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angga turki

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Posts posted by angga turki

  1. 4 minutes ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

    The file that I put for you is not the same as or, it is a file for the new version, which does not have pm2 and does not take up any server resources.
    Anyway, you can use whatever you see fit.

    i will upgrade as fresh installation on that version after release, it now more stable an rich feature of this app, thank you brother @Magd Almuntaser

  2. 1 hour ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

    Using the server.js file above will fix your issue without sending a message every hour

    i think this can reduce cpu dan ram usage from apps, it very simple for vps to setup, i actually want try crontab to handle simply task on cronjob,

  3. 14 minutes ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

    Kamu bisa menjalankan script di XAMPP. Instal XAMPP dengan PHP versi 8.x. Lalu, instal Node.js di Windows menggunakan PowerShell atau instal sebagai MSI. Jika ingin menginstalnya melalui PowerShell, akan lebih mudah dengan perintah berikut:

    winget install Schniz.fnm
    fnm env --use-on-cd | Out-String | Invoke-Expression
    fnm use --install-if-missing 18

    Setelah menjalankan perintah ini, kamu akan memiliki Node.js versi 18, yang merupakan versi stabil. Setelah menginstal XAMPP, pergi ke C:\xampp\htdocs dan letakkan folder script, misalnya 'mpwa'.

    Masuk ke folder tersebut dan buka dua jendela Command Prompt (CMD).
    Di jendela pertama, jalankan perintah ini untuk menjalankan server secara langsung dan biarkan jendela tetap terbuka, jangan ditutup:

    php artisan serv

    Di jendela kedua, tulis perintah berikut dan jangan tutup jendela:

    node server.js

    Setelah menjalankan kedua perintah di kedua jendela tersebut, jangan tutup karena jika ditutup, koneksi akan terputus.
    Lalu, buka:


    Kamu akan menemukan situsmu di sana dan bisa mencoba semuanya kecuali mengirim (media message) karena memerlukan situs langsung, bukan server lokal.

    with this actually disconect issue will resolve, hope it work, version 

    thanks @Magd Almuntaser for  develop this apps, 


  4. 8 minutes ago, badas said:

    Saya install dari versi 7 sampai update ke versi versi bro @Magd Almuntaser sampai sekarang tidak pernah terputus nodejs nya.
    VPS idcloud



    port berapa yang kamu gunakan mas untuk node js nya? dan kalau boleh share spesifikasi software yang digunakan mulai dari os, php versi, mysql atau mariaDB versi, dan versi node js nya?

  5. Just now, Enno The Explorer said:

    saya hosting di Idcloudhost mas dari 2020 mas.
    bisa untuk semua jenis native app terutama krn sy develop app dengan google appsheet jd sangat berguna untuk saya

    wah developer, mantap, lanjutkan mas, itu automasinya jalankah? dikembangin ke IoT juga kah?

  6. 3 minutes ago, Enno The Explorer said:

    iya mas, sebelumnya saya pakai Automation google appsheet untuk menjaga pesan terkirim 1 jam 1x agar Nodejs tetap standby (aktif), Alhamdulillah lancar jaya 24 jam,

    tapi kemarin2 saya dengar ada Cronjob ini di Cpanel shared hosting yang fungsinya sama dengan automation google appsheet jd sy fikir akan lebih baik langsung menggunakan fitur bawaan dari shared hostingnya.

    hosting dimana mas? mpwa buat aplikasi apa tuh? Apa hanya buat native app saja?

  7. 5 minutes ago, Enno The Explorer said:

    Cronjobnya sudah berhasil, wow luar biasa..terima kasih banyak mas..akhirnya Nodejsnya bs aktif 24 jam tanpa pakai aplikasi luar lagi..😍🙏

    mantap tuh, semoga awet, ini juga sedang riset supaya bisa konek terus, yang saya uji masih dengan cronjob external, jika dirasa kurang nanti pakai cronjob internal pakai command crontab,

  8. 1 minute ago, Unicode said:

    Untuk web utama pake vps reg singapore bang. Kapok reg indo

    Hosting dipake wa gateway aja

    pakai panel kah? Atau murni tanpa panel? Perasaan kalau latecy bagusan reg jakarta, kalau singapore menang di upload download nya,

  9. 2 hours ago, Unicode said:

    aren sih gk usah ditanya hampir tiap hari gk cuma bulan. seminggu aja bisa 3-4 x down. 

    kalo bisa hosting / vps aku sangat menghindari server indo karena memang busuk, selain lemot kadang ada masalah jaringan.


    Region jakarta google cloud platform juaranya bang, pakai vps murni dari vendor langsung aja supaya kerasa spek nya,

  10. 1 hour ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

    Yes, I will do that. I might release the next version today or tomorrow.
    It contains many fixes and additions.
    Some of these additions include:

    - new page for updating the version remotely with a single click without needing to download the compressed file (smart update)
    - new page for the AI bot with all options
    - Added Claude API
    - Added an option for (read) for bot conversations
    - The ability to choose if you want to integrate more than one bot and call it by name in the conversation or not
    - The ability to enable or disable calls for the bot
    - Fixed the date issue in (message history)
    - Fixed the port page for those using SSL
    ... and more

    We all always waiting this goodnews sir.. thank you,

  11. 1 hour ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

    do you change https in .env file?
    and try to open this site and enter your ip server or web site without http or https and enter port to check if node working:

    this issue is already fixed, i forget load function who load SSL csrtificate files, thanks before, it work perfectly,

  12. 2 hours ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

    Are you sure you put the key and cert files and modified them in the server.js file as described in my old post?
    If your issue is still there, msg me. Send me the key, cert, server.js file and your web.php file

    😅 Write it as I wrote it. I'll correct it in the next version.

    Make sure you have the correct geimini key and that it works.. or PM me with your key i will test it and you can generate another one

    Saya tidak mengerti masalah Anda, apakah maksud Anda 3100 tidak berfungsi? Jika tidak berfungsi, pastikan nodejs Anda berjalan dengan benar. Karena port ini tidak akan berfungsi kecuali Anda telah menjalankan nodejs

    cert file and key file are in sam directory and allready loaded in server.js whats wrong still waiting node server when SSL On. 

  13. 3 hours ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

    you can see my post on page number 43 about:
    How To Run (Whatsapp Gateway Multi Device) Via SSL

    i allready followed your instruction on page 43 but it same, still waiting.. when i remove SSL it work, where my mistake?

    i use lets encrypt as SSL and native vps without panel (debian 11, mariadb 10.6), and SSL forced 301, i think this problem is in code server.js and /routes/web.php

    please help me sir..


    3 hours ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

    you can see my post on page number 43 about:
    How To Run (Whatsapp Gateway Multi Device) Via SSL

    i allready followed your instruction on page 43 but it same, still waiting.. when i remove SSL it work, where my mistake?

    i use lets encrypt as SSL and native vps without panel (debian 11, mariadb 10.6), and SSL forced 301, i think this problem is in code server.js and /routes/web.php

    please help me sir..


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