October 31, 20204 yr No decoder available for php version 7.x. the only one i found is PAID and i am not sure about result is https://www.dezender.net/shop/category/1-file-detail.html
November 28, 20204 yr Well I can but as paid service, since it take time depend on your script size. There is a sniped from ur function.php class TLDExtractResult implements ArrayAccess { private $fields = NULL; public function __construct($subdomain, $domain, $tld) { $this->fields = array("subdomain" => $subdomain, "domain" => $domain, "tld" => $tld); } public function __get($name) { if (array_key_exists($name, $this->fields)) { return $this->fields[$name]; } throw new OutOfRangeException(sprintf("Unknown field \"%s\"", $name)); } public function __isset($name) { return array_key_exists($name, $this->fields); } public function __set($name, $value) { throw new LogicException("Can't modify an immutable object."); } public function __toString() { return sprintf("%s(subdomain='%s', domain='%s', tld='%s')", "TLDExtractResult", $this->subdomain, $this->domain, $this->tld); } public function offsetExists($offset) {
please crack php 7 ioncube