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  1. View File Bicrypto - Crypto Trading Platform, Binary Trading, Investments, Blog, News & More! The script and plugins are available here, And the app is available here All updates are free Introducing Our Premier Trading Platform: A Convergence of Innovation and Excellence Market Leader in Trading Platforms: Recognized as the Rank 1 Best Selling and Most Highly-Rated (5-Star) Trading Platform. Peak Performance Platform: Acclaimed as the Rank 1 Best Performing Platform with a robust backend framework. Benchmark Advanced Next.js Frontend: Harnessing the power of Next.js for a cutting-edge frontend experience. Elite Trading Interface: Offering a top-end trading page, optimized for user engagement and performance. Adaptive Trading Page: A fully collapsible trading page that adjusts seamlessly across devices. Device-Responsive Design: Ensures a fluid experience on all devices with tailored layouts. Fully Tailored User Experience: Customize the frontend to your exact specifications, including global site themes, sidebars, shades, and colors. SEO-Optimized Whitelabel Solution: Fully customizable for brand alignment with built-in SEO enhancements. Dynamic SVG Animations: Elevate user interaction with fully animated SVGs, enhancing the platform’s interactivity. Automated Liquidity Solutions: Seamless integration with major exchange providers like Binance and Kucoin, alongside native exchange and blockchain integration using an ecosystem addon. Innovative Binary Trading System: Offering a cutting-edge binary trading experience. Native Charting Library: A comprehensive set of drawing tools and indicators for precise market analysis. Real-Time Orderbook: Stay updated with a live orderbook feature. Comprehensive User Management: A robust system for managing users, roles, and permissions. Fully Customizable KYC Templates: Adapt the KYC process with customizable templates and multiple levels. Comprehensive KYC System: A reliable and efficient Know Your Customer system. Expansive Extension Library: A vast array of extensions available, continuously expanding the platform’s capabilities. Unparalleled Platform Customization: Tailor every aspect of the site for a unique user experience. Versatile Wallet Management: Customize wallets with balance adjustment capabilities. Comprehensive Fiat Wallet System: A dedicated system for managing fiat wallets. Built-in Cron Manager: All backend crons are efficiently managed and executed upon deployment. Effortless Installation: Benefit from an automated installation script for straightforward setup. One-Click Live Updater: Keep the platform updated effortlessly with a single click. Integrated Mailing and Notification Systems: Efficient communication channels for user engagement. Enhanced Security: Robust 2nd-factor authentication system using SMS or app authenticators. Multilingual Capability with Auto-Translation: Break language barriers with an automated translator. Real-Time Support: Live support with an in-built websocket, independent of third-party services. Efficient Live Ticketing System: Streamline customer support with a live ticketing system. Dynamic Blogging Feature: A fully-functional blog system to engage and inform users. High-Yield Investment Program (HYIP) System: A platform for managing high-yield investments. Advanced Admin Management and Analytics: Comprehensive tools for platform administration and analytics. Exchange Integration Wizard: Easily connect with providers like Binance for orderbook integration. Fiat Currency Management Tools: Manage fiat currencies effectively. Dual Mode Interface: Choose between dark and light modes for user preference. Extensive API Documentation with Testing Functionality: Comprehensive API documentation, complete with integrated testing features for streamlined development and troubleshooting. Robust Security Framework: Advanced security measures including CSRF protection, and a sophisticated token system with token refreshing and expiration functionalities, ensuring top-notch security and user data protection. V4 Backend Features MashServer Framework: Built on top of uws20 for superior performance and scalability. Advanced Logger: Featuring categories, levels, and color-coded logs in a fully readable and filterable format. Swagger Documentation: New generator and parser for comprehensive API documentation. Validation Gate: Ensures secure handling of body, params, and queries with sanitization. Automatic Route Generator: Creates GET, POST, PUT, DELETE routes from API structures. Request Parsers: Conform to Swagger parameters and body configurations. Roles Manager: Efficient role management with caching. CLI Deployment Loader: Displays task durations for better deployment insights. Sequelize ORM: Complete database rework for proper naming conventions and performance. UUID Implementation: Transitioned all IDs to UUIDv4 for consistency. Lazy Loading Routes: Reduces server deployment times significantly. Middlewares: Enhanced authentication and rate limiting mechanisms. Authentication System: Session and cookie-based authentication for improved security. Edge Server: Live token validation on the frontend for enhanced security. JWT Management: Using JOSE for robust JWT generation and verification. Redis for Tokens: Faster and more efficient authentication processes. WebSocket Generator: Subscriptions and message handling for real-time communication. WebSocket Authentication: Token refreshing on WebSocket sessions. Database Singleton: Singleton instance for Sequelize to boost performance and enable live database syncing. Validation Module: Robust validation rules and pretty error message generation with avj. Live Notifications: Real-time notifications via WebSocket from API endpoints. Support and Admin Notifications: New notifier system for better communication. SQL to JSON Parsing: Simplifies migrations with efficient parsing. Migration Module: Facilitates seamless transition from v3 to v4, relinking relations and converting IDs to UUIDs. Task Manager: Efficient throttling with a new task manager. Token Generators: New methods for generating tokens. Online User Identification: Admins can identify online users using a WebSocket central system. Swagger Schema Generators: Automatically generate schemas for Swagger documentation. Data Handling Enhancements: Improved filtering, pagination, and sorting across all models and queries. Nested Filtering: Support for filtering and sorting by nested content. Paranoid System: Restore or permanently delete records with an initial trash system. Comprehensive Bulk Operations: Handlers for bulk status updates, deletions, and restorations. Token Regeneration: 14-day refresh token validity from session ID. Wallet System Overhaul: Addresses for deposits and withdrawals requested on demand. Deposit and Withdrawal Handlers: Comprehensive handling for various wallet types, including FIAT, SPOT, and ECO. Payment Gateways: Support for PayPal and Stripe for live deposit validation. Funds Transfer Logic: Seamless transfer of funds between all wallet types. Binary Trading Logic: Real-time validation with a WebSocket endpoint. Market Management: Admins can import and enable markets with new logic. Cron System: Efficient task automation with a new cron system. Authentication Systems: Live reCAPTCHA v3 validation and Google authentication. Wallet Authentication: SIWE (Sign-In with Ethereum) integration. Registration Logic: Email verification required for access. Email OTP Template: New reset template for email OTPs. Admin Analysis Manager: Comprehensive analysis tools for various models. Database Backup/Restore: New modules for efficient database management. Log Monitor: Enhanced logging with filtering, pagination, and sorting. Notification and Management Enhancements: Live updates and management for notifications and user records. Exchange Provider Testing: New module for testing exchange providers. Provider Balance Check: Endpoints for checking balances on provider sites. Fee Calculator: Efficient calculation of collectable fees. i18n Wrapper: Auto-converts strings for translation with necessary imports and definitions. Shared Types: Consistent types shared between backend and frontend. i18n Handler: Supports 64 locales with different fonts. Data Table: Comprehensive handling of data tables with live updates and multi-field filtering. Notification and Announcement Panels: Live-updating panels for notifications and announcements. UI Enhancements: Improved UI with guest, user, and admin menus. Live Search: Menu and collapsible item search for better navigation. Layouts: New sidebar, floating sidebar, and navigation bar layouts. Locale Storage: Locale preferences stored in localStorage and cookies. Page Management Rules: Per-page management rules for better control. Analytics Support: Integration with Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel. Trading Page Updates: Improved layout with dark/light mode support and real-time updates. Markets Card: Displays tickers for both provider and ecosystem markets. Custom Charting Library: Enhanced integration with the new layout. WebSocket Ecosystem: Endpoints for charts, order books, tickers, trades, and live order updates. Binary Trading: New page with live order previews and a comprehensive dashboard. Wallet Management: New page for managing wallets with deposit, withdraw, and transfer wizards. Dashboards: New dashboards for staking, forex, MLM, and ecommerce. Blog System: Dynamic and responsive blog system with a new comment system. Investment Pages: Comprehensive management and analysis tools for ICO investments, forex, and general investments. Support Page: New page with a live WebSocket endpoint for user support. System Health Check: Comprehensive health check with error reports for the admin dashboard. Media Monitor: New media monitor with deletion capabilities. Uploads Modifier: Controls image sizes and converts them to WebP for optimal performance. Live Migration Monitoring: WebSocket endpoint for live migration monitoring of record changes. Settings Page: Live updates for the settings page. KYC Control: New KYC control and template rendering in the user profile page. 2FA Control: Enhanced control of 2FA in the user profile page. Menu Switcher: Seamless switching between user and admin menus. V4 New Features Page Builder: Introduced a new page builder with drag-and-drop, fully resizable, and responsive content generation, supporting dark/light mode. Container Element: Comprehensive control over dimensions, display type, gap, grid, alignment, justify, margins, paddings, and colors in both modes. Element Support: Enhanced support for text, link, input, checkbox, textarea, tag, button, image, and video elements with full editability. UI Library Support: Integration with Flowbite, Flowrift, HyperUI, Meraki-Light, Preline, and Tailblocks UI libraries, all converted to fully editable forms. Import/Export: Easily import and export encoded page content. Dynamic Content Rendering: Live updates for frontends utilizing Next.js services. Lazy Component Rendering: Load components as needed for optimal performance. Editable Blocks: Over 50 fully editable initial blocks, with potential for hundreds more. Undo/Redo Functionality: Easily revert changes or redo actions in the live page builder. Submitter Mahmoud Submitted 04/13/2023 Category Scripts Demo https://codecanyon.net/item/bicrypto-crypto-trading-platform-watchlist-kyc-charting-library-wallets-binary-trading-news/35599184  
  2. Version v4.0.7

    The script and plugins are available here, And the app is available here All updates are free Introducing Our Premier Trading Platform: A Convergence of Innovation and Excellence Market Leader in Trading Platforms: Recognized as the Rank 1 Best Selling and Most Highly-Rated (5-Star) Trading Platform. Peak Performance Platform: Acclaimed as the Rank 1 Best Performing Platform with a robust backend framework. Benchmark Advanced Next.js Frontend: Harnessing the power of Next.js for a cutting-edge frontend experience. Elite Trading Interface: Offering a top-end trading page, optimized for user engagement and performance. Adaptive Trading Page: A fully collapsible trading page that adjusts seamlessly across devices. Device-Responsive Design: Ensures a fluid experience on all devices with tailored layouts. Fully Tailored User Experience: Customize the frontend to your exact specifications, including global site themes, sidebars, shades, and colors. SEO-Optimized Whitelabel Solution: Fully customizable for brand alignment with built-in SEO enhancements. Dynamic SVG Animations: Elevate user interaction with fully animated SVGs, enhancing the platform’s interactivity. Automated Liquidity Solutions: Seamless integration with major exchange providers like Binance and Kucoin, alongside native exchange and blockchain integration using an ecosystem addon. Innovative Binary Trading System: Offering a cutting-edge binary trading experience. Native Charting Library: A comprehensive set of drawing tools and indicators for precise market analysis. Real-Time Orderbook: Stay updated with a live orderbook feature. Comprehensive User Management: A robust system for managing users, roles, and permissions. Fully Customizable KYC Templates: Adapt the KYC process with customizable templates and multiple levels. Comprehensive KYC System: A reliable and efficient Know Your Customer system. Expansive Extension Library: A vast array of extensions available, continuously expanding the platform’s capabilities. Unparalleled Platform Customization: Tailor every aspect of the site for a unique user experience. Versatile Wallet Management: Customize wallets with balance adjustment capabilities. Comprehensive Fiat Wallet System: A dedicated system for managing fiat wallets. Built-in Cron Manager: All backend crons are efficiently managed and executed upon deployment. Effortless Installation: Benefit from an automated installation script for straightforward setup. One-Click Live Updater: Keep the platform updated effortlessly with a single click. Integrated Mailing and Notification Systems: Efficient communication channels for user engagement. Enhanced Security: Robust 2nd-factor authentication system using SMS or app authenticators. Multilingual Capability with Auto-Translation: Break language barriers with an automated translator. Real-Time Support: Live support with an in-built websocket, independent of third-party services. Efficient Live Ticketing System: Streamline customer support with a live ticketing system. Dynamic Blogging Feature: A fully-functional blog system to engage and inform users. High-Yield Investment Program (HYIP) System: A platform for managing high-yield investments. Advanced Admin Management and Analytics: Comprehensive tools for platform administration and analytics. Exchange Integration Wizard: Easily connect with providers like Binance for orderbook integration. Fiat Currency Management Tools: Manage fiat currencies effectively. Dual Mode Interface: Choose between dark and light modes for user preference. Extensive API Documentation with Testing Functionality: Comprehensive API documentation, complete with integrated testing features for streamlined development and troubleshooting. Robust Security Framework: Advanced security measures including CSRF protection, and a sophisticated token system with token refreshing and expiration functionalities, ensuring top-notch security and user data protection. V4 Backend Features MashServer Framework: Built on top of uws20 for superior performance and scalability. Advanced Logger: Featuring categories, levels, and color-coded logs in a fully readable and filterable format. Swagger Documentation: New generator and parser for comprehensive API documentation. Validation Gate: Ensures secure handling of body, params, and queries with sanitization. Automatic Route Generator: Creates GET, POST, PUT, DELETE routes from API structures. Request Parsers: Conform to Swagger parameters and body configurations. Roles Manager: Efficient role management with caching. CLI Deployment Loader: Displays task durations for better deployment insights. Sequelize ORM: Complete database rework for proper naming conventions and performance. UUID Implementation: Transitioned all IDs to UUIDv4 for consistency. Lazy Loading Routes: Reduces server deployment times significantly. Middlewares: Enhanced authentication and rate limiting mechanisms. Authentication System: Session and cookie-based authentication for improved security. Edge Server: Live token validation on the frontend for enhanced security. JWT Management: Using JOSE for robust JWT generation and verification. Redis for Tokens: Faster and more efficient authentication processes. WebSocket Generator: Subscriptions and message handling for real-time communication. WebSocket Authentication: Token refreshing on WebSocket sessions. Database Singleton: Singleton instance for Sequelize to boost performance and enable live database syncing. Validation Module: Robust validation rules and pretty error message generation with avj. Live Notifications: Real-time notifications via WebSocket from API endpoints. Support and Admin Notifications: New notifier system for better communication. SQL to JSON Parsing: Simplifies migrations with efficient parsing. Migration Module: Facilitates seamless transition from v3 to v4, relinking relations and converting IDs to UUIDs. Task Manager: Efficient throttling with a new task manager. Token Generators: New methods for generating tokens. Online User Identification: Admins can identify online users using a WebSocket central system. Swagger Schema Generators: Automatically generate schemas for Swagger documentation. Data Handling Enhancements: Improved filtering, pagination, and sorting across all models and queries. Nested Filtering: Support for filtering and sorting by nested content. Paranoid System: Restore or permanently delete records with an initial trash system. Comprehensive Bulk Operations: Handlers for bulk status updates, deletions, and restorations. Token Regeneration: 14-day refresh token validity from session ID. Wallet System Overhaul: Addresses for deposits and withdrawals requested on demand. Deposit and Withdrawal Handlers: Comprehensive handling for various wallet types, including FIAT, SPOT, and ECO. Payment Gateways: Support for PayPal and Stripe for live deposit validation. Funds Transfer Logic: Seamless transfer of funds between all wallet types. Binary Trading Logic: Real-time validation with a WebSocket endpoint. Market Management: Admins can import and enable markets with new logic. Cron System: Efficient task automation with a new cron system. Authentication Systems: Live reCAPTCHA v3 validation and Google authentication. Wallet Authentication: SIWE (Sign-In with Ethereum) integration. Registration Logic: Email verification required for access. Email OTP Template: New reset template for email OTPs. Admin Analysis Manager: Comprehensive analysis tools for various models. Database Backup/Restore: New modules for efficient database management. Log Monitor: Enhanced logging with filtering, pagination, and sorting. Notification and Management Enhancements: Live updates and management for notifications and user records. Exchange Provider Testing: New module for testing exchange providers. Provider Balance Check: Endpoints for checking balances on provider sites. Fee Calculator: Efficient calculation of collectable fees. i18n Wrapper: Auto-converts strings for translation with necessary imports and definitions. Shared Types: Consistent types shared between backend and frontend. i18n Handler: Supports 64 locales with different fonts. Data Table: Comprehensive handling of data tables with live updates and multi-field filtering. Notification and Announcement Panels: Live-updating panels for notifications and announcements. UI Enhancements: Improved UI with guest, user, and admin menus. Live Search: Menu and collapsible item search for better navigation. Layouts: New sidebar, floating sidebar, and navigation bar layouts. Locale Storage: Locale preferences stored in localStorage and cookies. Page Management Rules: Per-page management rules for better control. Analytics Support: Integration with Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel. Trading Page Updates: Improved layout with dark/light mode support and real-time updates. Markets Card: Displays tickers for both provider and ecosystem markets. Custom Charting Library: Enhanced integration with the new layout. WebSocket Ecosystem: Endpoints for charts, order books, tickers, trades, and live order updates. Binary Trading: New page with live order previews and a comprehensive dashboard. Wallet Management: New page for managing wallets with deposit, withdraw, and transfer wizards. Dashboards: New dashboards for staking, forex, MLM, and ecommerce. Blog System: Dynamic and responsive blog system with a new comment system. Investment Pages: Comprehensive management and analysis tools for ICO investments, forex, and general investments. Support Page: New page with a live WebSocket endpoint for user support. System Health Check: Comprehensive health check with error reports for the admin dashboard. Media Monitor: New media monitor with deletion capabilities. Uploads Modifier: Controls image sizes and converts them to WebP for optimal performance. Live Migration Monitoring: WebSocket endpoint for live migration monitoring of record changes. Settings Page: Live updates for the settings page. KYC Control: New KYC control and template rendering in the user profile page. 2FA Control: Enhanced control of 2FA in the user profile page. Menu Switcher: Seamless switching between user and admin menus. V4 New Features Page Builder: Introduced a new page builder with drag-and-drop, fully resizable, and responsive content generation, supporting dark/light mode. Container Element: Comprehensive control over dimensions, display type, gap, grid, alignment, justify, margins, paddings, and colors in both modes. Element Support: Enhanced support for text, link, input, checkbox, textarea, tag, button, image, and video elements with full editability. UI Library Support: Integration with Flowbite, Flowrift, HyperUI, Meraki-Light, Preline, and Tailblocks UI libraries, all converted to fully editable forms. Import/Export: Easily import and export encoded page content. Dynamic Content Rendering: Live updates for frontends utilizing Next.js services. Lazy Component Rendering: Load components as needed for optimal performance. Editable Blocks: Over 50 fully editable initial blocks, with potential for hundreds more. Undo/Redo Functionality: Easily revert changes or redo actions in the live page builder.
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