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  1. View File XVideoSharing v2.1 - video sharing Script XVideoSharing is a robust video sharing solution. We have 8+ years of experience in video encoding/streaming, so we have made a great product for you to start a powerful video portal/tube site. XVideoSharing v2.1 Full Nulled This script includes more than 25 plugis and works completely without any problems This price is temporary and will soon rise to 200 euros START Check out our small Starting Guide REQUIREMENTS Dedicated server (or VPS) OS: CentOS 7 64bit No control panel We will provide full script installation for you Submitter Mahmoud Submitted 01/18/2022 Category Scripts Demo https://sibsoft.net/xvideosharing.html Unlimited license Yes  
  2. XVideoSharing is a robust video sharing solution. We have 8+ years of experience in video encoding/streaming, so we have made a great product for you to start a powerful video portal/tube site. XVideoSharing v2.1 Full Nulled This script includes more than 25 plugis and works completely without any problems This price is temporary and will soon rise to 200 euros START Check out our small Starting Guide REQUIREMENTS Dedicated server (or VPS) OS: CentOS 7 64bit No control panel We will provide full script installation for you
    100.00 EUR
  3. Hosting Billing is a client management and invoicing system for web hosting and domain registration resellers. It comes packed with features that are designed to automate your daily tasks, saving you time and money. codecanyon-26531743-hosting-billing-domain-and-hosting-invoicing-system.zip
  4. WHMCS 8.2.1 and above requires PHP 7.2 or later. You must be running PHP 7.2 or later in order for the Automatic Updater to show WHMCS 8.2.1 as available to install. If you are running PHP 7.1 or earlier, to update to WHMCS 8.2 via the Automatic Updater, you will first need to upgrade to PHP 7.2 or PHP 7.3, and then Check for Updates and perform the update. Once you are running WHMCS 8.2.1, you may upgrade to PHP 7.4 if desired. License: b6ffb6699450271d58b12a01c1e6c5a2 Download: whmcs-8.2.1-release.1.zip
  5. 120 downloads

    YetiShare v5.0.0 Beta Available - Core Framework Rewrite, New Spirit Theme, File Manager Refresh, Twig Templating, Smart Routing, Pretty Urls and much more. We've just made available the beta of YetiShare v5.0.0 via your account on yetishare.com. If you login and you're still within support, you'll see the link to download. You can see it up and running here: - https://beta.fhscript.com (login with user: 'admin' & pass: 'Password@Demo') Overview of changes: This release has been in development for some time and brings a complete rewrite to the core script framework. This new framework performs significantly better but it also makes maintaining the code a lot easier. So going forward you should see a lot more regular updates. We've also added a new Bootstrap 4 theme called Spirit and a refresh to the file manager. There'll be a detailed blog post about the new features and framework within the next few weeks. Until then see the release notes below. Can I use the beta on my live website? No. It's not ready for any live sites yet as it's beta code. We can not offer support on live sites and as the code it still in beta, it may break things if used on your live site. This code is for testing only. How to install or upgrade: Upload the /install folder to your website and load yoursite.com/install. Note that the upgrade process has changed in this release. We're happy to help if you get stuck. How to submit beta feedback: Any feedback or bug reports are welcome via the forum thread linked below. - https://forum.mfscripts.com/threads/yetishare-v5-0-0-beta-feedback-tracker.4108/ Please do not send these via the support system, we want to track everything in one place on the forum. We'll not be adding any new features to this release but if there's bugs to fix we'll be keen to get them resolved before moving out of beta. When will this be on final release? It's planned we'll be in beta for 14 days then go into final release. What about the paid plugins? These are currently being worked on and will be available soon. At the moment only the core script (and bundled plugins) are in beta. The paid plugins for v4.x will not work with v5, you will need to download the updated copies. What's happening to the v4.x release? We're still supporting security updates and fixes to this codebase, so there's no rush to move to v5. The Flow & blue_v2 themes will not be maintained in v5, they're replaced by the Spirit theme. Release Notes: v5.0.0: Complete core rewrite: New MVC script framework. Separation of business logic (PHP) and views. Custom page url routing. Friendly urls throughout main site and admin area. Twig templating engine - True separation of PHP logic and views. Javascript translations moved to external JS file rather than embedded in the page source. Application cache for increased performance - Routing Cache & Twig Template Cache. New MVC structure for both plugins and themes. Controllers and templates and be overridden at plugin and theme level. Added support for transparent pngs on avatars. Friendlier urls on direct file links. (removal of .php/.html) Moved towards object based data updates (ORM). Theme template inheritance. Override views at template or plugin level. Admin test tools. Flow & blue_v2 themes replaced with the new Spirit theme using Bootstrap 4. Document Viewer plugin replaced with the File Previewer plugin. File manager refresh, including updates to the uploader. Support for uploading additional files without reloading the browser. Non-account upload replaced with "Trial accounts". Backblaze cloud file storage support. Social login plugin upgrade, including refreshing guidance. Improved Sharing Functionality: Share files aswell as folders now. Select multiple files/folders to share at once, rather than folder only level. Admin manage sharing pages. Globally shared folders - admin can set folders to be accessed by all accounts. Moved shared folders/files into dedicated left navigation item. Email notification added on internal sharing. More advert spots added to the front-end, easily set via the admin site settings. Added option to set keywords and description on files. Keywords displayed on file details view, linked to search. Search feature now includes keywords and description. Fix to adblock detection script. Improvements to drop & drop uploads directly into file manager without loading the uploader popup. Site setting option to use local sessions rather than database based sessions. Site settings to control min/max length of account usernames. Site setting to enable download tokens to be limited by IP address. Changes to file details page, now full page and larger preview. Added sharing page and trash page links on mobile view. Enabled 'enter' key submission on add/edit file/folder popups. Minor fix to avoid reloading page if upload completes when viewing file details. Minor fix to script update notification checker.
  6. View File yetishare v5.0.0 Nulled YetiShare v5.0.0 Beta Available - Core Framework Rewrite, New Spirit Theme, File Manager Refresh, Twig Templating, Smart Routing, Pretty Urls and much more. We've just made available the beta of YetiShare v5.0.0 via your account on yetishare.com. If you login and you're still within support, you'll see the link to download. You can see it up and running here: - https://beta.fhscript.com (login with user: 'admin' & pass: 'Password@Demo') Overview of changes: This release has been in development for some time and brings a complete rewrite to the core script framework. This new framework performs significantly better but it also makes maintaining the code a lot easier. So going forward you should see a lot more regular updates. We've also added a new Bootstrap 4 theme called Spirit and a refresh to the file manager. There'll be a detailed blog post about the new features and framework within the next few weeks. Until then see the release notes below. Can I use the beta on my live website? No. It's not ready for any live sites yet as it's beta code. We can not offer support on live sites and as the code it still in beta, it may break things if used on your live site. This code is for testing only. How to install or upgrade: Upload the /install folder to your website and load yoursite.com/install. Note that the upgrade process has changed in this release. We're happy to help if you get stuck. How to submit beta feedback: Any feedback or bug reports are welcome via the forum thread linked below. - https://forum.mfscripts.com/threads/yetishare-v5-0-0-beta-feedback-tracker.4108/ Please do not send these via the support system, we want to track everything in one place on the forum. We'll not be adding any new features to this release but if there's bugs to fix we'll be keen to get them resolved before moving out of beta. When will this be on final release? It's planned we'll be in beta for 14 days then go into final release. What about the paid plugins? These are currently being worked on and will be available soon. At the moment only the core script (and bundled plugins) are in beta. The paid plugins for v4.x will not work with v5, you will need to download the updated copies. What's happening to the v4.x release? We're still supporting security updates and fixes to this codebase, so there's no rush to move to v5. The Flow & blue_v2 themes will not be maintained in v5, they're replaced by the Spirit theme. Release Notes: v5.0.0: Complete core rewrite: New MVC script framework. Separation of business logic (PHP) and views. Custom page url routing. Friendly urls throughout main site and admin area. Twig templating engine - True separation of PHP logic and views. Javascript translations moved to external JS file rather than embedded in the page source. Application cache for increased performance - Routing Cache & Twig Template Cache. New MVC structure for both plugins and themes. Controllers and templates and be overridden at plugin and theme level. Added support for transparent pngs on avatars. Friendlier urls on direct file links. (removal of .php/.html) Moved towards object based data updates (ORM). Theme template inheritance. Override views at template or plugin level. Admin test tools. Flow & blue_v2 themes replaced with the new Spirit theme using Bootstrap 4. Document Viewer plugin replaced with the File Previewer plugin. File manager refresh, including updates to the uploader. Support for uploading additional files without reloading the browser. Non-account upload replaced with "Trial accounts". Backblaze cloud file storage support. Social login plugin upgrade, including refreshing guidance. Improved Sharing Functionality: Share files aswell as folders now. Select multiple files/folders to share at once, rather than folder only level. Admin manage sharing pages. Globally shared folders - admin can set folders to be accessed by all accounts. Moved shared folders/files into dedicated left navigation item. Email notification added on internal sharing. More advert spots added to the front-end, easily set via the admin site settings. Added option to set keywords and description on files. Keywords displayed on file details view, linked to search. Search feature now includes keywords and description. Fix to adblock detection script. Improvements to drop & drop uploads directly into file manager without loading the uploader popup. Site setting option to use local sessions rather than database based sessions. Site settings to control min/max length of account usernames. Site setting to enable download tokens to be limited by IP address. Changes to file details page, now full page and larger preview. Added sharing page and trash page links on mobile view. Enabled 'enter' key submission on add/edit file/folder popups. Minor fix to avoid reloading page if upload completes when viewing file details. Minor fix to script update notification checker. Submitter Mahmoud Submitted 10/14/2020 Category Scripts Demo Unlimited license Yes
  7. uCloud enables freelancers, small businesses (such as media agencies) and webmasters to easily share their files online. It’s been built to be extremely robust, secure and very fast! Features NEW PHP 8.1 support NEW LiteSpeed support (aswell as Apache & Nginx) NEW 2FA integration using Google Authenticator NEW Video, audio, image & document embed code NEW Code previews & syntax highlighting NEW Core framework performance improvements Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/ucloud-file-hosting-script-securely-manage-preview-share-your-files/14341108 Download:
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  8. The new version of WHMCS 7.8.2 is a one-stop solution for hosting companies. Several payment methods Keep several payment methods by credit card and bank account for each client Server Sync Tool A new way to synchronize servers and reduce the use of inactive accounts Free two-factor authentication Time-based tokens are now freely available in WHMCS 7.8 Client Zone Password Generator Encourage the use of stronger and more secure passwords Hide and remove product add-ons Remove add-ons from the sale and remove them from use Automatic server configuration Speeding up the process of adding new servers Ticket attachment pruning Remove old attachments to reduce disk usage and reduce liability Improved Credit Audit Track who issues loans, as well as a simplified verification process And much more ... License: b6ffb6699450271d58b12a01c1e6c5a2 Demo:https://www.whmcs.com/ What's new? https://www.whmcs.com/whats-new/ Download: whmcs-v7.8.3.zip
  9. TM Clean is a complete website template for web hosting service providers that is integrated into the WHMCS client area template. It includes 7 additional pages that are included in WHMCS using the WHMCS sub page option. You just need to edit the .tpl files to modify the content. Key Features: - Totally responsive - Packed with powerful features - Custom lightweight slider - 7 unique additional pages - Awesome entry / exit pages - Unique order form - Easy installation Demo: https://thememetro.com/#Clean Download: tm-clean-3.0.1.zip
  10. Clouder is a complete website template for web hosting service providers that is integrated into the WHMCS client area template. It includes 5 additional pages that are included in WHMCS using the WHMCS sub page option. You just need to edit the .tpl files to modify the content. Beautiful, fully responsive and SEO-optimized pages have been created for all types of products and services, such as Shared Hosting, Reseller Hosting, VPS, Dedicated Server. Key Features: - Totally responsive - Packed with powerful features - 5 unique additional pages - Awesome entry / exit pages - Unique order form - Easy installation Demo: https://thememetro.com/#Clouder Download: tm-clouder-3.0.1.zip
  11. Hostiko Premium Hosting & WHMCS Wordpress Theme is specially designed for Web Hosting Companies. It is based on WPBakery Page Builder for WordPress (formerly Visual Composer) and Revolution Slider. Hostiko is built with the latest web technologies (Bootstrap framework,WHMCS Bridge, icon font, etc.) with the care of coding quality to make sure the theme works with all browsers and all devices. Hostiko is a professionally designed for web hosting, business, company, multi-purpose, domain sale sites . in Hostiko you can see different page layout for VPS hosting, shared hosting and dedicated hosting You can build the powerful web hosting sites with our awesome pricing tables and custom hosting page examples. Look at our Price slider that is customizable as well Demo: https://themeforest.net/item/hostico-wordpress-whmcs-hosting-theme/20786821 Download:
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  12. View File Reservo V1.8 - image hosting script With support for automatic thumbnails & image resizing in over 200 image formats, robust privacy options, secure image manager, external storage a feature rich admin area and free migration scripts, Reservo really does tick every box. Multi Image Uploading Automatic thumbnail previews, transfer speed and time remaining. The uploader handles large uploads in a breeze and doesn't rely on Flash, so it works on all devices. Fast Image Manager Slick, modern & fast image manager. Built from the ground up, it supports multiple level albums, passwords and privacy options. Earn Money Choose to run a premium image hosting service like Flickr. Earn money from advertising or by selling paid account upgrades with additional storage. Feature Rich Admin Area Have full control over your website! Manage images, user accounts, track payments, website settings, themes, plugins, translations, all in your dedicated admin area. Safe & Secure Built on code which is tested in over 3,000 websites and tested for XSS & SQL injection on every release, you can be sure your website is secure from external attack. 100% Source Supplied We supply you with 100% of the source code, not 1 part of it is encoded! Make all the changes you need to the styling & core functions without being limited. Submitter Mahmoud Submitted 11/19/2018 Category Scripts Demo
  13. 286 downloads

    With support for automatic thumbnails & image resizing in over 200 image formats, robust privacy options, secure image manager, external storage a feature rich admin area and free migration scripts, Reservo really does tick every box. Multi Image Uploading Automatic thumbnail previews, transfer speed and time remaining. The uploader handles large uploads in a breeze and doesn't rely on Flash, so it works on all devices. Fast Image Manager Slick, modern & fast image manager. Built from the ground up, it supports multiple level albums, passwords and privacy options. Earn Money Choose to run a premium image hosting service like Flickr. Earn money from advertising or by selling paid account upgrades with additional storage. Feature Rich Admin Area Have full control over your website! Manage images, user accounts, track payments, website settings, themes, plugins, translations, all in your dedicated admin area. Safe & Secure Built on code which is tested in over 3,000 websites and tested for XSS & SQL injection on every release, you can be sure your website is secure from external attack. 100% Source Supplied We supply you with 100% of the source code, not 1 part of it is encoded! Make all the changes you need to the styling & core functions without being limited.
  14. mage sharing experience on your very own server Start your own photo gallery/image hosting website packed with world-class features. No restrictions at all! Free yourself and use it for anything you want. Customize it as you see fit because it’s all yours! Demo: https://chevereto.com/ Congratulations, it doesn't need a license Download:
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  15. please upload Bluishost - Responsive Web Hosting with WHMCS Themes for WordPress link: https://themeforest.net/item/bluishost-responsive-web-hosting-with-whmcs-themes/22340653
  16. Hostbill Enterprise 10 is a new version of a very simple, fast and fast tool created for companies that provide web hosting services and their system administrators. Hostbill Enterprise 10 allows you to manage customers, billing and support in one place. With Ajax's intuitive and fast interface, it's even more fun to operate. Modules OnApp Cloud CloudStack Proxmox OwnCloud cPanel Plesk DirectAdmin SolusVM R1Soft Server Backup freeRADIUS IPAM Demo:
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