use and easy to operate. You can manage all those instagram Posting from one place. Managing all posting media for business purpose is a huge pain. InstantPost helps you save time managing multiple instagram accounts. So we made this to make your life easy. This application comes with a lot of handy features along with almost all types of social posting soluation. It will make your life so much easier. Lets reviews its features. Instagram General Poster (Image/Video). Instagram Story Post Instagram Story Pull Post Multi-user & SAAS Application. Multil-account Support. Multilangual Support. Social Login (Google+, Facebook) Payment Management (Paypal + Stripe). One click installation. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/instantpost/22597279 Download: instantpost-v1.4.zip
  25. ShadowMsg, it’s a complete Facebook Messaging solution for Page.Facebook Messenger Marketing is now the alternative of Email. ShadowMsg has Auto Reply, Auto comment, Auto Like & Bulk message sending with comment hide delete. It has two type auto reply & comment account wise & post wise. Every auto reply and comment has two part one is Universal Auto reply & comment which means common auto reply & comment for every lead and the another is Bot Auto Reply & Comment which means filter auto reply & comment with her comment. Page Posting feature with auto share (Text, Image, Link, Video). It is a web-based app and fairly easy to use and easy to operate. You can manage all those Facebook Posting from one place. Managing all posting media for business purpose is a huge pain. ShadowMsg helps you save time managing multiple Facebook accounts. So we made this to make your life easy. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/shadowmsg/22848583 Download: shadowmsg-v1.6.zip
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