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1,506 files

  1. Sngine v2.5.10 (Day/Night Mode) ?? with (New FacebookTheme ) full nulled

    • 25.00 EUR
    • 3 Purchases
  2. features
     Video upload
    + ffmpeg conversion (supports all the major video formats)
    + thumbnails extraction
    + duration calculator
    OR without ffmpeg (web playable formats only) with manual inputs of video data.
     FFMPEG commands editor 
    No more need to edit code to run custom ffmpeg commands.
    You can enable qualities and assign a custom ffmpeg video conversion command for each quality directly from the admin panel.
     Video qualities 
    Easy to use & with player support / on demand switchable. This allows deliverability of videos to various internet connections with smooth playback.
     Video embedding 
    Easy share videos by just their link, edit details as needed. Popular websites like Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, Dailymotion and more are supported.
    The video cms will pull the details (video thumbnail, video duration, video text details) and pre-populate the share list for most sources.
     Youtube importer 
    Youtube API v3 based mass-video importer (embed + all video details provided by Youtube). It’s awesome, smart and capable!
     Youtube importer automated tasks 
    You can easily import videos from channels, playlists and searches you follow on Youtube without any manual effort. Just save them in the admin’s crons, run the server cron and it will check periodically for new videos (as setup) importing all the new favorite videos to your video website.
     Likes, comments, categories, filtering lists, playlists, quick utilities.
     All the major video players
    available on the market are bundled. The industry leader JwPlayer and the new trending sensation, VideoJs, are accompanied by the established html5 player Flowplayer and jPlayer (with a fancy “Youtube-ish” design).
     Channel / User profile
     Image uploads with separated lists, filters, collections, comments, likes.
    The beautiful Jquery Masonry (common choice for new modern themes displaying image galleries) is powering the gallery design.
     Music upload (mp3) and services (soundcloud), music lists, filters, comments, likes, playlists.
     Internal activity tracking „a la Facebook“ offering some sense to visitors of what’s going on in their shares and community
     User subscriptions
     Facebook & Google logins
     Facebook comments and local commenting system.
     Social sharing of media
     Related multimedia
     Ads. Advertisement system
    Work with banners, html, js code(like Google Adsense & other ad networks).
     Video ads 
    Pre-roll, post-roll, over-video ads,in-video ads (VAST, IMA…).
     Much more 7th of August 2018
    MediaVibe 6.32 is available for download.
    Patch 6.31 located in Upgrades\Patch 6.31\ :
    + Fixes some embed issues
    + Fixes the urls returning 404 when using :name and the characters are not supported
    Patch 6.32 located in Upgrades\Patch 6.32\ :
    + Introduces a clients requested variation of the Classic theme, with a black sidebar.
    • Free
  3. Modes of the currency exchange script
     - Automatic exchange without the participation of the operator or with the confirmation of the operator.  Switchable mode
     - Semi-automatic exchange with the participation of the operator.  Exchange procedure (graphic scheme): application for exchange → online payment via the payment system website using the payment merchant → payment verification by the operator (administrator) of the exchanger → manual transfer to the client;
     - Manual exchange with the participation of the operator.  Exchange procedure: application for exchange → manual transfer of funds by the client to the specified details → verification of payment by the operator (administrator) of the exchanger → manual transfer to the client;
    The main functions of the script of the exchange office
     Content Management System CMS WordPress 5.x (distributed for free);
     Mobile version of the site;
     Multilingual user and admin interfaces.  By default, support for Russian and English languages.  You can add other languages yourself.  You can display the direction of exchanges only under the selected language;
     RTL support;
     Four types of users on the site: Administrator, Manager, Operator, User;
     The user's internal account with the ability to replenish and withdraw funds from the account through the exchange;
     Course XML file supports commission parameters minfee, fromfee, tofee, city, param, minamount;
     Work in the control panel with applications and exchange directions without reloading the page;
     Parser courses BestChange.ru;
     Parsing courses from sources: Binance, Livecoin, Poloniex, Bitfinex, Okcoin, Blockchain, Coinmarketcap, BitexBook, Exmo, Bitstamp, CBR, ECB, NBU, NBRK, NBRB, Wm.exchanger.ru (USD, EUR, RUB, CNY,  UAH, BYN, KZT, BTC, LTC, ETH, DSH and others);
     Auto-adjustment of the course with reference to the rates of the Central Bank or Your own course;
     Setting the rate (depending on the amount of exchange, on the reserve), the minimum and maximum amounts of exchanges, the commission of the payment system for each direction of exchange;
     Binding of the exchange rate on the website to the exchange rate of another exchanger;
     Parser exchange rate and currency reserve from a file;
     Automatic updating of currency reserves based on transactions;
     Adding new types of currencies (for example, USD, EUR, RUB, etc.);
     Adding additional fields to the exchange form;
     Setting the number of decimal places for each currency;
     Daily and monthly limits for currency accounts;
     Designer notes merchants;
     Card application for the exchange.  Exchange requisition editor;
     Filtering requests for specific payment systems or groups of payment systems when working with applications;
     Logging of merchants, errors of automatic payments, changes in exchange rate directions;
     Check wallet format;
     The ban on the exchange by IP address or country;
     SEO settings directions of exchanges;
     Import / export exchange directions, currencies.  Export exchanges to csv file;
     Email notifications of users and administrator about changing the status of the application for the exchange
     Email and SMS confirmation of the creation of applications for exchange;
     Verification of users and their payment details through downloading images;
     Extended information about the user who makes the exchange: IP, Country;
     User account;
     Automatic user registration when making an exchange;
     Accumulative discount system for regular customers, individual discount;
     Multi-level affiliate program, individual affiliate interest;
     Payment on the affiliate program in any currency;
     Auto-substitution of user details when submitting an application;
     Black lists of clients;
     Posting reviews;
     Request reserve function by users;
     SMS gates epochta.ru and smsc.ru.  You can connect alternative gates;
     Investing by users;
     Checking Webmoney exchanges through the X19 interface;
     Verification of verification of the Perfect Money account of the client before the exchange;
     Extended financial statistics for all types of currencies;
     Sitemap and tariff scale.  XML map of all pages and directions of exchanges;
     Currency exchange widget;
     Customize the navigation menu, add new pages and news.
     And much more.
    • Free
  4. OVOO- Movie & Video Streaming CMS with Unlimited TV-Series
    OVOO is a powerful, flexible and User friendly Live TV & Movie Portal CMS with advance video contents management system. It’s easy to use & install. It has been created to provide a unique experience to movie lover & movie site owner. To observe of ISP needed we have made ovoo to use as multipurpose video cms. This application was built with advanced modules and many more powerful features for a complete video website management. Furthermore, it also supports CSS3, HTML5 and Bootstrap 3 Framework that help use refined any device with semantic accuracy and highly customizable PHP based (CodeIgniter) application.
    Video.js that is open source HTML5 & Flash video player, as well as YouTube and Vimeo (through plugins), used on over 200,000 websites Skin with Tube Style Retina Ready & Fully Responsive HTML5 & CSS3 Support videojs-logo / videojs-watermark live tv streaming. Light dark version ui. Subtitle Support. Instant search with auto-complete. tube skin for movie/tv player. Movie scrapper Simple type movie name to get all information from online Auto Import movie from TMDb easily.. Upload Video from your device to local server and share it. VideoJS is world #1 video player .It’s can protect you website/content security.. Fetch Stars Easily fetch actor/director/writter image and info from tmdb. Seasons & Episodes Create unlimited Seasons & Episodes for TV-series. Blog Publish News & post by Build-in Blog System Facebook login Single Click Google Login.. Google login Single Click Facebook Login.. Create & Manage custom page Ad managemnet system Google adsense supported Multiple Video Source for single movie/episodes Build-in newslatter HTML Newslatter for user/admin. Admin control panel player watermark. player share. player volume remember. player seek button. player playback rate. amazing ui 5 header template. 5 footer template. lazy image loading. hls/m3u8 support. mp4 from url support. webm from url support. m3u8 from url support. movie/tv-series search on admin dashboard. All embed video supported HTML5 Video player Star Rating Social like,share(AddThis) Integreted Facebook Comments Integreted PHP Comments feature enable Popular & Most View Unlimited Movies & Category Unlimited Blog Post & Category Informative Dashboard User Login,Registration Genere wish movie Management Country wish movie Mangement Fully Ajax Based User Login System Fully Ajax Based contact System Ajax base subscription 5 Color Theme(Front-End) Movie Requiest features Multi User Based System Smart User Management System for Admin Super Smart Theme Management System Unlimited Theme Color for Dashboard Smart User Profile Easy User Profile Management Informative Administrator Dashboard
    • Free
  5. With support for automatic thumbnails & image resizing in over 200 image formats, robust privacy options, secure image manager, external storage a feature rich admin area and free migration scripts, Reservo really does tick every box.
    Multi Image Uploading
    Automatic thumbnail previews, transfer speed and time remaining. The uploader handles large uploads in a breeze and doesn't rely on Flash, so it works on all devices.
    Fast Image Manager
    Slick, modern & fast image manager. Built from the ground up, it supports multiple level albums, passwords and privacy options.
    Earn Money
    Choose to run a premium image hosting service like Flickr. Earn money from advertising or by selling paid account upgrades with additional storage.
    Feature Rich Admin Area
    Have full control over your website! Manage images, user accounts, track payments, website settings, themes, plugins, translations, all in your dedicated admin area.
    Safe & Secure
    Built on code which is tested in over 3,000 websites and tested for XSS & SQL injection on every release, you can be sure your website is secure from external attack.
    100% Source Supplied
    We supply you with 100% of the source code, not 1 part of it is encoded! Make all the changes you need to the styling & core functions without being limited.
    • Free
  6. Sngine - The Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform
    • Free
  7. Now Pretty Theme Update to Version 2.0.3
    Required WoWonder Version 2.2.1
    Pretty, is a theme for WoWonder Social PHP Script. To have this theme, first you must have WoWonder Script.
    • Free
  8. User panel for your customers
    Where they can place orders, see orders history, add funds to balance, submit support tickets, etc.
      Accept online payments
    Seamlessly integrates with PayPal, Skrill, WebMoney, Perfect Money, Payza, Bitcoin, etc.
      Orders processing
    Connect any APIs for forwarding automated orders processing or manage orders manually via admin dashboard.
    Easy customisation
    Set any currency. Change site language. Chose theme. Edit content, menu, SEO attributes and other options.
     User API
    Easy-to-integrate API for your customers,So they can forward orders to you.
    Powerful admin dashboard
    Manage users, services, orders, tickets. Configure automation. Review stats. And many more.
    Multi Language
    English, Spanish, German, Russian, Chinese, Arabic and more… Any language you need easily can be added.
    Color Schemes
    Script is Built in mind that every person have a different test of color and theme, select different colors out of the box.
    • 13.27 EUR
    Himanshu Mahawer Mahawer
  9. Once PHPTRAVELS installed, no programming skills are required to manage settings. Further down is a list of features supported by the our software. PHPTRAVELS has completely inbuilt and automated modules which are specific for online travel business. PHPTRAVELS has been meticulously designed for owners of hotels, tours, vacations, car rental, cruises, travel agencies, restaurants, apartments, villas, bungalows and rooms which are given out for online bookings. PHPTRAVELS comes with packs in many essential features which are editable Please scroll down and read all major features.
    Start your online travel business within 2 Minutes
    Complete Booking Engine Billing, Reports and Invoicing System Modules Based Functions For each Section Build by PHP Codeigniter Framework 100% Customizable and Robust Application Developed by Professionals of Travel Business Test Drive The Application in Realtime!
    SSL & 3D Protection Enabled Refined all external connections Anti Hacking, Backdoors & shells  Payment Gateways
    All Major E-Payment Gateways Test Mode enabled with gateways Easy to add more gateways  Multi Currency
    Supported by major currencies Enable Disable any currency Add edit or remove any currency  Multi Language
    Multi Language System Translate any CMS and Page Add Unlimited Languages  CMS Management
    Content Management System Add Edit Remove Pages And Files Userfriendly Admin Panel  Social Connections
    Unlimited social connections Add Edit remove options Upload your personalized icons  Offers Module
    Add edit update special offers Setup offers on homepage Show hide offers by dates  Newsletter
    Complete newsletter module Send unlimited newsletters Send to customized subscribers  Reviews
    Robust reviews module Add edit manage all reviews Auto approve or approve by self  Extras
    Supplements and extras system Add edit remove or customize Upload images & details to book  Theme Engine
    Build your own Theme Costumize any Part of Theme Build New Theme & Resell to us  Full Calendar
    Full calendar pricing system Customized prices specific dates Update room status entire year  Blog
    Add edit remove blog articles Upload Images and data contents Manage Articles by Categories  Integrations
    Integrate Any XML, API or Source Dedicated developers to help Simple code management  Coupon Code
    Percentage or fixed price coupon Generate for specified dates Userfriendly coupon module
    • 20.00 EUR
    • 2 Purchases
  10. Crea8social is the leading social network software packed with amazing and customizable features. A wide range of available settings allows you to configure the system to suit your needs. You may also easily disable features you do not need.
      News Feed
    News feed plugin allow your members to post picture,videos,polls e.t.c
      Tag Friend
    You can tag your friends in a post or photos of yours or your friends
      Post Background
    Crea8social let your members to use the new post background technology in their posts to beautify their post
      Photos/Videos module
    Let your members to upload photos,videos and share with friends
      Instant Messaging
    Your members can chat with each other and can also see who's online
      Video / Audio Call
    Crea8social let your members to video / audio call with their friends with our premium video call plugin
      Polls Directory
    Let your members to create polls and allow their friends to vote
      Push Notification
    With push notification your members will never miss any events on their account
      Group Module
    Crea8social let your members to join,create group and share similar things
      Business Page Module
    Let your members to create their business page on your network
    Live Video Streaming
    With our premium Live video plugin Your members can start live video streaming with crea8social
      Games Module
    Your members can play games on your network with our game module
      CDN Storage
    Content Delivery Network is very important in social network system, that why we have that available for you to store your members assets in a CDN Storage like Amazon s3 or your own hosted CDN Storage
      Social Integration
    With our social integration your members can signup with their social accounts and with our premium social publisher they auto publish post to facebook, twitter
    Still forum system is important in social network, with our forum plugin your members can create threads and discuss similar ideas
      Event Module
    Create let your members to create event and RSVP their friends events
      Music Module
    Let your members to create music album, listing to songs e.t.c on your network
    Let your members to create blogs for their friends to read on your network
      And Many More
    Create comes with tons of feature you can test the demo to see this features
    • Free
  11. Next Post Modeules
    Auto Like Module
    Auto Comment Module
    Auto Follow Module
    Auto Unfollow Module
    Auto Re-Post Module
    Auto Direct Message Module
    Coupon Module
    Afiliate Module
    Advanced Management Module
    + many more
    • Free
  12. With this module you can allow your PES Pro users to exchange views for shortened links like adf.ly or other shortening URL's websites.
    If you do not have Pes pro script, you can buy it here:
    • 6.00 EUR
    • 9 Purchases
  13. Instagram was intended to enable clients to catch occasions as they come to pass and stay refreshed with their companions, family, and clients. Constant posting might be the most ideal approach to utilize it, however not every person has the advantage of the time to refresh their Instagram account continuously. There are a few instruments that enable you to transfer recordings and photographs, yet they don’t give you a chance to plan your substance. With Nextpost, you don’t have to stress over dealing with a few Instagram records and posting content.
    • 6.00 EUR
  14. NextPost All Modules And Skin Nulled – Instagram was intended to enable clients to catch occasions as they come to pass and stay refreshed with their companions, family, and clients. Constant posting might be the most ideal approach to utilize it, however not every person has the advantage of the time to refresh their Instagram account continuously. There are a few instruments that enable you to transfer recordings and photographs, yet they don’t give you a chance to plan your substance. With NextPost 32 Modules And 5 Skin , you don’t have to stress over dealing with a few Instagram records and posting content.
    ??Nextpost All Modules??

    ??Nextpost 5Skin??

    • 20.00 EUR
  15. Demo: https://kogaoscript.com Eine einfache Funktionsübersicht Startseite Top Anzeigen mit Scroll View Top Anzeigen Kurz Information Neuste Anzeigen ( Zusatz Funktionen "NEU Schild" ) Kategorienbereich ( Bis zu 4 Unterkategorien ) Kategorien durchstöbern Social Buttons "Twitter, Facebook, G+" Zuletzt besuchte Anzeigen Partnerlinks im Footer Unterseiten im Footer Bannersystem ( Nur über Admin verwaltbar ) Einloggen & Registrierung Passwort vergessen Passwort Stärke Tester Registrierung mit HTML E-Mail Template Facebook Login (Modul) Support Modul Kontaktaufnahme Modul Weiteres SEO Optimierungen (SEO-Links, Alt Tags, Titles, H1 & H2 Tags) Paketdienst Tabelle Sendungsverfolgungsseite für Pakete Anzeigen Funktionen Bilder, Beschreibung, Details, Extra Details, Video, Impressum Zur Merkliste hinzufügen Anbieter kontaktieren ( Nachrichten Modul ) Google Maps Karte mit automatischer Routenberechnung Standort, Telefon, Aufrufe, Anzeigenummer, Erstellungsdatum Anzeige melden Anzeige drucken ( im neuen Popup Fenster ) Alle Anzeigen des Anbieters Social Buttons für Teilen ( Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus ) mit EU-Richtlinie Weitere Details Standard Anzeigen Artikelzustand, Versandkosten und Paketdienst auswählbar, Garantie, Zahlung mit PayPal Automobile Anzeigen ( Modul ) Erstzulassung, Kilometerstand, Kraftstoff, Getriebe, Zustand, kW und PS Immobilien Anzeigen ( Modul ) Zimmer, Fläche in m², Einbauküche, Keller, Balkon, Garten Angaben für Miets-Wohnungen: Kaltmiete, Nebenkosten, Heizkosten, Kaution, Bezugfrei, Provision für Mieter Immobilienmakler Angaben: Widerrufsrecht, Verzicht auf Widerruf, Energieausweis, Warum Adressdaten, Impressum inklusive Angabe §34 c Anzeige Erstellen Kategorie auswählen 1 Haupt-Kategorie und 3 Weitere Unterkategorien wählbar Anzeigetypen: Biete, Suche, Privat, Geschäftlich Titel der Anzeige Preis ( Festpreis, VB, Auf Anfrage ) Postleitzahl und Ort Straße und Hausnummer Telefon/Mobil Youtube Video hinzufügen Beliebig viele Bilder hochladen ( Anzahl per Admin einstellbar ) Beschreibung Zusätzliche Angaben Standard Anzeigen Artikelzustand, Versandkosten und Paketdienst auswählbar, Garantie, Zahlung mit PayPal Automobile Anzeigen ( Modul ) Erstzulassung, Kilometerstand, Kraftstoff, Getriebe, Zustand, kW und PS Immobilien Anzeigen ( Modul ) Zimmer, Fläche in m², Einbauküche, Keller, Balkon, Garten Angaben für Miets-Wohnungen: Kaltmiete, Nebenkosten, Heizkosten, Kaution, Bezugfrei, Provision für Mieter Anzeigen Übersicht Übersicht der erstellten Anzeigen Übersicht der Aufrufe der Anzeige Übersicht der Beobachter ( Beobachter ) Anzeige entfernen Anzeige deaktivieren Anzeige bearbeiten (Gleich wie Erstellen) Anzeige Status: "Wartet auf Freischaltung,
    Nicht freigeschaltet, Deaktviert" Top-Anzeigen Optionen Profil Funktionen E-Mail Adresse Account-Typ auswählbar Foto Hochladen Vor & Nachname, Straße & Nr., PLZ und Ort Firmenname Passwort ändern Bei Händler: Impressum Bei Makler: Widerrufsrecht, Verzicht auf Widerruf, Energieausweis, Warum Adressdaten, Impressum inklusive Angabe §34 c Top-Anzeigen Funktion Anzeige als Galerie Anzeige buchen Anzeige als Kategorie Anzeige buchen Anzeige hochschieben Auslaufzeit der gebuchten Option PayPal Integration (Zahlungsmethode) Banküberweisung (Zahlungsmethode) Automatische PDF Rechnungserstellung ( siehe PDF Rechnungssystem ) erforderlich hierfür ist das PDF-Rechnungssystem Modul. Such Funktionen Umkreis Suche mit Radius Filter Postleitzahl und Ort Kategorie auswählbar Suche nach (von-bis) Preis Sortieren nach Alle Angebote, Private, Geschäftliche und Gesuche Suche Vorschläge Weitere Suchfilter im Auto Modul ( Erstzulassung, Kilometer & Kraftstoffart ) Weitere Suchfilter im Immobilien Modul ( Fläche in m² & Zimmeranzahl ) Merkliste Zur Merkliste hinzufügen & Entfernen Übersicht der Merkliste Beobachter Modul Administrator BereichSystem Einstellungen Allgemeine Einstellungen ( Titel, Beschreibung, Keywords, Slogan, Supportmail ) Soziale Netzwerke ( Facebook, G+, Twitter ) Rechnungsdaten ( Name/Firma, Straße, PLZ&Ort, Land, Email, Telefon, Fax, Bankverbindung ) Besondere Einstellungen ( Status, Module an- ausschalten, Bilderupload Limit ) Farben und Logos ( Logo hochladen ) Copyright Angaben ( Name, Copyright Von-Bis, Kogao Copyright ( Copyright Entfernung kaufen ) ) Module Module Installieren via Upload Module verwalten Anzeigen Verwaltung Übersicht der Anzeigen Übersicht der Anzeigen die Freigeschaltet werden müssen Anzeige deaktivieren, Anzeige bearbeiten, Anzeige löschen, Anzeige als nicht freigeschaltet setzen, Anzeige freischalten und Anzeige ansehen Erweitere Einstellungen Bild Pflicht, Bild-Format Einstellungen Google Maps Key Währung, Fahrlänge in Maßangabe, Anzeigen pro User, Auslauf Tage Startseite Optionen: Anzeigen Anzahl, Neue Anzeige Bild Produkt Optionen: Ähnliche Anzeigen, User Anzeigen, Werbung, Soziales Teilen Mitglieder Verwaltung CSV Export Funktion Funktion zum Sperren eines Mitgliedes Mitglieder Übersicht ( Angebote anzeigen, Angebote löschen, Mitglied löschen ) Top-Anzeigen Verwaltung System Status (Aktiv,Inaktiv) Zahlungsmethoden: PayPal, Banküberweisung Einstellungen der Top-Anzeigen Optionen einstellen (Laufzeit,Kosten) Top-Anzeigen verwalten ( zusätzlich Möglich einige Anzeigen zu Buchen ) Aktive Top-Anzeigen Übersicht Top-Anzeigen Buchungen ( via PayPal ) PayPal Zahlungseinstellungen Banküberweisung Zahlungseinstellungen Mitglieder Verwaltung Kategorie anlegen, Kategorie bearbeiten, Kategorie löschen 1 Hauptkategorie, bis zu 3 weitere Unterkategorien Weitere Funktionen Partnerlinks ( Hinzufügen, Übersicht, Löschen ) Meldungen verwalten ( Anzeige löschen, Meldung löschen ) Unterseiten verwalten ( Seite anlegen, Seite bearbeiten ( HTML Editor ), Seite löschen ) Rundmail ( Newsletter versenden ) Werbeanzeigen ( Anlegen, Übersicht, Löschen, Bannerformat, Bannercode, Link, Bild, Zeitpunktauslauf )  
    • 10.00 EUR
    • 16 Purchases
    • 3.00 EUR
    • 1 Purchases
  16. Demo: https://photo.wavestraffic.co
    To see the control panel, send a message.
    AdLinkFly is a GDPR compliant. Earn money by starting your own monetized link shortening service, just like adf.ly(adfly), ouo.io, linkshrink.net or shorte.st clone scripts! Allow members to shorten links & earn money, and keep a share of the profit. AdLinkFly includes a complete publisher and advertiser system, campaigns, referrals, withdrawals, API, translation ready, PayPal, Stripe, Payza, Skrill, Bitcoin(Coinbase – CoinPayments), WebMoney, Perfect Money, PAYEER, Money Wallet & Bank Transfer integration, reCAPTCHA integration and much more!
    • 6.00 EUR
    • 29 Purchases
  17. Units included in this file are:
    1- advanced status
    2- advanced-management-v2.0.1
    3- afiliate
    4- auto-comment-4.1
    5- auto-follow-4.1
    6- auto-like-4.1
    7- auto-repost-4.1
    8- coupon
    9- Giveaway
    10- Hashtag tools 2.0
    11- igdownloader
    12- moip
    13- PhotoEditor Pro
    14- postmanager
    15- Proxy-Manager-1.4
    16- auto-unfollow-4.1
    17- management
    18- social tools plugin
    19- ramhash
    20- welcomedm-4.1
    • 10.00 EUR
    • 2 Purchases
  18. In this new version of Invite Friends it is completely new And in this release we want you to focus after uploading the files on the hosting because it will not work without entering the description and then perform all the steps very well and make sure that you have done all the steps are all true and exactly as in the description only and will work with you add the creation of God fully.
    • Free
  19. Multi-File Upload
    With percentage progress, speed and time left. Pure HTML5 with support for Drag & Drop. No reliance on Flash! Large uploads supported, 2GB+.   Earn Money
    Integration into PayPal for automatic premium account upgrades. Other payment gateways such as Authorize.net, OKPay & BitPay also available.     Download Managers
    Full support for download managers with http auth. Resume broken downloads and enable multiple concurrent connections. Enable for all users or just premium.   Plugins
    Additional payment gateways, rewards program, media streamer, image viewer, FTP upload plugin and more. Create your own custom plugins using the plugin framework.   External File Servers
    Integrate any number of external file servers for additional storage. Any FTP server can be used.   100% Source Supplied
    None of the source code is encoded, enabling you to amend the file sharing script and change the styles as needed.     Screenshots  (more...)
    • 6.00 EUR
    • 30 Purchases
  20. CPV Lab is one of the popular self-hosted tracking tool that is specially designed to help you in tracking and optimizing your marketing campaigns. With CPV Lab you can easily track, test and optimize all of your marketing campaigns right across multiple traffic sources with the full On-the-fly control and unlimited flexibility.

    CPV Lab generally runs on your own server that truly indicates that you will have the full control on the privacy of your data. Basically, it’s a secured web-based self-hosted platform. It has a user-friendly graphic interface that mainly allows you to manage all the entire database right without having any need of any server knowledge.
    Campaigns setups can also be easily adjusted based on the previous results and findings too. CPV Lab also offers customizable performance improvements for the high-traffic users and ultra-fast redirects right during Peak Usage.

    In order to set up CPV Lab you need not be a programmer or a developer. The set-up is very simple that you can easily enjoy all of the CPV Lab functionalities with ease.  And you can also set-up your first campaigns just within a matter of time.
    CPV Lab Features
    CPV Lab offers many unique features that you will find extremely useful once you’re set-up. And that’s quite interesting as with such great features you can easily take your marketing campaigns to a whole new level. Let’s find out what features does this amazing platform offers.
    Detailed Reports and Lab Stats: With this feature, you will be getting all campaigns includes Ads, Keywords, Pages and offers right with the detailed revenue data so that you can easily optimize profits and ROI. Unlimited Ads & Creatives:Just set up an unlimited number of ads and then simply find the view stats for any of the individual Ads for any combination of keywords, pages, offer and more.
    Unlimited Page & Offer Rotation: You can easily add new or simply edit pages and offers in rotation with no coding skills required. Everything will be done in the campaign set-up page. Click Redirects: You can also quickly segments and redirect visitors based on the multiple conditions like the ISP/Carrier, Geography along with user agent and usability conditions. Trends With Heatmaps: With this feature, you can easily drill-down right into the most profitable the most profitable trends in keywords, pages and offers as well. As here you can actually see your trend performance Heatmapped and more.
    GEO-Stats and Details: Now you can view and filter campaigns data right to spot the most profitable visitors locations and other GEO stats and data reports are just one-click away.
    Compact Pixel and Postback Management: The best part is that here all pixel and post back formats are generally supported. Like the image, iFrame, Script Based and Postback URLs and many more in a row. Campaign Dashboard: Just view all of your campaigns, clone existing campaigns or also the export campaign setups as the CSV files simply fro the offline editing. Live View “Visitors Stats”: Quickly view all the information about your visitors right for any or all of the campaigns simply by checking click, conversions as well as the GEO Referrers and revenue data. Customizable Stats View: Here the multi-view stat page generally allows the multiple combinations in order to display all of the most relevant data for you. Just save your favorite and most used in order to get the data you actually needed.
    Report Builder: CPV Lab offers template-based system right for easy to repeat use. And here you can easily define your custom templates and supports updates right for the multiple campaigns right at once. Custom Tokens: Just add up to 10 custom tokens supported by the traffic sources, CRM, cart along with autoresponder right for the easy pass and cross-reference data. Opt-in & Lead Tracking: Just track opt-ins as well as the leads right when using the double opt-in, single opt-in and more. Mobile Audience Overview:Here you can easily identify all of the top performing mobile capabilities like video support, data rules along with mobile OS, Screen resolutions and more. All will definitely impact right on your campaigns.
    Mobile Content Supported:You can easily identify the content that your visitors can actually watch or read right on their device that includes of the file types along with messaging options supported. And here you can also know how to simply optimize all of your landing pages based on the visitors and attributes too. Mobile Browser & Features Supported: Just view the profitability by all of the popular browsers and then you can simply drill down in your stats in order to identify the potential performance segmentation opportunities. Who Can Get Benefit Form CPV Lab?

    CPV Lab is for you if you do have products or offers on the market or if you want to promote products and offers from other advertisers and then you wish to track all the conversions and sales.
    Just test and optimize landing pages, keywords, Ads, creative and offers as well. Let’s find out who can use CPV Lab in order to track and optimize their marketing campaigns:
    Merchants: It doesn’t matter whether you sell the physical or digital product, a single product or a full catalog. Here with CPV Lab, everything can be easily tracked. Affiliates: With CPV Lab any affiliate can easily set up campaigns and also validate new campaigns right for the new traffic sources. JUst increase sales and commissions by improving the targeting. Advertisers: we all know that lead generation and direct response always offers a perfect fit. You can easily set campaigns right with a few clicks and then you can also optimize full conversion paths easily. Agencies: Here any of the agencies and networks can easily integrate the tracking platform right into their business and they also receive discounts right on the bulk license as well.  
    What Campaign Types Are Available With CPV Lab?

    Direct Link and Landing Pages: You can simply rotate unlimited landing pages and offers. Then you can also test the effectiveness of the landing pages right vs. the direct linking from the no 1 campaign. Landing Page Sequence: Just build funnels and lead paths you can create multi-page visitor sequences that feature in opt-in and multiple offers as well. Lead Capture: Simply test the multiple lead capture pages simply by using only 1 autoresponder and then you can see the subscribers subscribe rate along with cost per subscriber rate in real-time. Multiple Option: You can easily test multiple offers from 1 landing pages.  That is really great for review style landing pages in order to add upsells and downsells to any primary offer. Email Follow-Up: You can simply track campaigns right in your email follow-ups and then track assign revenue to the initial “option” campaign to easily determine all the importance of your email marketing campaigns. What You Can Track With CPV Lab?
    Righ with CPV Lab you can easily track all of your traffic sources right with one simple platform. CPV Lab offers lots of information that can help you in your business. And also you can place simple links, you can easily track it.
    Pay Per Click Cost Per View Organic Traffic Media Buys Email Marketing Mobile Ads Video Ads Link Placements Social Ads Retargeting In-Text Ads Native Ads
    • 20.00 EUR
    • 1 Purchases
  21. FB Inboxer is a revolutionary, world’s very first, most powerful Facebook & Messenger marketing software. The magic part of FB Inboxer is to send promotional message to pages old & new messenger leads, where all other service allow to send only non-promotional messages & new leads. Read more about how FB Inboxer send promotional message. 

    The application is developed with Facebook official API. So everything is designed in legal way. But we are not responsible for your abusive use.

    You can also start your own business and can sell FBInboxer services to your users ! It’s a Multi-user SaaS application. PayPal and Stripeare integrated for getting payment from users
    Bulk Message Campaign:
    Multiple Facebook Account. Sync. Page’s Messenger Leads. Lead Grouping Send Bulk Message to Leads. Auto Sync. Everyday. Multi-page Campaign Set option. Multi-group Campaign Set option. Custom Campaign Set Option. Emoji and spintax message Full Report of Campaign(Delivery/Unsuccessful). Custom Message With Individual Leads Name option. Delay Option For Each Message Send. Unsubscribe Link Embed Option. Manual Unsubscribe Option. Auto Unsubscribe Leads Who Blocked Page Message.
    Auto Comment Tools:
    Auto Comment on Page Post as Page One-time & Periodic Comment Serial & Random Periodic Comment Auto Comment Template Management Emoji and spintax comment Choose Time & Date Interval of Comment Increase Page Engagement
    Lead Generator:
    Auto Private Reply for Post Comment. Auto Comment Reply for Post Comment. Auto Like on Comment Highly Customization Auto Private Reply & Comment Reply Text. Filtering Word Based Auto Private Reply & Comment Reply Option. Full Report of Auto Private Reply & Comment Reply. Send Message Button for Your Website. JSON code generation tools for Facebook Messenger Ads. Emoji and spintax message
    Page Inbox & Notification Manager:
    Pages Message in One Place All Unread Message in One Place. Reply Option from One Place. Unread Message Information Notification to Email.
    Page Posting Features
    Text,Image,Multi-image,Video,Link Post Carousel & Slideshow Post CTA Button Post Schedule/Instant Post to Your All Facebook Pages with a Single Click . Enable Auto Comment Reply Campaign With Post. Full Report of Posting Emoji Library
    Other Features:
    Multilingual Support (Built-in 12 Languages) Eye-catching Ad-ready Landing Page Automatic Update Add-on Support Awesome Dashboard. Multi-user and SaaS Application. PayPal & Stripe Integrated. End user don’t Need API Configuration. Social Login (Google+Facebook) Complete User Management System User Login Log Report Master Password to Login User Account PHP Native Email, SSL SMTP & Non-ssl SMTP Setup Announcement For Member
    Is sending bulk message to Facebook leads using our system GDPR compliant?
    Yes, sending bulk message using our system is GDPR compliant. Because people OPTIN to our Facebook page by starting messenger conversation and we can prove it. They become our lead in a valid way. All the message we sent must have unsubscribe link (we already have this feature) or other way so that people can unsubscribe any time. 
    • Free
  22. LaraPass is a self-hosted personal password manager build with highest level of security and data protection in mind. LaraPass allows you to securely store your sensitive account login information (like username, password, etc) for services such as Banks, Emails, Social Media, etc in an encrypted form on your own server. LaraPass is a simple to use product designed with SaaS functionality in mind and comes with an intuitive, easy to follow installer. (SaaS version will be released soon).
    User Features
    Responsive mobile-friendly UI Design Two Factor Powered Login System for increased Security. Logs Ip’s and sends email whenever the user logs in from an unidentified system. Secure Vault Storage – Store accounts securely in vault (fully encrypted using multi-level AES-256 bit encryption system). Password Generator – Custom build Password Generator to generate strong, highly secured password strings with just one-click. Folders – Allows users to organize logins in separate folders to avoid any unnecessary confusion. Quick Notes – Add important notes on the dashboard itself. Accounts Exporter – Can decrypt and export all the accounts the user has added with one-click (albeit requires some security clearance). One-Click Copy – Copy login id or account passwords with one click. Build-in Support Messaging System Admin Features
    Overview – Get quick stats of the app performance. Maintenance Mode – Activate/Deactivate Maintenance Mode with one-click using custom messages. Update Manager – One-Click Tool for easy LaraPass Updates. Backup Manager – Take full system backups periodically (stored locally). Private Mode – You can choose between PUBLIC or PRIVATE Mode. Public Mode allows anyone to register new user accounts, in Private Mode only the Admin can register new Users. User Profiles – View, Change Email or Ban/Suspend Users. Ability to Verify Support PIN when communicating with the User via Chat/Email, etc. Logs user’s ip, user agent, login time, logout time and also sends email on successfully login. Cookie Consent – Users will be asked to consent for storing cookies (in compliance of EU Laws). Update Application & Mailer Settings from the Admin Settings Page. Build-in Laravel Artisan Commands for Clearing Caches. Check for any latest LaraPass updates available with just one click. Admins can make quick announcement that is displayed on the dashboard itself. What’s Included
    LaraPass Password Manager Application Documentation (Complete step by step docs) 6 Months Support Future Updates System Requirements
    PHP 7.0+ NGINX or Apache MySQL or MariaDB SSH Access (Recommended) VPS or Dedicated Server (LaraPass is designed for and works best on a VPS. Do not use Shared Hosting if you are not familiar with the inner workings of Laravel. We will not provide support for Shared Hosting). Build Using
    Laravel PHP Framework Bootstrap 4 VueJS Argon (by CreativeTim)
    • Free
  23. Today with a script to penetrate the accounts of the famous game Pubg,

    You have posted it only to those who love this game and want to access user accounts.
    • Free
  24. jQWidgets is a jQuery based UI tool. The site has a huge number of examples of integration with libraries such as Angular, Angular 2, Knockout. The ability to write client code on Typescript is demonstrated. There are demos of integration with server languages: PHP, Java, ASP.net. The library itself contains about 60 widgets. Only one type of Layout - 3 pieces. Able to build graphics (about 30 types). All widgets are relatively flexible, have a large number of methods, properties, events.
    jQWidgets is a jQuery-based framework for building web-based applications running on a PC. jQWidgets is not a modified version of the jQuery UI toolkit. All widgets are designed from scratch and are based on a powerful common core. The infrastructure core provides such basic features as support for widget extensions and inheritance, widget settings, handling and routing of internal events, property change notifications, detection and adjustment of device and browser compatibility.
    Optimized for performance
    Small footprint, highly responsive, carefully optimized to provide excellent experience across a wide range of devices, operating systems and browsers.
    Theme Designer
    Theme Builder is a powerful online tool that helps you quickly create themes for the user interface of your application based on jQWidgets.
    • Free

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