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anet id

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  1. thank you very much. after replace the code. now the read, typing features are all working 😁
  2. @Magd Almuntaser i tried to disable read, but the result is read. and typing also does not appear
  3. thanks a lot, now filemanager is working properly. but for auto reply: typing and reading still not working
  4. @Gusik Prasetyo sepertinya default memang read semua, coba dimatikan fungsi readnya. nanti status akan read juga meskipun read dimatikan
  5. @Magd Almuntaser I have upgraded v7.0.0.7 and tried it - when uploading an error notification appears. - can't delete files. - auto reply: typing and reading don't work
  6. @Magd Almuntaser setelah saya melakukan fresh install v7.0.0.6 terdapat error pada bagian file manager, tidak bisa menghapus file, tidak bisa membuka filemanager pada balasan otomatis dan pesan test.
  7. @Magd Almuntaser For the next update, can you add sending messages via API to WhatsApp groups? because of this mpwa on the api docs there is no sending messages to the group.
  8. @Magd Almuntaser Nice, problem solved next, waiting for the gemini ai feature
  9. @MURASAKI. same problem, lluminate\Database\QueryException SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`sql_whatsapp`.`message_histories`, CONSTRAINT `message_histories_device_id_foreign` FOREIGN KEY (`device_id`) REFERENCES `devices` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE) (SQL: insert into `message_histories` (`device_id`, `message`, `number`, `payload`, `send_by`, `status`, `type`, `user_id`) values (1, The current version is[v20.12.2], 62xxxxx, {"_token":"Pyfkls60BvJkhvPp3uIekVMd2GpcpdiQ502oG3Zg","sender":"62xxxxxx","number":"62xxxxx","type":"media","url":"http:\/\/xxxxx\/storage\/files\/1\/d2d4c52f-ef06-486e-bbba-c7b6ff08f43c.jpg","media_type":"document","caption":"The current version is[v20.12.2]"}, web, success, media, 1))
  10. Mohon info, apakah bisa diterapkan fitur Disappear Message? karena jika mengaktifkan pesan sementara pada setting whatsapp akan muncul peringatan "pesan ini tidak akan hilang dari chat, pengirim mungkin menggunakan whatsapp versi lama". mungkin disini ada yang bisa menerapkan disappear message pada versi 7 ini? Screenshoot terlampir. Terimakasih
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