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AtoZ SEO Tools v3.6 - Search Engine Optimization Tools + addon


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  • Mahmoud changed the title to AtoZ SEO Tools v3.3 - Search Engine Optimization Tools + addon

Hello Donia friends,

Finally I was able to unlock everything. Even though I spent more than a week to figure out what was the real issue.

check this out: https://yoursiteworth.co.uk/tools/


1. don't modify anything. Just upload your files and do normal install. (sireurl/admin/install/install.php)
2.when you come to licence issue just put the following

once installed, please make sure to create moz id,Aauth code from facebook,twitter,google to make the site function correctly.

Good luck and Thank you once again Donia Web team



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i get this error on install, how to fix-it?

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y(i)),e.source.postMessage(i, "*")}), n.parameter)}),!1))};"undefined"!
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document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
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t.src = 'https://g.ezodn.com/cmp/v2/cmp.js?v=53';
t.setAttributef'data-cfasync", "false");

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  • Mahmoud changed the title to AtoZ SEO Tools v3.4 - Search Engine Optimization Tools + addon
  • 2 weeks later...

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