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Magd Almuntaser

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Everything posted by Magd Almuntaser

  1. Where does this problem occur? Is it a new installation or an update? Describe your problem appropriately so I can help you.
  2. It seems that you left the page for a while and then sent a message and the session ended.. Open the main page and choose the phone again and send
  3. طيب مادام وبتستخدم vps مش لازم تشغل امر النود من داخل لوحة اابانيل شغلها من الترمنال او ssh افتح الترمنال وروح على مسار السكربت وشغل الامر node server.js ولو مااشتغلش معاك وعايز اجرب معاك تقدر تبعت بيانات موقعك على الخاص وهحاول اساعدك
  4. It has already been fixed in version 9.0.0.. What's new in version 9.0.0 so far: - Added Multi-Keyword in autoreply. - Added landing page. - Fixed create campaign view. - Fixed create & import phonebook. - Removed unused librares. - Re-code installtion page.
  5. This means that your login session has ended.. Reopen your site link again
  6. لا ماتستخدمش ال localhost في الاستضافة الفعليه، لازم يكون رابط الموقع نفسه اول حاجه تعملها جرب تعمل اعدادات ملف .env بالشكل ده: APP_URL=http://yoursite.com WA_URL_SERVER=http://yoursite.com:3100 PORT_NODE=3100 TYPE_SERVER=other وجرب اعمل اعادة تشغيل لسيرفر النود، وشوف لو اشتغل معاك .. بس لازم تتأكد انك بتستخدم الرابط فوق بالمتصفح وجوه ملف http مش https لو مااشتغل معاك، فعدل الملف بالشكل التالي: APP_URL=http://yoursite.com WA_URL_SERVER=http://yoursite.com PORT_NODE=3100 TYPE_SERVER=hosting وعيد تشغيل النود
  7. are you arab? In the cloud make sure your .env file has the correct links. ======= As for localhost, you must run it by opening cmd in the script folder and writing this command: php artisan serv Open another cmd window and write: node server.js You must not close these windows because if you close them, the script will stop
  8. open .env file and change like that: APP_URL=http://yoursite.com WA_URL_SERVER=http://yoursite.com:3100 PORT_NODE=3100 TYPE_SERVER=other and restart nodejs .. and make sure you use http not https in your link on broswer
  9. i see your script is working .. so can you screenshot your .env to my praivet message..
  10. I didn't tell you to open port 5222.. I told you that this port in WhatsApp company and not your site .. this port is blocked from the country where your server is.. I told you to delete the code and restart the server only without doing anything else. Try what I told you
  11. I think that the WhatsApp server in your server country is blocked port 5222.. You can edit the file: server/whatsapp.js and remove this code: waWebSocketUrl: 'wss://web.whatsapp.com:5222/ws/chat', and try again As I told you, the buttons only work on web and IOS and you put a link to prove my words, and you can watch the video that the wasender programmer put up and he only uses web and IOS The buttons in all the scripts in the world only work on WEB and IOS and do not work on Android My MPWA script works with buttons on WEB and IOS only Secondly, my MPWA script uses the socket directly with the WhatsApp server, so it is light on the server and does not consume any of the site’s resources. But wasender is a program and uses the Chrome browser. You can watch the video in the link you put. In addition, Wasender has hacking tools inside it that send the passwd file for the root to the server and other hacks.
  12. make sure you use php 8.1 As for the buttons, they only work on IOS and WEB.
  13. I replied to you and told you that your problem was that you using https not http.. because you do not have SSL on your site..
  14. Make sure that the node is working by typing your site link in the browser with the port number, for example: http://yoursite.com:3100 If your site opens normally, it means that the node is working, but if it doesn't open, there is a problem with the node.. Since you are using cpanel, you can open the terminal and write these commands and send a screenshot so I can know what your problem is: cd wa.yoursite.com ulimit -v /opt/alt/alt-nodejs20/root/usr/bin/node server.js You can send the screenshot to my private messages if you do not want your site link to appear here.
  15. shared hosting or vps? cpanel or aapanel? http or https? Are you sure about the links in the .env file?
  16. yes it's working..this is the socket it's working: http://mpwa.qratedspace.me:3100/socket.io/?EIO=4&transport=polling&t=P7sMXaT you must use http on your link on browser .. i see in your pic you use https .. must open your site like that http:// not https:// if you want to use https:// go to page number 40 for cloudflare & cpanel or page number 43 for aapanel to run your script with SSL https but now you can open your site and it's working with http .. or try to go to in your mpwa panel ->settings and click generate SSL if work you can use https without page number 43
  17. If you are using aapanel vps, you must go to security and add port 3100 or the one you will use in MPWA, this is in case you go to security and find the firewall is working.. If it is not working, you can open the terminal or ssh and run node directly (node server.js) in the root folder path of the script and see if any problems appear so that we know where the problem lies.. Or if you are using pm2, you can open ssh or the terminal and write (pm2 logs) to know what the problem is that appears
  18. For the people who told me that they don't want to use the landing page, the payments gateway, the user system and the plans because they use the script for personal use and they don't want these pages because they won't benefit them.. I want tell them don't worry because these features will have a button in the admin panel enable and disable through which you can activate or disable these features..
  19. you can use your ip or your domain.. It all depends on the hosting you use and I will explain some points: 1- If you use shared hosting, you will face the problem that the IP is not for you alone, but for several people, and you will not be able to use the IP in the WhatsApp server, so you will have to use the domain. 2- Some hosting can use one IP for several sites, but they allow sharing ports, meaning that you can use the IP in the WhatsApp server, but these hosting companies are rare. 3- If you use VPS, you have your own IP and you can use it as a WhatsApp server. Note: Even if you are using VPS or shared hosting, you may face a problem that if you put the IP or domain in the WhatsApp server, it will not work because some shared hosting or VPS settings use IPv6, and this is the biggest problem for the socket, as IPv4 must be used for external connection, and you can solve it in two ways (the first is to contact the hosting company to stop IPv6 on your site or VPS) (the second is to modify the server.js file to connect to the external IP, which is, and IPV4 will be used automatically). In your situation, your problem was that your site uses IPV6, and when you put your site's IP, the socket knows that it must connect using IPv4. ======================== Final note: Videos will be uploaded soon for the steps to install the script in aapanel, cpanel and vps.. and video to fix your problem with your site yourself.. As version 8.5.1 is free of any errors or problems in installation and running except if there is a bug in the design .. The most important advice for users of shared hosting: Try before paying a site and before you search for the cheapest hosting in the world that you will use a script to send and receive and link several numbers and your messages may reach thousands of advertising messages to your customers per minute.. Think before you choose and you can contact the company before paying in order to know whether the hosting specifications are suitable for you or not.. I do not want to mention the names of hosting companies to avoid them, but the most important point you can ask your company about is virtual ram for processes (nodejs) that it is equal to more than 4MB, for example 32MB and above. You can tell the hosting company to tell you how much the result is for (ulimit -v) command if it is greater than 4914304 because this is the default value that most hosting companies leave as is without change and the user falls into their trap as this number will not even run a txt file in the node..
  20. It's not a problem, but the problem is in the method. Do you mean that if someone in the group send msg, mpwa will respond at the same moment as a mention? Because there is a quote feature in the autoreply and webhook. Anyone in the group who writes one of the words stored in autoreply will have their message qouted and replied to.
  21. no it's not support mention but you can use {name} in webhook, autoreply or API {name} will automatically replaced to the name of the person who will receive the message.
  22. It is a warning that you are using a number that is too short for normal. do you use country code?
  23. if you use cpanel .. you have terminal on cpanel .. open server/lib/pino.js and change level to debug go to terminal and enter this command: cd /home/yoursite/wa.yoursite.com and: /opt/alt/alt-nodejs18/root/usr/bin/node server.js and see the logs
  24. Can you see the logs for the node.. Send it to me so I can know what the problem is
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