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Tomasz Cudzewicz

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About Tomasz Cudzewicz

  • Birthday 08/24/1981

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  1. Without an installer, you need to adapt the files to your own page, why would someone like beginners need it, you should add that uploading the script for experienced people who know a little php and html. Because you need to edit files, not only .env
  2. Ok, thanks, I already have but I still have error 500, something is not working for me.
  3. Hello, I just downloaded these files, and you can see that they are not complete. Could you post the full script. I would be grateful. Thanks :)
  4. application/config/database.php <?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed'); ob_start(); /* Add this line to the above file and it will help for sure :)
  5. https://coinads.tk/index.php Hello, Login to the admin panel does not work, even after changing the password in the database
  6. I'm adding to the comment, I would also like to ask for such a correction to the script :)
  7. Hello, I'm looking for a script preferably nulled. Something similar to what I provided in the coinad.org link. With the possibility of inserting your own ads (not a link to the page and a link to the graphics) only an iframe script from external websites AdAdsense google.??Maybe someone has something like that. Thank you in advance for your response.
  8. I have a question? Why is this one cheaper than the second script? Is it working properly because the link to the demo does not work!
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