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Bicrypto v4.6.3 + All Plugins


VIP Mempership

10.00 EUR/month

Features of this membership

  • There are no download links or hidden password
  • You can sell files, but they must be distinct files and not available for free on the Internet
  • There is no limit to downloading files.
  • No waiting time for download

There are many other features, but only the most important ones are mentioned
*Note that this membership does not allow you to download paid files

VIP Membership

30.00 EUR/6 months

Features of this membership

  • There are no download links or hidden password
  • You can sell files, but they must be distinct files and not available for free on the Internet
  • There is no limit to downloading files.
  • No waiting time for download

There are many other features, but only the most important ones are mentioned
*Note that this membership does not allow you to download paid files


5,000.00 EUR

This payment is collected only once for life
With your subscription, you can download all paid files
The only limitation is that it allows you to download one file per day


10,000.00 EUR

This payment is collected only once for life
With your subscription, you can download all paid files
The only limitation is that you are allowed to download 5 files per day


15,000.00 EUR

This payment is collected only once for life
With your subscription, you can download all paid files
The only limitation is that you are allowed to download 10 files per day

Site Partner

20,000.00 EUR

This payment is collected only once for life
By subscribing, you will become a partner in the site
Your membership will be transferred to the Moderators group
You can download all paid files without any restrictions
You can sell files
You can supervise members and control almost everything
Except for accessing the admin panel