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Ordinary User

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Everything posted by Ordinary User

  1. Bypass using this query UPDATE `settings_two` SET `liquid_license_type` = 'Extended License', `liquid_license_domain_key` = 'doniaweb' WHERE `settings_two`.`id` = 1;
  2. There is no new tools like PDF tools Edited Its there, but no database for that tools, you can manually make it, FIXED
  3. Yes this is correct sctipt, but you need change this and there to runing, you can use older version They remove languange in new version, if you still wanna use it you can migrate using older version and implement it to new one
  4. Trying new version, its more stable but some script are broken (easy fix) send tamplate / button only show from waweb/iphone. send image dosent working, you can manualy insert image link from database than its working. chatbot working, webhook working
  5. Sorry cant give you link, i already give my source code at comment, dig into it. Admin Please Update to new verison, they fix bug
  6. change webhook: function in waziper.js to this webhook: async function(instance_id, data){ var tb_webhook = await Common.db_query("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'sp_whatsapp_webhook'"); if(tb_webhook){ var webhook = await Common.db_query("SELECT * FROM sp_whatsapp_webhook WHERE status = 1 AND instance_id = '"+instance_id+"'"); console.log(webhook); if(webhook){ console.log(webhook.webhook_url); axios.post(webhook.webhook_url, { instance_id: instance_id, data: data }).then((res) => {}).catch((err) => {}); } } },
  7. @Edilson Souza someone already upload it at commend, sorry cant give the link
  8. I already tested, all working except sending image and button in web. (if someone can fix this please share in this post) but if you try using rest api, its working fine, you need change send method to get not post, you can change it at code. webhook is working to, problem is we dont have good documentation for this, so here you are my example code for webhook webhook.js
  9. I found cool tamplate from here Metronic | Bootstrap HTML, VueJS, React, Angular, Asp.Net, Django & Laravel Admin Dashboard Theme by keenthemes (themeforest.net) and Bootstrap Admin Dashboard & Frontend Themes & Templates (keenthemes.com)
  10. I install it and ask for update and then i copy all update.zip to my project after runing /update show "Invalid purchase code"
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