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Free & Paid Web Hosting Services (2020) - Direct links (No controlc) - 15/08/2020


This is a list of web hosting services that are working in 2020.

Updated: 15/08/2020

FlokiNET - http://flokinet.is | https://billing.flokinet.is/aff.php?aff=195
GearHost - https://www.gearhost.com | https://www.gearhost.com/?refcode=239ee8aa88ab
DarkHost - https://darkhost.pro | https://darkhost.pro/aff.php?aff=26
iFastNet - https://ifastnet.com | https://ifastnet.com/portal/aff.php?aff=26577
VPS NET - https://www.vpsnet.com/en | http://bit.ly/VPS_NET
VernalWeb - https://www.vernalweb.com | https://clients.vernalweb.com/aff.php?aff=52
000WebHost - http://www.000webhost.com | https://www.000webhost.com/752926.html
DreamHost - https://www.dreamhost.com | https://mbsy.co/V7sPM
HostWinds - https://www.hostwinds.com | https://www.hostwinds.com/8071.html
HostSailor - https://hostsailor.com | https://clients.hostsailor.com/aff.php?aff=937
KnownSRV - https://knownsrv.com | https://knownsrv.com/clients/aff.php?aff=699
EuServr - https://euservr.com | https://euservr.com/whmcs/aff.php?aff=73
Host22 - https://bit.ly/host_direct | https://bit.ly/host_refer
Virtono - https://www.virtono.com | https://www.virtono.com/aff.php?aff=357
HostSpicy - https://hostspicy.com | https://cms.hostspicy.com/aff.php?aff=19
RedSwitches - https://redswitches.com | https://dedicated.redswitches.com/aff.php?aff=58
WebCare360 - https://webcare360.com | https://my.webcare360.com/aff.php?aff=129
VPS9 Networks - https://vps9.net | https://www.vps9.net/billing/aff.php?aff=122
BanaHosting - https://banahosting.com | https://manage.banahosting.com/aff.php?aff=5883
Webnode - http://webnode.com | https://www.webnode.com/r/5ea95dad56288/e3d9c6bb
HostPixel - https://hostpixel.biz | https://hostpixel.biz/aff.php?aff=10
JetHost PRO - https://jethostpro.com | https://jethostpro.com/clients/aff.php?aff=31
Katxe - https://client.katxe.cat | https://client.katxe.cat/aff.php?aff=1
Realhost Argentina - https://clientes.realhost.com.ar | https://clientes.realhost.com.ar/aff.php?aff=20
SydneyICT - https://www.sydneyict.net.au | https://clientarea.sydneyict.net.au/aff.php?aff=4
OrangeWebsite - https://orangewebsite.com | https://affiliate.orangewebsite.com/idevaffiliate.php?id=10810
CheapHostingBD - http://cheaphostingbd.com | https://bill.cheaphostingbd.com/aff.php?aff=35
Internoc24 - http://www.internoc24.host | https://my.internoc24.host/aff.php?aff=5
YoHost - http://www.yohost.org/ | https://www.yohostbilling.kexibit.com/aff.php?aff=40
Alexhost - https://alexhost.com | https://alexhost.com/?affid=82
BulletProof Web - https://bpw.sc/ | https://bpw.sc/billing/aff.php?aff=092
VPS Bulgaria - https://www.vps.bg/ | https://www.vpsbg.eu/aff/982f484cbe68897d
xUID Hosting - https://xuid.ru | https://store.xuid.ru/?affid=21
Chimpanzee Host - https://chimpanzeehost.com | https://chimpanzeehost.com/clientsarea/aff.php?aff=2
Offshore Dedicated - https://offshorededicated.net | https://myportal.offshorededicated.net/aff.php?aff=26
WinlyHost - https://winlyhost.com | http://winlyhost.com/billing/aff.php?aff=1
InterServer - https://www.interserver.net/webhosting/ | https://www.interserver.net/webhosting/?id=648109
HostingPanel LLP - https://www.hostingpanel.net | https://www.hostingpanel.net/aff.php?aff=46
OxaByte - https://www.oxabyte.com | https://www.oxabyte.com/corepanel/aff.php?aff=1
PowerVPS - https://powervps.ru | https://powervps.ru/?from=16945
MegaHoster Network - https://megahoster.net | https://my.megahoster.net/aff.php?aff=347
ReadyDedis - https://readydedis.com | https://readydedis.com/clients/aff.php?aff=32
Webhosting Thailand - https://www.thaihosting.asia/en/ | https://siam.digital/aff.php?aff=23
NiagaHoster - https://www.niagahoster.co.id/ | https://panel.niagahoster.co.id/ref/345539
BlueVPS - https://bluevps.com | https://my.bluevps.com/aff.php?aff=70
SSD Cloud - http://www.ssd-cloud.host | http://www.ssd-cloud.host/aff.php?aff=45
Veeble - http://www.veeble.com/ | http://veeblehosting.com?r=1703
DigiRDP - https://digirdp.com/ | https://digirdp.com/manage/aff.php?aff=19
Contabo - http://contabo.com
Awardspace - https://www.awardspace.com
Atspace - https://www.atspace.com
HostSlick - https://hostslick.com
Free Hosting EU - https://www.freehostingeu.com
Geocities - http://www.geocities.ws
Miarroba - https://miarroba.com
Tekcities - http://tekcities.com
50Webs - https://www.50webs.com
FateBack - http://www.fateback.com
HostDZire - https://hostdzire.com
Njalla - https://njal.la
LeadHoster - https://leadhoster.com
AgilityHoster - https://agilityhoster.com
CurHost - https://curhost.com
Option123 - https://option123.net
Infinity Free - https://infinityfree.net
bplaced - http://bplaced.net
SimpleSite - http://www.simplesite.com

Featured Replies

  • 2 months later...



Our Proprietary servers are designed to iliminate pooling. Pooling is a standard for shared hosting such as hostgator, bluehost and Dreamhost ect. example. one server with 32GB of resources and a 1TB HDD limited bandwidth ect? sounds like alot. but not when you have 35 different people all sharing one server with everyone. you share the hard drives you share the memory and bandwidth ect. Our Dedicated Shared are shared servers with resources allocated to just you and no one else. hence Dedicated in shared. Shared being you do share the server with other users but the other users will not slow you down.

  • 2 years later...

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