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angga turki

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Posts posted by angga turki

  1. 1 hour ago, Unicode said:

    Apakah ada yang sudah mencoba untuk 1 nomor terkoneksi mpwa dan wa gateway lain?

    apakah putus2 juga ya?

    ndak ada pengaruhnya mas, punya saya 1 nomor saya coba ke beberapa aplikasi WA gateway.. ada perbedaan issue dc nya, ada yang 2 hari sekali bengong, ada yang lama ndak putus putus juga ada..

  2. 4 minutes ago, JangE said:

    saya coba gunakan script lain untuk blasting sebagai perbandingan, karena penasaran mungkin hosting saya .

    untuk MPWA v7.0.0.9 saya coba js yang ini, cron jobs untuk test server per 

    0,30 * * * *

    curl -s "http://domain.com/send-message?api_key=APIKEY&sender=6281212346&number=628123456&message=TESTPESAN"

    dari siang tadi masih berjalan dengan baik

    Kalau ada down akan saya update disini lagi. semoga baik2 saja 😊

    server.js 2.9 kB · 0 downloads

    Di saya tahan 2 hari, setelah itu idle lagi server.js nya,

  3. 11 hours ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

    So I will dispense with Baileys .. and I will use another library .. The situation is exhausting but I will not give up ..
    So far I have been able to completely reprogram the sending system, but I am trying it now, there is a lack of many codes in the pedroslopez/whatsapp-web.js library, but I am trying to rebuild it .. And I actually tried sending a message and the notification reached my phone and also the response was from the autoreply, which means that Baileys is facing many problems ..
    And also the good news is that so far 6 hours have passed since I rebuilt the sending system and the connection has never been disconected, even if errors appear, it does not disconnect 😍

    Also I tried turning off the modem and waiting 5 minutes and then turning the internet back on again and it connected automatically thanks to the isOnline library it is very compatible with pedroslopez/whatsapp-web.js 😍
    So I will say goodbye Baileys and hello whatsapp-web.js but there may be some features that will stop 🥲.. I am still developing the system and I will not give up.

    its good thing we here today, keep spirit for our brother @Magd Almuntaser to rebuild this app, so wee keep behind you sir,

  4. 9 hours ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

    I want to get everyone's opinion...
    Now we have reached version, and there is no room for version 10. Since the script now contains many modifications, additions, and fixes, and the script's appearance has completely changed both in terms of programming and design, even the original programmer's code has become minimal due to the extensive changes that have occurred. There is no longer a way for the original programmer to bypass these additions, and even if a new version is released from him, I believe it will be outdated.

    So, I thought of the following options, and you have the choice:

    1- Should I use this version number for the next release ( and start a new thread? Please note that the original programmer's latest release is 7.0.0, so I cannot use 7.0.1 for his version.

    2- Should we ask the admin to change this entire thread to my version?

    3- Or should I continue as I am with version numbers like

    For your information, if the original programmer releases, let's say, a version numbered 8.0.0, I will immediately change my version number to because it's impossible for our version to remain lower than his release, especially since the script has become something entirely different.

    Waiting for everyone's votes since the script concerns everyone.


    Saya ingin meminta pendapat semua orang...
    Sekarang kita telah mencapai versi, dan tidak ada ruang untuk versi 10. Karena skrip ini sekarang berisi banyak modifikasi, penambahan, dan perbaikan, dan tampilan skrip telah benar-benar berubah baik dari segi pemrograman maupun desain, bahkan kode pemrogram asli telah menjadi sangat sedikit karena perubahan besar yang telah terjadi. Tidak ada lagi cara bagi pemrogram asli untuk melewati penambahan ini, dan bahkan jika versi baru dirilis, saya percaya itu akan sudah ketinggalan zaman.

    Jadi, saya memikirkan beberapa opsi berikut, dan kalian memiliki pilihan:

    1- Haruskah saya menggunakan nomor versi ini untuk rilis berikutnya ( dan memulai thread baru? Perlu dicatat bahwa rilis terbaru dari pemrogram asli adalah 7.0.0, jadi saya tidak dapat menggunakan 7.0.1 untuk versinya.

    2- Haruskah kita meminta manajemen untuk memindahkan seluruh thread ini ke versi saya?

    3- Atau haruskah saya melanjutkan seperti sekarang dengan nomor versi

    Sebagai informasi, jika pemrogram asli merilis, misalnya, versi bernomor 8.0.0, saya akan segera mengubah nomor versi saya menjadi karena tidak mungkin versi kami tetap lebih rendah daripada rilisnya, terutama karena skrip ini telah menjadi sesuatu yang benar-benar berbeda.

    Menunggu suara dari semua orang karena skrip ini melibatkan semua orang.

    make new thread with start new version log, like version 8.0.0
    i think this script is have big different with official script, but it start from original script before it has maded, its like credits for programming, so its still have name with MPWA.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

    Update Whatsapp Gateway Multi Device (Magd Version) v7.0.0.9
    Only for those who use my previous version & later

    You can install the update from your control panel by clicking on Admin->Update or from the notifications in the website interface.


    What's New on v7.0.0.9:
    - Added Multi-Themes.
    Added delay for autoreply & webhook.
    Added new theme, the previous theme is still there.
    Added remote themes installation page.
    Fixed socket idle.
    Rebuild previous design.


    For those looking for the "new installation" you can download the full version from the next post.

    well it come with new fresh theme, again we say big thank for features you give in this apps sir, so many many thank you.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

    It's nice that you understand programming and know what heartbeat is.. The problem with this script is that it doesn't contain heartbeat (ping & pong) to keep the socket open all day without idle. Before I solve your problem, I want you to wait just for a few hours because I will release my new version today and it contains the heartbeat solution for the socket and there will be no need to run cornjob 👍

    i think you always give us more than heartbeat in the next release with big change and bugfix,

    • Love 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

    It already exists:




    Or do you mean adding a time in hours and minutes to start?
    If you mean time.. I will add it in the future and not in the next version because I am late for this version..
    Currently I am trying to solve the socket idle problem so that you do not use cronjob .. There is a possibility that the new version will be released today.

    i create a command in shell scripting (pm2.sh) and input at crontab, after periodic time, the crontab didn't run anyway, but if i test the script it work for making heartbeat of node js,

    here is the command:

    cd /yourpath/ && pm2 stop server.js --name MPWA && pm2 start server.js --name WAPI && clear

    is that any suggest sir @Magd Almuntaser any idea for making it work?

  8. 31 minutes ago, Upal said:

    @Magd Almuntaser Hey the server stops responding and this comes. But the node is still running.

    After restart it starts working fine for a day or two and then stops again. I've replaced it version server.js let's see how it plays along.


    is there posible to restart pm2 on terminal with cronjob? I think it solusion it can make great device connection,

  9. 2 minutes ago, Unicode said:

    Yes, i am using mpwa and not disconnect more than 1 week already.

    I just use shared hosting and node js v19.

    btw can you share onesender script bro?

    pm pls

    one sender have license verification with their panel for license, i send the resource with master in here that hope posible to null it,

  10. 1 minute ago, Unicode said:

    My whatsapp mpwa by magd i have 3 users and i connect 4 number.

    all connected without issues, this issues only happen when first using this script.

    overall I am happy using this custom by master @Magd Almuntaser

    i mean dc issue after 24 hour sir, only walix and onesender that live not disconected.

  11. 3 hours ago, Gusik Prasetyo said:

    Sir, i have 2 numbers that connected to mpwa. First number always connect but second number still connect but iddle, so i have to login to "wake up" qrcode second number.

    I try to make new account but the result is same. Always iddle.

    Help me please.

    old issue of this script.. i decide to check older version that issue is same from source code or not, i actually do with another wa gateway (MPWA, Wasender, Walix, Onesender) but only walix and onesender the issue not showing..

    • Like 1
  12. 9 minutes ago, Magd Almuntaser said:



    Alright, this has exhausted me. I've created a file that will install everything needed for the script to work fully without you having to do anything. This process will install PHP, phpMyAdmin, Apache, GD, Node.js, and more. It will also install the MPWA latest version, create a database, set up the database automatically, and install PM2.

    First, make sure you have a domain ready and linked to your IP address.

    Second, since you are using Proxmox, you can install:


    After the installation, login and complete the setup until it finishes. Do not install any additional tools; just complete the initial setup until it reboot by itself.

    Then, run the following command and follow the prompts. This will complete the server and script setup:

    cd /home && curl -o mpwa -L https://onexgen.com/mpwa/download/mpwa && bash mpwa

    Features of automatic installation:
    - It will install everything needed for the script with a single command.
    It will automatically start the WhatsApp server even if you reboot the entire server.
    - You can access the database via the link: yoursite.com/phpmyadmin
    - No need to install a control panel like
    aaPanel, cPanel, or others, as you won’t need them.

    Works on:
    AlmaLinux 8.x
    Rocky Linux 8.x

    It may take a lot of time because it installs all the programs within the server, so be patient and
    drink coffee until it's done.

    It has been tested on these versions. However, in the future, I might develop the script to work on Ubuntu or newer versions of AlmaLinux and Rocky Linux.

    Warning to others: This file is only for those who have a dedicated server, proxmox or empty vps or local virtual machine. Do not try it on your site unless you are a professional.

    Is that support for debian 11 or latest?

  13. 10 minutes ago, Enno The Explorer said:

    Alhamdulillah, saya sdh berhasil mendapatkan email untuk lupa passwordnya 😇 , ternyata ada bbrp langkah yang harus dilakukan untuk mengaktifkan smtp gmail di .envy nya :

    1. Aktifkan terlebih dahulu 2-Factor Authentication (2FA), klo ga diaktifkan kita ga bisa mengenerate password untuk smtp pada kolom Mail_Password

    2. masuk ke link https://myaccount.google.com/apppasswords, lalu masukkan nama aplikasi (bebas mau diberi nama apa aja)

    3. setelah itu otomatis google akan memberikan app password yang akan dimasukkan ke Mail_Password dengan format seperti ini : rfgh psde zvbg xeew

    4. Hilangkan spasi pada passwordnya menajdi seperti ini rfghpsdezvbgxeew

    5. masukkan passwod tersebut ke Mail_Password

    sehingga menjadi seperi ini :







    great tutorial dude, nice work.. 

  14. 24 minutes ago, Enno The Explorer said:



    tetap ga bisa..apa ada yg perlu di restart?

    port nya udah open belum tuh, 587,

  15. 25 minutes ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

    o errors in the new versio


    25 minutes ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

    It seems that I forgot to update the api-docs in for user info and device info..
    I will add it later in the next version If you want to use it right now, I can explain it to you 

    But I don't think anyone will use it right now, it will help me create plugins for wordpress and whmcs.

    I forgot to mention that the languages are currently available:
    English: 100%
    Arabic: 100%
    Indonesian: 100%
    Hindi: Pending
    Spanish: No translator found
    Those who can translate into Spanish or Hindi will find the translation file in this path resources\lang\es.json You can send me the file after you finish translating it
    I'm off to celebrate Indonesian Independence Day. I hope there are no errors in the new version.
    Happy Independence Day
    Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan
    Dirgahayu Indonesia

    Thank you so much sir,

  16. 4 minutes ago, MarCoVar01 said:

    @Magd Almuntaser Master, I congratulate you for your new versions and great development. I have been following this system since it was created and I have used it. I notice that you have made great adjustments and I believe that it is very useful for all of us who use it. I have become a big fan of yours, since in just a few months you have made great changes and improvements. I would like to ask you if it is possible to add the Spanish language for your next update. If possible, many more thanks to you.

    If add spanish language, you should to help translate with it as contributor, it benefit would be yours again, 

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