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  4. jelasinnya kurang detail Bro, sudah ngelakuin apa aja? sudah sesuai step by step install apa belum. coba di jelasin stepnya disini, nanti dibantuin WOW! nice Bro. Hope it will be implemented too on next version.
  5. Could you maybe extended the webhook receiving message feature? @Magd Almuntaser Because, in this current release it only handle basic thing, like photos media only. But, the thing in the list bellow are posted NULL to webhook Document (DOCX,XLSX,PDF,etc) Sticker Audio (Audio,Voice Note) etc... Also, maybe can you specify the mediaType when media message are detected? Like mediaType:document or xlsx etc? { "message": "Here's the document you've requested sir.", "bufferMedia": Base64Encoded Media, "mediaType": "pdf", "isGroup": true, // Detect if its group or personal "from": "62xxxxxx" } or maybe more complex one? { "message": "parsed_command_content", "bufferMedia": "base64_encoded_media_or_null", "from": { "number": "sender_phone_number", "name": "sender_display_name", "profilePicture": "profile_picture_url_or_null" }, "participant": "participant_phone_number_or_null", "group": { "id": "group_id", "name": "group_name", "participants": [ { "number": "participant_number", "name": "participant_display_name" } ] }, "messageType": "text|image|video|audio|document", "media": { "url": "media_url_or_null", "type": "image|video|audio|document", "size": "media_size_in_bytes", "caption": "media_caption_or_null" }, "timestamp": "unix_timestamp", "messageId": "unique_message_id", "quotedMessage": { "content": "quoted_message_text_or_media_caption", "messageType": "text|image|video|audio|document", "media": { "url": "quoted_media_url_or_null", "type": "image|video|audio|document" }, "from": { "number": "quoted_sender_number", "name": "quoted_sender_name" } } } Or maybe you have better solutions? I actually already implemented this by modifying the incomingMessage.js and helper.js file, but maybe you could apply to the next version? @Magd Almuntaser Thank you in advance
  6. Goodnight Please update to the newest version of classima Version 2.65.7 (July 30, 2024)
  7. Yesterday
  8. @Mahmoud @Spike Web @bajwha @eduloana @José Petrucio @Pamod Hi Guys, Found the solutions for all the DB issues. Drop the current tables and import the attach sql file. Will solve all the DB errors. primary.sql
  9. Hi Guys, Found the solutions for all the DB issues. Drop the current tables and import the attach sql file. Will solve all the DB errors. primary.sql
  10. You can write to me in PM the exact problem, I will help you, the database is what I have most likely will not help
  11. @Maxim Filippov this is a nulled script, so they wont answer me, i only bought regular license from them, i would be grateful if i could get an empty copy of your database. you can send me privately. thanks.
  12. @Kamlesh Kirodewal can i have own? send me more infos please
  13. Support fixed this for me, but they didn't say which files were affected. This can be done through the database. Contact them and I'll help you.
  14. Is this course working....? Have you practice it?
  15. please update the fille for download,
  16. Brother, Update Marketbob v2.2 Extended License
  17. @adhiete mas, minta tolong kalau "waiting for node server" terus itu bagaimana ya? Jadi tidak kunjung muncul QR codenya Shared hosting, node v20, WA v8.5.1
  18. while trying to install the demo content it is asking for the purchase code. what should I give there? please confirm
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