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GDPlayer.Top Google Drive Video Player PHP Script


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10 hours ago, Clécio Silva said:

@jhunay85Apakah versi ini Anda menginstal v4.3.1 yang baru? Jika iya, bagaimana Anda bisa login? Tautan mana yang Anda gunakan? Saya menginstalnya di sini tetapi saya tidak dapat mengakses halaman admin. Kesalahan 404 ditampilkan. Saat mengakses url normal, pesan standar "Diam itu emas!"



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11 hours ago, Clécio Silva said:

@jhunay85 Is this version you installed the new v4.3.1? If so, how did you manage to log in? Which link do you use? I installed it here but I can't access the admin page. Error 404 is shown. When accessing the normal url, the standard message "Silence is golden!"

This v4.3.1.. you can acces /administrator/login.. but I can't add a new account in the email section and the username can't be saved

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13 horas atrás, jhunay85 disse:

Nesta v4.3.1.. você pode acessar /administrator/login.. mas não consigo  adicionar uma nova conta na seção de e-mail e o nome de usuário não pode ser salvo

It's like I said before, even putting the ending /administrator/login doesn't work, the error message "404 Not Found" is shown, although accessing the site via the original link shows the phrase “Silence is golden!”

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Can anyone give any tips on this new version 4.3.1 when I access "https://yourdomain.com/administrator/login" it shows the message "404 Not Found - nginx". While accessing “https://yourdomain.com/” the site loads with that classic message “Silence is golden!”

Edited by Clécio Silva
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  • Mahmoud changed the title to GDPlayer.Top Google Drive Video Player PHP Script v4.4.0
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
1 hour ago, nitrodami said:

@AlFeG 3 does it work on Cpanel? in which you have tested. i need this script working on Cpanel.

Well it should work with cpanel I tested on vps with hestia cp but it should work and in cpanel 

1 hour ago, nitrodami said:

@AlFeG 3 it is latest Version v4?? or old script 

It is a old version because this new version is encrypted working to decrypt but idk how much successfull I may be to decrypt it but time will tell

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48 minutes ago, nitrodami said:

@AlFeG 3 in old script there is no any Gd account link how we can set...

Im not sure I understand what do you mean. I am giving lthe way to install it.


Upload and extract zip

Upload my changed database

check the check.txt file I uploaded into the zip file there you have username and password


Create a load balancer server ( You have and 1 at check.txt file you can use )

Login to panel and change site name from default I added 

Do other things like to allow public to create videos .

Videos will work if they are generated at public not from account.


If you want to import subtitles diectly from url or upload them at gdplayer MAKE SURE THAT YOU MAKE THE VIDEO LINKS TO BI SAVED if not subtitles wont load.


Well done you have now actived everything

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10 hours ago, nitrodami said:

@AlFeG 3 @AlFeG 3 @AlFeG 3 @AlFeG 3 @AlFeG 3i couldnot found check.txt on 2023 script?? 

Just rechecked the zip and CHECK.txt is in the zip make sure to download this version


On 5/14/2024 at 7:40 PM, Mahmoud said:

Old version of @AlFeG 3 works without problem

GDPlayer v1-5-2023.zip 14.51 MB · 65 downloads

Only this version is from me so CHECK.txt is there

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9 minutes ago, Gin TUBE said:

@AlFeG 3 Hi your code have problem when i use video helperdownloader can download video so can you fix or give me your code about function stream

Everyone can download video using similar tools like idm if you want fixes means you dont know how this works it is just a PROXY PLAYER masking source with your url but tools like IDM headers are not blocked by real source meaning that they are not blocked in your site thats how it works I tested and at real gdplayer site and I can send get requests normaly 

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5 hours ago, Gin TUBE said:

@AlFeG 3 i have source code can block download but cant bypass limit i think if you can get cookie bypass from real gdplayer i think it's will better

if you are talking about google drive you need proxy and multiple accounts but I suggest filemoon or archive org

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