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Bicrypto v4.4.2 + All Plugins ×

angga turki

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Everything posted by angga turki

  1. If add spanish language, you should to help translate with it as contributor, it benefit would be yours again,
  2. i wil contribute to translate origin languange with standart format, let me be contibutor of this app sir.. @Magd Almuntaser
  3. i will upgrade as fresh installation on that version after release, it now more stable an rich feature of this app, thank you brother @Magd Almuntaser
  4. i think this can reduce cpu dan ram usage from apps, it very simple for vps to setup, i actually want try crontab to handle simply task on cronjob,
  5. with this actually disconect issue will resolve, hope it work, version thanks @Magd Almuntaser for develop this apps,
  6. Selalu ada kejutan luar biasa dari brothe kita @Magd Almuntaser terimakasih banyak sebelumnya,
  7. port berapa yang kamu gunakan mas untuk node js nya? dan kalau boleh share spesifikasi software yang digunakan mulai dari os, php versi, mysql atau mariaDB versi, dan versi node js nya?
  8. wah developer, mantap, lanjutkan mas, itu automasinya jalankah? dikembangin ke IoT juga kah?
  9. hosting dimana mas? mpwa buat aplikasi apa tuh? Apa hanya buat native app saja?
  10. mantap tuh, semoga awet, ini juga sedang riset supaya bisa konek terus, yang saya uji masih dengan cronjob external, jika dirasa kurang nanti pakai cronjob internal pakai command crontab,
  11. pakai panel kah? Atau murni tanpa panel? Perasaan kalau latecy bagusan reg jakarta, kalau singapore menang di upload download nya,
  12. Region jakarta google cloud platform juaranya bang, pakai vps murni dari vendor langsung aja supaya kerasa spek nya,
  13. i think the main developer start integrated with AI after our brother @Magd Almuntaser release the beauty updates, 🙂
  14. Coba baca postingan dari halaman awal disana sudah dijelaskan, mohon dibaca satu per satu,
  15. Load function what load SSL certificate if you use https, if you use http it work perfectly,
  16. it better install in native vps without panel, yo can free ram usage for server performance,
  17. this issue is already fixed, i forget load function who load SSL csrtificate files, thanks before, it work perfectly,
  18. cert file and key file are in sam directory and allready loaded in server.js whats wrong still waiting node server when SSL On.
  19. i allready followed your instruction on page 43 but it same, still waiting.. when i remove SSL it work, where my mistake? i use lets encrypt as SSL and native vps without panel (debian 11, mariadb 10.6), and SSL forced 301, i think this problem is in code server.js and /routes/web.php please help me sir.. i allready followed your instruction on page 43 but it same, still waiting.. when i remove SSL it work, where my mistake? i use lets encrypt as SSL and native vps without panel (debian 11, mariadb 10.6), and SSL forced 301, i think this problem is in code server.js and /routes/web.php please help me sir..
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