Later Release v4.1 (DECODED)
Pretty Self explanatory lol
[!] Ability to configure only one device that needs to be unlocked, and not to delete all devices from the victim's account
[!] Lightweight and works very fast even on shared hosting
[!] Ability to use external mail servers of your choice. Like google hotmail
[!] Ability to add unlimited loss victims
[!] Ability to check before you start
[!] You can customize or change the text, links, images sent to the victim by email or SMS
[!] You can configure the script to block or redirect the victim from your site after the task.
[!] Ability to take your site offline when not in use
[!] No one can access your site unless you send them a unique link.
[!] There are many templates to choose from.
[!] ... and many other amazing features