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Bicrypto v4.4.8 + All Plugins ×

Magd Almuntaser

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Everything posted by Magd Almuntaser

  1. There is an error.. How did you open two ports for the same script?? Only one port will be opened for the script Make sure your .env file is edited correctly and has the correct links.
  2. Tell the WhiskeySockets/Baileys team it's their problem 😅 I'm just one person trying to fix other people's problems 🥲
  3. It's normal, because the WhiskeySockets/Baileys library doesn't support receiving empty txt files because the library tries to know the file size from the text and since it's empty the library doesn't recognize it and stops.. I can fix that in the next version since I have a new fork of the library and I no longer use WhiskeySockets/Baileys directly
  4. Yes, I will modify it in the next version to be 1 min There is a problem with the QR API and it will be solved in the next version
  5. nodejs did not send an empty file, but someone tried to send you an empty file to your number on whatsapp, look at the picture it is receiving not sending
  6. Auto Replay Multi Keyword Message (Function): Error 💔?? This feature is not available, so why mention it in your report? I have never announced before that there is such a feature 🙃 about the template and buttons, I think they were changed by WhatsApp today.. because until now WhatsApp has only announced that videos and images can be viewed once.. It is very nice. I might add it as a new feature
  7. yes you must update to 8.5.1 This update will fix your problem. and restart nodejs
  8. open your .env and make sure this is like that: APP_URL=http://ab.imti.my.id WA_URL_SERVER=http://ab.imti.my.id:8443 PORT_NODE=8443 TYPE_SERVER=other Restart nodejs Make sure you use the link in the browser above http and not https unless you used the SSL key and cert files as in the tutrial on page 40, then you can run it via https But if you did not use the key and cert, you must use the http link
  9. You are talking about the API.. I thought the script didn't work for you 😅 Well it will be fixed in the next version..
  10. Unzip the attached file into the root path of the script and try it and let me know the result. resources.zip
  11. ok good restart nodejs and open your site without https only http in browser
  12. Make sure you are using http and not https unless you are using SSL files. APP_URL=http://yoursite.com WA_URL_SERVER=http://yoursite.com:3100 PORT_NODE=3100 TYPE_SERVER=other Focus on the method used in the .env file. 👆
  13. Nodejs may be running in the background, try clicking on restart server from the top right corner and try to start the node again
  14. Unduh berkas terlampir dan ekstrak ke jalur root skrip Anda dan coba mulai ulang nodejs lagi. update.zip
  15. no it's 8.5.1: https://doniaweb.com/files/file/4872-whatsapp-gateway-multi-device/ Node 16 sudah tidak didukung lagi di versi ini. Anda harus menginstal Node 18 atau 20 ke atas. =========== Node 16 is no longer supported in this version.. You must install 18 or 20 and above.
  16. I forgot to tell you that if you are using cronjob to reconnect to the idle socket, it should be stopped, it is no longer needed version 8.5.1 will reconnect to itself when disconnected.
  17. What's New in Version 8.5.1 : - Fixed sharp library. - Fixed autoreply ajax. - Fixed campaign (Theme Snacked Admin).
  18. This file has been updated to Version 8.5.0 What's New in this Version: - Added send sticker feature. - Added wysiwyg whatsapp (text editing tools). - Added location, vcard, sticker in campagin. - Added location, vcard, sticker in autorply and autorply-edit. - Added view once message feature for (images & videos). - Added API for send sticker and api-docs. - Fixed socket idle (No need anymore cronjob). - Fixed export contacts to xlsx file. - Fixed AI bot name. - Re-Design Test message, Create campagin and Autoreply.
  19. your nodejs not working: http://mpwa.qratedspace.me:3100/ If you open this link it is supposed to work and a message (This is api whatsapp) appears.. but as long as this is the case it means that nodejs is not working for you.. and you must make sure the data you entered in cpanel or aapanel to run nodejs
  20. Yes, your problem is different from his problem. You are using another folder to run the script. So make sure that you have run nodejs correctly in the cpanel. Make sure of the data entered in nodejs. Or send me a private message
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