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Bicrypto v4.4.8 + All Plugins ×

Magd Almuntaser

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Everything posted by Magd Almuntaser

  1. Yes you can, but I recommend that the language code remains in the browser link to avoid any problems. If you are still insisting and want to try it yourself, you can edit this file: config/laravellocalization.php and search for: 'hideDefaultLocaleInURL' => false, change to: 'hideDefaultLocaleInURL' => true, Yes I fixed it for him.. His problem was related to cpanel that he can't run script from public_html directly.. But he has vps so I ran nodejs via commands.. So your problem might be different from his, make sure in .env file that you changed it like this: APP_URL=http://yoursite.com WA_URL_SERVER=http://yoursite.com:3100 PORT_NODE=3100 TYPE_SERVER=other
  2. open .env file and make sure it's like that .. and restart nodejs: APP_URL=http://yoursite.com WA_URL_SERVER=http://yoursite.com:3100 PORT_NODE=3100 TYPE_SERVER=other
  3. You must use http in the link above in your browser Do not use https This is how you use: http://yoursite.com Not https://yoursite.com
  4. The script does not work in localhost You must also open this link first: http://yoursite.com/storage-link Until you see a white page with the number 0
  5. license what? This project is open source, it seems you have entered this topic by mistake..
  6. Today the version will be released, and this is what's new in version 8.5.0: - Added send sticker feature. - Added wysiwyg whatsapp (text editing tools). - Added location, vcard, sticker in campagin. - Added location, vcard, sticker in autorply and autorply-edit. - Added view once message feature for (images & videos). - Added API for send sticker and api-docs. - Fixed AI bot name. - Fixed socket idle (No need anymore cronjob). - Re-Design Test message, Create campagin and Autoreply. If you are wondering where the landing page is, it will be in version 9.0.0 because it has major changes: landing page, payment gateways, user management, plans and ticketing system
  7. This command stops nodejs and starts it again.. The command only works in cloudlinux PM2 can also be used.. And for those who use VPS, they can put a command similar to this to restart nodejs.. But these solutions are not final..
  8. Your hosting has disable the syslink function.If you are using aapanel you can make the link manually
  9. Yes, the problem has been fixed in the next version. The reason is that WhatsApp has modified its encryption method for some numbers. It has been modified in the next version.
  10. edit .env file: APP_URL=http://yoursite.com WA_URL_SERVER=http://yoursite.com:3100 TYPE_SERVER=other and make sure you enter http not https .. and try restart nodejs
  11. 1- I think the number is logged out when trying to register a number that has already been registered .. I will review this issue. 2- you can transfer from 5v to 8.0.5 with these steps: First: Make a backup of the entire previous script in case of any problems. Secondly: make a backup of the (credentials) folder and the (.env) file. Third: Remove the previous script files and upload the new version 8.0.5 and unzip it.. and return the credentials folder and the .env file. Fourth: You must transfer the new variables from the new .env file to the existing .env file because there are new variables such as THEME_NAME and CHATGPT_URL, etc. Sixth: This is the most important step. Open the following link in a browser until the number 0 appears. This way you will have updated your version: http://yoursite.com/migrate http://yoursite.com/storage-link Note: If you see that there is a problem and it tells you that you need to scan the QR, you should change the APP_NAME to the old name in the old .env file and replace the credentials folder again. As for the features: Yes, I will do (create campaigns) via the API, and it is in my plan to use it in the plugins that I will develop for WordPress and WHMCS. However, it will be complicated to use unless you are a programmer who will know how to use it because you will use media, text, vcard, etc. through it, and it will be POST, not GET. Therefore, until now, I have not developed it, but it is in the plan. Yes, I will set a limit for devices and the number of messages allowed for each number..and activate and deactivate features such as sending a normal message, a media message, etc.. Yes, there will be complete control over the plans so that the admin can set appropriate plans for his users. from user setting:
  12. Yes, sometimes the service does not work with everyone, this depends on what Let's Encrypt agrees with.. My programming when you press the generate button requests a certificate from Let's Encrypt, and they are the main controllers of approval or rejection You can create SSL manually for free. You can enter in Google (ssl free) and more than one site will appear that offers SSL for free. After that, you can follow pages 40 and 41 for how to install the certificate
  13. put the codes in a file and attach it to the attachments so that your comment does not take too long 😅 Thank you for your effort 🙏
  14. Why do you want to use appscript when the file is ready php just put it in cronjob and it will work 😅
  15. I have done with murasaki for them via php you can use it and convert it to appscript quran.php
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