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  1. This module is not a standalone app. You need to get the main Nextpost Instagram app to use this module You can see a video here https://s3.amazonaws.com/b164263d-2b99-4aa8-9738-cb5b45507601/public/envato-instagram-giveaways/envato-sweepstakes-giveaways-nextpost-module.mp4 Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/instagram-sweepstakes-giveaways-nextpost-module/22523043 Download: doniaweb.com_Giveaway.zip
    2 points
  2. Amazing Features With the help of powerful backend system you can manage almost everything remotely including what type of offers should be fetched from 3rd party networks. Four categoriesCategorization will help users to identify offer type out of 4 sections: Install, Survey, Video, Premium. Social loginFacebook and Google login added along with own credentials. Easily customizableWe simplified code identification to customize it easily. User activitiesEarning history, Referral history, Withdrawal history added for reference. Fraud preventionFraud prevention, Network lead reversal also added to minimize fraudulent activities. Also, to prevent referral system abuse, system will pay referrer when user balance meets minimum threshold or when you processed a withdrawal request. Powerful backendMost of changes can be done by backend including your terms of service and frequently asked question. Therefore no need to upgrade your app so often. Supports any Ad NetworkWe can add any ad network on demand. We added 11 sample ad networks: AdMob, AdColony, TapJoy, OGAds, CPAGrip, CPALead, AdWorkMedia, AdGateMedia, Persona.ly, SuperRewards, Mgcash Built-in browserMintCash has javascript enabled built-in browser to access external links that makes it a complete standalone rewards app. Multiple referral systemIt supports Percentage and One Time Fixed referral system. Daily check-inIt supports daily check-in system with random reward points set by backend. Push notificationSystem will send push message on every successful lead completion. You can also manually send push message. Geo based reward system. Demo: https://mintservice.ltd/ Download: https://doniaweb.com/files/file/152-mintcash-v124-rewards-app-web-panel/
    2 points
  3. Facebook Inboxer is a revolutionary, world’s very first,most powerful and complete Facebook messenger marketing software. This application can send bulk message to your pages’ messenger leads. And it is combined of suit of tools for generating messenger leads. FB Inboxer is now not only Messenger marketing tools, but also have most complete page’s posting features that can outrun any other Facebook posting tools existing in the market. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/fb-inboxer-master-facebook-messenger-marketing-software/19578006 Download:
    Hidden Content.
    A FB Inboxer Add-on for tagging post commenters of Facebook Pages:
    2 points
  4. SUMO Reward Points V21.1 - WooCommerce Reward System sumo-reward-points-v21.1.zip
    2 points
  5. Sngine is a PHP Social Network Platform is the best way to create your own social website or online community. Launch it in just 1 minute with ultimate features. It’s fast, secured, and it will be regularly updated. Sngine Updated to Version 2.5.5 Version 2.5.5 06-10-2018 Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/sngine-the-ultimate-social-network-platform/13526001 Download:
    Hidden Content.
    1 point
  6. Stackposts is a social media marketing tool that allows and helps you to easily auto post, schedule Instagram posts along with Facebook, Twitter and many more!. It also can manage multiple social networks, schedule posts, increase your Traffic and engage your audiences. Just upload the media you want to post, type up your caption, and use the handy calendar to decide when you’d like your post to go out. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/stackposts-social-marketing-tool/21747459 Download:
    Hidden Content.
    1 point
  7. Stackposts version 2.2 has been released – October 15, 2018 Stackposts is a social media marketing tool that allows and helps you to easily auto post, schedule Instagram posts along with Facebook, Twitter and many more!. It also can manage multiple social networks, schedule posts, increase your Traffic and engage your audiences. Just upload the media you want to post, type up your caption, and use the handy calendar to decide when you’d like your post to go out. Exclusively on the DoniaWeB forum, please donate to help me spread the more Stackposts-v2.2-Nulled.zip
    1 point
  8. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/mobile-native-timeline-applications-for-wowonder-social-php-script/19703216?s_rank=13hi Download: Hidden Content Give reaction or reply to this topic to see the hidden content. good
    1 point
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