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Bicrypto v4.4.2 + All Plugins ×


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About utm

  • Birthday January 5

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  1. can i get this giveaway please... I need this tool to enhance my productivity and creativity in both personal and professional projects. thank you... here is my email: bagusutomo370@gmail.com
  2. yes, you can. { "api_key": "xxxxeb178xxxbeBuwRxxx", "sender": "628xxxxxxxxxx", "number": "xxxx6324xxx516xxxx@g.us", "message": "Hello World" } just change key number with value of the group id or by interface. hope next update there will be something like option to select group and send message directly
  3. yes master @Magd Almuntaser it would be interesting if there are feature to send message to whatsApp group with ability to tag people inside or mention people name 😁
  4. yes, the read message function applied to all messages both personal and group. even the bot option is disabled.
  5. @Pebrian coba server type nya ubah jadi other, trus pas di url node nya gaperlu pakai port (url nya aja). jika sudah setting ssl (key.pem & cert.pem) tambahin https, kalau belum pakai http aja.
  6. @Fud Here is the setup to install wamd if you're using aapanel. 1. Add php project site in website menu. 2. Install pm2 manager in app store, install node (if not yet), add project and set to the directory project then set port 3100 (make sure port 3100 is listening, you can add and check in security menu) 3. Add node project in website menu, example like this 4. IMPORTANT THING, don't activate the SSL in your website. if already installed, disabled it. because it will not work if you're using SSL 5. Install project like usual by go to project_url/install 6. after installation complete, login then go to setting server menu. then setting like this * you don't need include port (:3100) in the url 7. Add device and try scan, it will work.
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