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Download Axtronic - Electronics WooCommerce WordPress Theme Nulled Free ThemeForest 36188228
Axtronic is a responsive Electronics WooCommerce WordPress Theme. It can adapt to any of your eCommerce business such as online electronics shop, gadgets webshop, technology store, digital store, marketplace, multi vendor website, fashion or furniture store,...
Elevate your air conditioning and ac business with Arkdin, HVAC the ultimate WordPress Theme designed specifically for air conditioning and ac services. Whether you offer installation, maintenance, or repair, Arkdin provides a sleek and professional online presence to attract more customers and showcase your expertise.
Crysa is a IT Solutions & Services WordPress Theme designed specifically for technical, cyber security, engineering, computing, entertaining, business, merchandising, eCommerce, educational & scientific purposes and many more. This is highly customizable – looks awesome on tablets and mobile devices.
Solarglow is a comprehensive Elementor Business WordPress Theme for green energy, solar, sustainable, solar power, alternative energy, wind power, solar power, renewable energy, electricity, power generation, and other same-company websites. This theme pack can easily be used to create a professional-looking website without reinventing the wheel.
Welcome to Numérique, a modern Digital Marketing and SEO Theme. This lovely niche theme is built and suitable for any business operating in the Digital Marketing industry. The theme features carefully designed layouts ideal for every contemporary digital marketing agency, SEO services company, creative agency, web development agency, social media marketing agency or digital studio. It is suitable for users with zero programming skills and advanced developers.
ZetaFlix Wordpress Movies and TV Shows
Amazing WordPress Movie and TV Show Theme That Lets You Stand Out Effortlessly build your streaming platform from scratch, and generate captivating and optimized content with a single click of a button.
ZetaFlix helps you generate massive content with little to no effort. It allows you to integrate and fully customize the data, texts, and images from the most reliable sources without the headache of working with a wall of codes.
ZetaFlix also has a continuous caching system, which reduces database queries and consequently boosts your loading time. It is further packed with features that will allow you to personalize your website to your heart's content.
OmegaDB is our content import feature. It has been developed to provide you access to all the necessary content you need and in various languages to accommodate your visitors' preferences.
WordPress native code. Clean and neat design. Fully Responsive Design. Child-theme support. Widgets support. SEO optimized. Translation support API OmegaDB plugin support. API Themoviedb Suppot. API IMDb scraping data ( rating / votes ). Import data and image ( movies / tv shows ). Season generator. Episodes generator. Player streaming. Homepage Search JWPlayer support. JWPlayer Subtitle support. Fake Player. Shortener links integration. Rating page. Trends page. TOP IMDb page. Account pages. User ratings. User favorites. User List marked as seen. Related content. Featured Content. Theme options. Homepage modules. Contact form. Login form. Sign Up form. Report video error form. Secured forms Google reCAPTCHA. Support Comments with facebook. Support Comments with Disqus. Social buttons. System to share links. Post-types permalinks customizable. Taxonomies permalinks customizable. Free Updates ( Lifetime ) Support Access ( Lifetime ) Access to exclusive content. Access to offers. ZetaFlix includes a handful of custom fields to ensure that your content looks just the way you want it. Worried about your search engine results and ranking? We got you covered with our quick and efficient SEO filters.
Once you purchase any ZetaThemes product, all future updates will be available for free, and if you encounter any issue or require more help with your content, our support will always be available to assist you.
Unlock the potential of your website’s first impression with LandPress, the ultimate tool to transform visitors into leads and customers. Craft captivating landing pages effortlessly with our ready-made starter sites, designed to engage and convert. Whether you’re looking to gather email newsletter signups, launch a product, distribute marketing material, or register users for events, LandPress has you covered. Make a lasting impact with landing pages strategically crafted for various purposes, from email signups to product pre-orders.
LandPress starter sites are designed for:
Zeen is a WooCommerce, News & Magazine WordPress Theme for 2024 and beyond
Zeen is a next generation news & magazine WordPress theme. You’ve literally never seen or used a theme that looks or works like this before. Zeen can quickly be mastered by users of any skill level. Power your creative ideas and create a beautiful, silky-smooth and highly unique magazine, personal blog, newspaper, reviews site or even full blown WooCommerce shop. Ideal for all types of niches, including travel, viral, food and news sites
User-friendly and versatile, making Pixwell ideal for a wide range of niches, including recipe, technology, fashion, travel, cryptocurrency, marketing, cars, health, lifestyle, gaming, portfolio, freebies, weddings, yoga, decor, military, architecture, software, deals, shopping, personal, and more. Whether you’re creating a news site or a personal blog, Pixwell has everything you need to build a professional website that engages your audience and ranks well in search engines
Kayleen is a Minimal, Clean, Creative and Multipurpose Wordpress theme focused on content and usability and is suitable for all kind of blog and magazine sites like personal blog, photography, travel, food, etc.
It is Super Fast, Lightweight and SEO Optimized and help you to get a better score in google.
Kayleen comes with Elementor Page Builder and several powerful custom widgets and powerful option panel. It allows you to customize and design your site easily and beautifully with drag & drop.
You will enjoy working with Kayleen
Educational Center – fresh & modern Education WordPress Theme. It is created for educational establishments both: online and offline. It works for: courses, preschool, primary school, secondary school, high and higher education. Also for college, university or academy, informal learning, institute.
Dlear is modern and unique Education, University & School WordPress Theme. It’s perfect for any University, College, School, Kids, Training Center, Educational Institutions, E-Learning, Workshop, Courses Tutorials, Education Center sites etc. It’s includes everything as you needed for a education. We believe that this theme will appreciate and become very functional education site.
Echooling is clean, modern and unique WordPress theme that is beautiful design and unique features. This will be the best suited for your educational purpose website and courses like online courses, university, school, blog, academy, courses, education, education center, education HTML, tuition, tutoring, business, events, institute, learning, teacher and much more. It comes with high-quality 05 Prebuild Home Pages and many built-in awesome inner pages such as course pages, events pages, team pages, testimonials pages, multiple blog layouts etc.
Hnice – Modern Bathroom Designs is a perfect WordPress theme for those looking to create a website about modern and beautiful bathroom designs. With its flexible features, Hnice allows users to easily customize their website to fit their style and brand. Our theme features stunning image galleries and sliders, allowing you to showcase your bathroom’s best features and highlight your design choices. Whether you prefer a minimalist look or bold and colorful designs, Hnice has everything you need to bring your bathroom vision to life.
Civi is an all-in-one WordPress theme for creating Job Boards and Freelance Marketplaces . Whether you want to build a site like Flexjobs, Glassdoor, RemoteJobs, WeWorkRemotely, Fiverr, Upwork, or Indeed, Civi has you covered.
With Civi, freelancers and employers can easily sign up, create profiles, post services, and submit proposals. It’s fully responsive and perfect for job portals, recruitment, and HR management. The theme also includes built-in payment management and an admin commission system, making it simple to monetize your platform.
Also, besides full service and product overview, your customers will find a request form on your website ot can get a cost for specific type of work to be performed around their house, or request a call back. Booked is a great feature if you wish your clients to order cleanings beforehand. Furthermore, the advanced theme options allow users to customize Hygia with no efforts.
Edhub is a clean and innovative theme powered by Tutor LMS to accomplish educational goals in one spot. Using the Tutor LMS bundle, you can manage the course, quizzes, assignments, exams, and many more. Create a fully customized, SEO-friendly, robust, and effective online learning hub regardless of your educational institution. It offers home pages that are tailored to the learning industry. The theme has a one-click demo import that allows you to upload all the pages to the learning platform quickly. It contains a dynamic page header with four different header styles and eight different versions to give it a fresh look.
**Eduker – Education WordPress Theme **
Eduker is a minimal and contemporary WordPress theme that has been perfectly crafted for education centres of all kinds. Designed with your School, College, University or Training Center in mind, this ultimate education WordPress theme includes everything you need for a complete online education centre and LMS. Eduker uses Tutor, the most popular WordPress LMS plugin because it’s packed full of great features for your education centre, online courses or tutorial website, but it’s also super easy to use. With Tutor LMS, you can include your curriculum, courses, lessons, quizzes, payment integration, and loads more…
When creating an education wordpress theme, we kept in mind that it had to be engaging and versatile. Also it should be stylish and contemporary, fresh and clean. Thus, we’ve created Hogwords with its highly pleasing modern template design. It is suitable for a college, school, and any type of training and remote educational courses, bureau or company.
Educal is a minimal and contemporary WordPress theme that has been perfectly crafted for education centres of all kinds. Designed with your School, College, University or Training Center in mind, this ultimate education WordPress theme includes everything you need for a complete online education centre and LMS. Educal uses Tutor, the most popular WordPress LMS plugin because it’s packed full of great features for your education centre, online courses or tutorial website, but it’s also super easy to use. With Tutor LMS, you can include your
Kipso – Education LMS WordPress Theme
Kipso is a modern and professional looking online education learning WordPress Theme, It is perfect for any school, university, college, academy, tuition center, language, elearning, LMS, or any other online education learning businesses, companies or platforms. The theme has its own super powerful theme control panel with lots of useful options and tools to manage your site: Elementor, Revolution Slider, Custom Icon Font, etc. and the theme apply the latest web technologies: Bootstrap 4, SASS, HTML5, CSS3, Font Awesome … Check the demos to see by yourself.