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Megalo Web Services

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Everything posted by Megalo Web Services

  1. View File Web & WebDav Server 1.1 Overview of Web & WebDav Server for macOS This is an excellent solution to create a Web Server with many features and capabilities to help you quickly and securely manage your website. Features of Web & WebDav Server for macOS Uses SSL/TLS encryption to ensure secure connections between the Server and client. This feature is crucial for protecting sensitive data from hackers and cybercriminals Users can customize server settings, including server name, document root, and directory listings. This feature is ideal for those who want to personalize their server configuration Supports WebDAV, a protocol that severely enables users to access files and folders on the Server. This feature is helpful for collaborative work on files and documents You can host multiple websites on a single server. This feature is perfect for those who want to manage multiple sites with ease Technical Details and System Requirements macOS 10.15 or later Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor Submitter Megalo Web Services Submitted 06/17/2023 Category Programs Demo  
  2. We have taken the Wowonder PHP Script and re-branded it as FB Social. We are using its source code for an independent open source rolling release. Developing our own add-ons and customizing the structure on top of it. Example. Like taking the chassis of a Ford and building our own car using it as the base. Or taking Debian and making Ubuntu. when we are done it will no longer be the same. We are looking for developers who want to contribute to the distro. Its been re-structured to conform to the MIT Open Source License and is not on sourceforge https://sourceforge.net/projects/fb-social/files/
  3. drag it to your themes folder. current release thevault.megaloglobal.com/files/PHP-Scripts/wowonder/themes/facebook.zip
  4. thevault.megaloglobal.com/files/PHP Scripts/wowonder/themes/facebook.zip
  5. does anyone know why this installs to a bank background and zero visible content.
  6. Well aware. Working on it. I'm migrating everything to Megaloglobal.com
  7. i FOUND THEM AND UPLOADED THEM. AS SOON As My file is approVED I WILL COMMent here.
  8. View File Sngine - iOS App Features Xcode 9+ and Swift 4 project Splash Screen Auto notification Send notification to all users Change statusbar color No Programming Skills Required AdMob Ads: Banner and Interstitial Admob Ads Control Panel What You Get : Source Code Documentation File Notifications work when: Someone following you Someone mentioned you Someone liked your post Someone shared your post Someone sent you a message Someone voted on your poll Someone visited your profile Someone commented on your post Someone posted on your timeline Someone replied to your comment Someone added you to group Someone asked to join your group Someone added you as admin to group Someone invite you to like a page Someone added you as admin to page Someone invite you to join an event Someone accepted your request to join group Someone sent you or accepted your friend requset Submitter Megalo Global Inc Submitted 09/29/2023 Category IOS Demo
  9. Version 3.4.1


    Features Xcode 9+ and Swift 4 project Splash Screen Auto notification Send notification to all users Change statusbar color No Programming Skills Required AdMob Ads: Banner and Interstitial Admob Ads Control Panel What You Get : Source Code Documentation File Notifications work when: Someone following you Someone mentioned you Someone liked your post Someone shared your post Someone sent you a message Someone voted on your poll Someone visited your profile Someone commented on your post Someone posted on your timeline Someone replied to your comment Someone added you to group Someone asked to join your group Someone added you as admin to group Someone invite you to like a page Someone added you as admin to page Someone invite you to join an event Someone accepted your request to join group Someone sent you or accepted your friend requset
  10. I am looking for the iOS and Android app for the Sngine system
  11. View File Megalo Web Services - Screaming Frog SEO Spider Megalo Web Services is proud to bring you the powerful Screaming Frog SEO Spider The License is good until October 2024 Doniaweb 96C4989447-1726998484-CB5127711D We’re delighted to announce Screaming Frog SEO Spider version 19.2, codenamed internally as ‘Peel’. This update contains a number of significant updates, new features and enhancements based upon user feedback and a little internal steer. Let’s take a look at what’s new. 1) Updated Design While subtle, the GUI appearance has been refreshed in look and feel, with crawl behaviour functions (crawl a subdomain, subfolder, all subdomains etc) moved to the main nav for ease. These options had previously been within the configuration, so this makes them accessible to free users as well. There’s now alternate row colours in the main tables, updated icons and even the Twitter icon and link have been removed (!). While the UX, tabs and filters are much the same, the configuration has received an overhaul. 2) Unified Config The configuration has been unified into a single dialog, with links to each section. This makes adjusting the config more efficient than opening and closing each separately. The naming and location of config items should be familiar to existing users, while being easier to navigate for new users. There’s been a few small adjustments, such as saving and loading configuration profiles now appearing under ‘Configuration’, rather than the ‘File’ menu. System settings such as user interface, language, storage mode and more are available under ‘File > Settings’, in their own unified configuration. You can also ‘Cancel’ any changes made by using the cancel button on the configuration dialog. 3) Segments You can now segment a crawl to better identify and monitor issues and opportunities from different templates, page types, or areas of priority. The segmentation config can be accessed via the config menu or right-hand ‘Segments’ tab, and it allows you to segment based upon any data found in the crawl, including data from APIs such as GA or GSC, or post-crawl analysis. You can set up a segment at the start, during, or at the end of a crawl. There’s a ‘segments’ column with coloured labels in each tab. When segments are set up, the right hand ‘Issues’ tab includes a segments bar, so you can quickly see where on the site the issues are at a glance. You can then use the right-hand segments filter, to drill down to individual segments. There’s a new right-hand ‘Segments’ tab with an aggregated view, to quickly see where issues are by segment. You can use the Segments tab ‘view’ filter to better analyse items like crawl depth by segment. Or which segments have different types of issues. Once set-up, segments can be saved with the configuration. Segments are fully integrated into various other features in the SEO Spider as well. In crawl visualisations, you can now choose to colour by segment. You can also choose to create XML Sitemaps by segment, and the SEO Spider will automatically create a Sitemap Index file referencing each segmented sitemap. Within the Export for Looker Studio for automated crawl reports, a separate sheet will also be automatically created for each segment created. This means you can monitor issues by segment in a Looker Studio Crawl Report as well. 4) Visual Custom Extraction Custom Extraction is a super powerful feature in the SEO Spider, but it’s also quite an advanced feature and many users couldn’t care less about learning XPath or CSSPath (understandably, so). To help with this, you’re now able to open a web page in our inbuilt browser and select the elements you wish to extract from either the web page, raw HTML or rendered HTML. We’ll then formulate the correct XPath/CSSPath for you, and provide a range of other options as well. Just click the web page icon to the side of an extractor to bring up the browser – Input the URL you wish to scrape, and then select the element on the page. The SEO Spider will then highlight the area you wish to extract, and create an expression for you, with a preview of what will be extracted based upon the raw or rendered HTML. You can switch to Rendered or Source HTML view and pick a line of HTML as well. For example, if you wish to extract the ‘content’ of an OG tag – You can then select the attribute you wish to extract from the dropdown, and it will formulate the expression for you. In this case below, it will scrape the published time, which is shown in the source and rendered HTML previews after selecting the ‘content’ attribute. For those of you that have mastered XPath, CSSPath and regex, you can continue to input your expressions in the same way as before. At the moment this new feature doesn’t help with extracting JS, but we plan on extending this functionality to help scrape conceivably anything from the HTML. 5) 3D Visualisations If you’re a fan of our crawl visualisations, then you’ll dig the introduction of a 3D Force-Directed Crawl Diagram, and 3D Force-Directed Directory-Tree Diagram. They work in the same way as existing crawl and directory-tree visualisations, except (yes, you guessed it) they are 3D and allow you to move around nodes like you’re in space, and ‘within’ the visualisation itself. These visualisations are restricted to 100k URLs currently, otherwise your machine may explode. At 100k URLs, the visualisation is also slightly bonkers. Do they help you identify more issues, more effectively? Not really. But they are fun, and sometimes that’s enough. 6) New Filters & Issues There’s a variety of new filters and issues available across existing tabs that help better filter data, or communicate issues discovered. The new filters available include the following – ‘URL > GA Tracking Parameters’ – URLs that contain Google Analytics tracking parameters. In addition to creating duplicate pages that must be crawled, using tracking parameters on links internally can overwrite the original session data. utm= parameters strip the original source of traffic and starts a new session with the specified attributes. _ga= and _gl= parameters are used for cross-domain linking and identify a specific user, including this on links prevents a unique user ID from being assigned. ‘Page Titles > Outside <head>’ – Pages with a title element that is outside of the head element in the HTML. The page title should be within the head element, or search engines may ignore it. Google will often still recognise the page title even outside of the head element, however this should not be relied upon. ‘Meta Description > Outside <head>’ – Pages with a meta description that is outside of the head element in the HTML. The meta description should be within the head element, or search engines may ignore it. ‘H1 > Alt Text in h1’ – Pages which have image alt text within an h1. This can be because text within the image is considered as the main heading on the page, or due to inappropriate mark-up. Some CMS templates will automatically include an h1 around a logo across a website. While there are strong arguments that text rather than alt text should be used for headings, search engines may understand alt text within an h1 as part of the h1 and score accordingly. ‘H1 > Non-sequential’ – Pages with an h1 that is not the first heading on the page. Heading elements should be in a logical sequentially-descending order. The purpose of heading elements is to convey the structure of the page and they should be in logical order from h1 to h6, which helps navigating the page and users that rely on assistive technologies. ‘H2 > Non-sequential’ – Pages with an h2 that is not the second heading level after the h1 on the page. Heading elements should be in a logical sequentially-descending order. The purpose of heading elements is to convey the structure of the page and they should be in logical order from h1 to h6, which helps navigating the page and users that rely on assistive technologies. ‘Content > Soft 404 Pages’ – Pages that respond with a ‘200’ status code suggesting they are ‘OK’, but appear to be an error page – often referred to as a ‘404’ or ‘page not found’. These typically should respond with a 404 status code if the page is no longer available. These pages are identified by looking for common error text used on pages, such as ‘Page Not Found’, or ‘404 Page Can’t Be Found’. The text used to identify these pages can be configured under ‘Config > Spider > Preferences’. ‘Content > Lorem Ipsum Placeholder’ – Pages that contain ‘Lorem ipsum’ text that is commonly used as a placeholder to demonstrate the visual form of a webpage. This can be left on web pages by mistake, particularly during new website builds. ‘Images > Missing Size Attributes’ – Image elements without dimensions (width and height size attributes) specified in the HTML. This can cause large layout shifts as the page loads and be frustrating experience for users. It is one of the major reasons that contributes to a high Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). ‘Images > Incorrectly Sized Images’ – Images identified where their real dimensions (WxH) do not match the display dimensions when rendered. If there is an estimated 4kb file size difference or more, the image is flagged for potential optimisation. In particular, this can help identify oversized images, which can contribute to poor page load speed. It can also help identify smaller sized images, that are being stretched when rendered. ‘Canonicals > Outside <head>’ – Pages with a canonical link element that is outside of the head element in the HTML. The canonical link element should be within the head element, or search engines will ignore it. ‘Directives > Outside <head>’ – Pages with a meta robots that is outside of the head element in the HTML. The meta robots should be within the head element, or search engines may ignore it. Google will typically still recognise meta robots such as a ‘noindex’ directive, even outside of the head element, however this should not be relied upon. ‘Hreflang > Outside <head>’ – Pages with an hreflang link element that is outside of the head element in the HTML. The hreflang link element should be within the head element, or search engines will ignore it. ‘JavaScript > Pages with JavaScript Errors’ – Pages with JavaScript errors captured in the Chrome DevTools console log during page rendering. While JavaScript errors are common and often have little effect on page rendering, they can be problematic – both in search engine rendering, which can hinder indexing, and for the user when interacting with the page. View console error messages in the lower ‘Chrome Console Log’ tab, view how the page is rendered in the ‘Rendered Page’ tab, and export in bulk via ‘Bulk Export > JavaScript > Pages With JavaScript Issues’. ‘Validation > <body> Element Preceding <html>’ – Pages that have a body element preceding the opening html element. Browsers and Googlebot will automatically assume the start of the body and generate an empty head element before it. This means the intended head element below and its metadata will be seen in the body and ignored. In some cases new data is collected and reported alongside the new filter. For example, we now collect image element dimension attributes, display dimensions and their real dimensions to better identify oversized images, which can be seen in the image details tab and various bulk exports. Submitter Megalo Global Inc Submitted 09/22/2023 Category Programs Demo  
  12. I use the T mobile business internet box and we are having lightning storms here in the Midwest. So it is causing the box to become slow.
  13. still uploading I apologize but my internet is through T mobile
  14. Version 19.2


    Megalo Web Services is proud to bring you the powerful Screaming Frog SEO Spider The License is good until October 2024 Doniaweb 96C4989447-1726998484-CB5127711D We’re delighted to announce Screaming Frog SEO Spider version 19.2, codenamed internally as ‘Peel’. This update contains a number of significant updates, new features and enhancements based upon user feedback and a little internal steer. Let’s take a look at what’s new. 1) Updated Design While subtle, the GUI appearance has been refreshed in look and feel, with crawl behaviour functions (crawl a subdomain, subfolder, all subdomains etc) moved to the main nav for ease. These options had previously been within the configuration, so this makes them accessible to free users as well. There’s now alternate row colours in the main tables, updated icons and even the Twitter icon and link have been removed (!). While the UX, tabs and filters are much the same, the configuration has received an overhaul. 2) Unified Config The configuration has been unified into a single dialog, with links to each section. This makes adjusting the config more efficient than opening and closing each separately. The naming and location of config items should be familiar to existing users, while being easier to navigate for new users. There’s been a few small adjustments, such as saving and loading configuration profiles now appearing under ‘Configuration’, rather than the ‘File’ menu. System settings such as user interface, language, storage mode and more are available under ‘File > Settings’, in their own unified configuration. You can also ‘Cancel’ any changes made by using the cancel button on the configuration dialog. 3) Segments You can now segment a crawl to better identify and monitor issues and opportunities from different templates, page types, or areas of priority. The segmentation config can be accessed via the config menu or right-hand ‘Segments’ tab, and it allows you to segment based upon any data found in the crawl, including data from APIs such as GA or GSC, or post-crawl analysis. You can set up a segment at the start, during, or at the end of a crawl. There’s a ‘segments’ column with coloured labels in each tab. When segments are set up, the right hand ‘Issues’ tab includes a segments bar, so you can quickly see where on the site the issues are at a glance. You can then use the right-hand segments filter, to drill down to individual segments. There’s a new right-hand ‘Segments’ tab with an aggregated view, to quickly see where issues are by segment. You can use the Segments tab ‘view’ filter to better analyse items like crawl depth by segment. Or which segments have different types of issues. Once set-up, segments can be saved with the configuration. Segments are fully integrated into various other features in the SEO Spider as well. In crawl visualisations, you can now choose to colour by segment. You can also choose to create XML Sitemaps by segment, and the SEO Spider will automatically create a Sitemap Index file referencing each segmented sitemap. Within the Export for Looker Studio for automated crawl reports, a separate sheet will also be automatically created for each segment created. This means you can monitor issues by segment in a Looker Studio Crawl Report as well. 4) Visual Custom Extraction Custom Extraction is a super powerful feature in the SEO Spider, but it’s also quite an advanced feature and many users couldn’t care less about learning XPath or CSSPath (understandably, so). To help with this, you’re now able to open a web page in our inbuilt browser and select the elements you wish to extract from either the web page, raw HTML or rendered HTML. We’ll then formulate the correct XPath/CSSPath for you, and provide a range of other options as well. Just click the web page icon to the side of an extractor to bring up the browser – Input the URL you wish to scrape, and then select the element on the page. The SEO Spider will then highlight the area you wish to extract, and create an expression for you, with a preview of what will be extracted based upon the raw or rendered HTML. You can switch to Rendered or Source HTML view and pick a line of HTML as well. For example, if you wish to extract the ‘content’ of an OG tag – You can then select the attribute you wish to extract from the dropdown, and it will formulate the expression for you. In this case below, it will scrape the published time, which is shown in the source and rendered HTML previews after selecting the ‘content’ attribute. For those of you that have mastered XPath, CSSPath and regex, you can continue to input your expressions in the same way as before. At the moment this new feature doesn’t help with extracting JS, but we plan on extending this functionality to help scrape conceivably anything from the HTML. 5) 3D Visualisations If you’re a fan of our crawl visualisations, then you’ll dig the introduction of a 3D Force-Directed Crawl Diagram, and 3D Force-Directed Directory-Tree Diagram. They work in the same way as existing crawl and directory-tree visualisations, except (yes, you guessed it) they are 3D and allow you to move around nodes like you’re in space, and ‘within’ the visualisation itself. These visualisations are restricted to 100k URLs currently, otherwise your machine may explode. At 100k URLs, the visualisation is also slightly bonkers. Do they help you identify more issues, more effectively? Not really. But they are fun, and sometimes that’s enough. 6) New Filters & Issues There’s a variety of new filters and issues available across existing tabs that help better filter data, or communicate issues discovered. The new filters available include the following – ‘URL > GA Tracking Parameters’ – URLs that contain Google Analytics tracking parameters. In addition to creating duplicate pages that must be crawled, using tracking parameters on links internally can overwrite the original session data. utm= parameters strip the original source of traffic and starts a new session with the specified attributes. _ga= and _gl= parameters are used for cross-domain linking and identify a specific user, including this on links prevents a unique user ID from being assigned. ‘Page Titles > Outside <head>’ – Pages with a title element that is outside of the head element in the HTML. The page title should be within the head element, or search engines may ignore it. Google will often still recognise the page title even outside of the head element, however this should not be relied upon. ‘Meta Description > Outside <head>’ – Pages with a meta description that is outside of the head element in the HTML. The meta description should be within the head element, or search engines may ignore it. ‘H1 > Alt Text in h1’ – Pages which have image alt text within an h1. This can be because text within the image is considered as the main heading on the page, or due to inappropriate mark-up. Some CMS templates will automatically include an h1 around a logo across a website. While there are strong arguments that text rather than alt text should be used for headings, search engines may understand alt text within an h1 as part of the h1 and score accordingly. ‘H1 > Non-sequential’ – Pages with an h1 that is not the first heading on the page. Heading elements should be in a logical sequentially-descending order. The purpose of heading elements is to convey the structure of the page and they should be in logical order from h1 to h6, which helps navigating the page and users that rely on assistive technologies. ‘H2 > Non-sequential’ – Pages with an h2 that is not the second heading level after the h1 on the page. Heading elements should be in a logical sequentially-descending order. The purpose of heading elements is to convey the structure of the page and they should be in logical order from h1 to h6, which helps navigating the page and users that rely on assistive technologies. ‘Content > Soft 404 Pages’ – Pages that respond with a ‘200’ status code suggesting they are ‘OK’, but appear to be an error page – often referred to as a ‘404’ or ‘page not found’. These typically should respond with a 404 status code if the page is no longer available. These pages are identified by looking for common error text used on pages, such as ‘Page Not Found’, or ‘404 Page Can’t Be Found’. The text used to identify these pages can be configured under ‘Config > Spider > Preferences’. ‘Content > Lorem Ipsum Placeholder’ – Pages that contain ‘Lorem ipsum’ text that is commonly used as a placeholder to demonstrate the visual form of a webpage. This can be left on web pages by mistake, particularly during new website builds. ‘Images > Missing Size Attributes’ – Image elements without dimensions (width and height size attributes) specified in the HTML. This can cause large layout shifts as the page loads and be frustrating experience for users. It is one of the major reasons that contributes to a high Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). ‘Images > Incorrectly Sized Images’ – Images identified where their real dimensions (WxH) do not match the display dimensions when rendered. If there is an estimated 4kb file size difference or more, the image is flagged for potential optimisation. In particular, this can help identify oversized images, which can contribute to poor page load speed. It can also help identify smaller sized images, that are being stretched when rendered. ‘Canonicals > Outside <head>’ – Pages with a canonical link element that is outside of the head element in the HTML. The canonical link element should be within the head element, or search engines will ignore it. ‘Directives > Outside <head>’ – Pages with a meta robots that is outside of the head element in the HTML. The meta robots should be within the head element, or search engines may ignore it. Google will typically still recognise meta robots such as a ‘noindex’ directive, even outside of the head element, however this should not be relied upon. ‘Hreflang > Outside <head>’ – Pages with an hreflang link element that is outside of the head element in the HTML. The hreflang link element should be within the head element, or search engines will ignore it. ‘JavaScript > Pages with JavaScript Errors’ – Pages with JavaScript errors captured in the Chrome DevTools console log during page rendering. While JavaScript errors are common and often have little effect on page rendering, they can be problematic – both in search engine rendering, which can hinder indexing, and for the user when interacting with the page. View console error messages in the lower ‘Chrome Console Log’ tab, view how the page is rendered in the ‘Rendered Page’ tab, and export in bulk via ‘Bulk Export > JavaScript > Pages With JavaScript Issues’. ‘Validation > <body> Element Preceding <html>’ – Pages that have a body element preceding the opening html element. Browsers and Googlebot will automatically assume the start of the body and generate an empty head element before it. This means the intended head element below and its metadata will be seen in the body and ignored. In some cases new data is collected and reported alongside the new filter. For example, we now collect image element dimension attributes, display dimensions and their real dimensions to better identify oversized images, which can be seen in the image details tab and various bulk exports.
  15. View File News - News & Magazines Script & Laravel News & Magazines / Blog / Articles OpenAI Writer / OpenAI So I searched hundreds of sites and could not find any of the Infy News except 1.0. So I went on code canyon and sacrificed the $19 in order to bring it to you here. version 2.3.0. Yes it has the paid subscriber and rss feed system. Good hunting gentlemen . InfyNews is a fully Dynamic and Complete News & Magazines CMS portal to start your online news and magazine portal. Here are some Key Features and Concepts that InfyNews provides. InfyNews – Laravel News and Magazines & Blog / Articles PHP script Feature Description: Here are some Key Features and Concepts that InfyVCards-Saas provides. Landing Page Beautiful landing page from where users can get related post of information about the article post, gallery post and sort list post. Top Stories Here we are listing the top news that is viewed most by users, so users can easily read latest and top news. Gallery We provide albums for galleries, So there will be multiple images within one album. You can use this to show some images for specific category, we are using attractive gallery UI. Featured Posts Admin can mark some posts as features that will be highlighted into landing page with separate badges, so users can view directly it. Contact Us Users can submit their enquiries regarding the site and other informations they want. Admin can see the enquiries and then reach back to the users. Admin Panel We have created beautiful and user attractive admin panel to manage the contents for landing page. User can create new stuff’s and update the contents from there. Dashboard Dashboard contains the powerful information of whole project from where you can get short and quick overview what is going on your application. Here you can see the latest registered users lists and the page analytics views that your site receiving. Staffs Here admin can manage the staff of the system. He can add / update / delete staff. Also he can change staff status to in-active if something bad activity is reported. In-active users can no longer access to login to system so by this way we can prevent the security. Posts We are giving 3 kinds of post creation as of now. Article, Gallery and Sorted List posts are supported right now. You can create post with SEO settings and other additional features like auto publish feature that will automatically change post status to publish on given time. Other major features are also supported here that, you can mark post to show it on headline on home page, or show it on slider on home page, or you can manage the visibility of posts from here. Albums In Albums you can define set of images. You have to create the album category first then you can assign that category to album. While uploading images you can select the album so that particular images will be linked to that album. In Home page there is Gallery menu where we are showing all the images per albums with attractive UI. Pages Here admin can create customize pages and update / delete pages and front side he can handle the pages. Menus If you want to add your custom menu with any custom name to the front website then yes its possible via this interface. You have to create new menu and link it to the navigation menu. Navigations Navigations menus are so important for any CMS sites, so we have take care of it and providing easiest interface to manage the navigation menu. You can also manage the ordering of the menus by dragging it to up or down. There are two/ three & static menus which orders will be never changes. e.g Home / Gallery. Polls Sometimes its will be good idea to gather data of our site and other informations from the users via taking feedback from them. For this we have to create the questions lists we are calling it polls. And you can add related answers for it. Polls will be visible to users in website there they can add their feedbacks and submit it, we are also showing the results per answers there. Category Categories are most important when we have bulk data in sites, so we can filter data by categories. While creating posts we can assign categories to it, we are also supporting the sub categories of category. Sub Category You can create sub category when needed and assign it to posts. Posts will be filtered by the category and sub categories. By this way we can find the more accurate posts, and it will also help users to find related posts of related categories or subcategories. SEO Tools In this tech world its more difficult to ranked up our site and get in top. as we have lots of competitors. The only way is the SEO, we are supporting the SEO management of pages, so you can configure the keywords as per your need and add / edit keywords as per your need. We are using that keywords to front websites that will help your site to rank up in search engine. Language Languages are most important as each user don’t want same language, so here we are with Language Management tool. You can add your language and also add your translations keys as per your language. News Letter We have subscription options into front website from where users who are interested in our site is going to subscribe to our application. Admin can see the lists of subscribers in the admin panel, when admin create any newsletters it will be sent to all the subscribers, so they will get notified by latest updates. Mail By using this module you can manage all type of mail and give permission to visitor send mail or not and much more. You can add your mail settings from here like the mail driver, mail from name, mail from address, username and the password settings. Role & Permission We are supporting the roles and permission features. So, you can create a different kind of roles as per your need. you can create role by selecting different permissions whatever you want to select for given role. Comment As we have the posts listing its important to have the comments on it. Users can do comments on the posts and all users can see it default. if admin found that comment is kind of vulgar then he can hide that comment from the admin panel. Also admin can decide that default added comments should be auto approved or be in pending state. Contact Here admin see all contact information and manage all contact information. Setting Admin can manage all the system setting from this menu. There are lots of basic setting there like Application settings which contains the logo, favicon, emails and other information settings. There are CMS settings from where you can add text of the privacy and terms and conditions text. There are contacts, cookies settings and social media links settings too. Tags articles news magazine laravel news laravel news magazines laravel articles online news quiz google advertise news news PHP script laravel cms viral news viral media enews online magazines Submitter Megalo Global Inc Submitted 09/18/2023 Category Scripts Demo https://codecanyon.net/item/infynews-laravel-news-and-magazines-blog-articles-php-script/38138839  
  16. Version v2.3.0


    So I searched hundreds of sites and could not find any of the Infy News except 1.0. So I went on code canyon and sacrificed the $19 in order to bring it to you here. version 2.3.0. Yes it has the paid subscriber and rss feed system. Good hunting gentlemen . InfyNews is a fully Dynamic and Complete News & Magazines CMS portal to start your online news and magazine portal. Here are some Key Features and Concepts that InfyNews provides. InfyNews – Laravel News and Magazines & Blog / Articles PHP script Feature Description: Here are some Key Features and Concepts that InfyVCards-Saas provides. Landing Page Beautiful landing page from where users can get related post of information about the article post, gallery post and sort list post. Top Stories Here we are listing the top news that is viewed most by users, so users can easily read latest and top news. Gallery We provide albums for galleries, So there will be multiple images within one album. You can use this to show some images for specific category, we are using attractive gallery UI. Featured Posts Admin can mark some posts as features that will be highlighted into landing page with separate badges, so users can view directly it. Contact Us Users can submit their enquiries regarding the site and other informations they want. Admin can see the enquiries and then reach back to the users. Admin Panel We have created beautiful and user attractive admin panel to manage the contents for landing page. User can create new stuff’s and update the contents from there. Dashboard Dashboard contains the powerful information of whole project from where you can get short and quick overview what is going on your application. Here you can see the latest registered users lists and the page analytics views that your site receiving. Staffs Here admin can manage the staff of the system. He can add / update / delete staff. Also he can change staff status to in-active if something bad activity is reported. In-active users can no longer access to login to system so by this way we can prevent the security. Posts We are giving 3 kinds of post creation as of now. Article, Gallery and Sorted List posts are supported right now. You can create post with SEO settings and other additional features like auto publish feature that will automatically change post status to publish on given time. Other major features are also supported here that, you can mark post to show it on headline on home page, or show it on slider on home page, or you can manage the visibility of posts from here. Albums In Albums you can define set of images. You have to create the album category first then you can assign that category to album. While uploading images you can select the album so that particular images will be linked to that album. In Home page there is Gallery menu where we are showing all the images per albums with attractive UI. Pages Here admin can create customize pages and update / delete pages and front side he can handle the pages. Menus If you want to add your custom menu with any custom name to the front website then yes its possible via this interface. You have to create new menu and link it to the navigation menu. Navigations Navigations menus are so important for any CMS sites, so we have take care of it and providing easiest interface to manage the navigation menu. You can also manage the ordering of the menus by dragging it to up or down. There are two/ three & static menus which orders will be never changes. e.g Home / Gallery. Polls Sometimes its will be good idea to gather data of our site and other informations from the users via taking feedback from them. For this we have to create the questions lists we are calling it polls. And you can add related answers for it. Polls will be visible to users in website there they can add their feedbacks and submit it, we are also showing the results per answers there. Category Categories are most important when we have bulk data in sites, so we can filter data by categories. While creating posts we can assign categories to it, we are also supporting the sub categories of category. Sub Category You can create sub category when needed and assign it to posts. Posts will be filtered by the category and sub categories. By this way we can find the more accurate posts, and it will also help users to find related posts of related categories or subcategories. SEO Tools In this tech world its more difficult to ranked up our site and get in top. as we have lots of competitors. The only way is the SEO, we are supporting the SEO management of pages, so you can configure the keywords as per your need and add / edit keywords as per your need. We are using that keywords to front websites that will help your site to rank up in search engine. Language Languages are most important as each user don’t want same language, so here we are with Language Management tool. You can add your language and also add your translations keys as per your language. News Letter We have subscription options into front website from where users who are interested in our site is going to subscribe to our application. Admin can see the lists of subscribers in the admin panel, when admin create any newsletters it will be sent to all the subscribers, so they will get notified by latest updates. Mail By using this module you can manage all type of mail and give permission to visitor send mail or not and much more. You can add your mail settings from here like the mail driver, mail from name, mail from address, username and the password settings. Role & Permission We are supporting the roles and permission features. So, you can create a different kind of roles as per your need. you can create role by selecting different permissions whatever you want to select for given role. Comment As we have the posts listing its important to have the comments on it. Users can do comments on the posts and all users can see it default. if admin found that comment is kind of vulgar then he can hide that comment from the admin panel. Also admin can decide that default added comments should be auto approved or be in pending state. Contact Here admin see all contact information and manage all contact information. Setting Admin can manage all the system setting from this menu. There are lots of basic setting there like Application settings which contains the logo, favicon, emails and other information settings. There are CMS settings from where you can add text of the privacy and terms and conditions text. There are contacts, cookies settings and social media links settings too. 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