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Video Player Lite 4.2

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Video Player Lite introduction

Video Player Lite is highly customizable video player with lots of adjustable features. It supports self hosted video, audio and image files, 360 reality video and image panorama, Youtube and Vimeo videos and Live Streaming. It can be used as single video player or with playlist support of multiple videos.
Video Player Lite is a powerful video and audio player that supports all kind of embeddable media, from HTML5 video formats to Youtube and Vimeo videos, audio or image files to Apple HLS and MPEG DASH live streaming and 360 virtual reality videos and images.

Player can serve different video quality for both desktop and mobile browers, display video subtitles in multiple langauges, control playback speed, and audio languages for live streaming.

Video Player Lite can contain mixed media inside a playlist, so we can have self hosted videos, Youtube videos and some images mixed inside the same playlist.

Player is packed with a huge amount of features and customization options from different skins, color customization, social sharing, external API, private / password protected videos.

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