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Bicrypto v4.4.8 + All Plugins ×

Magd Almuntaser

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Everything posted by Magd Almuntaser

  1. Check your port through this site if it is open or not: https://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/ Also don't forget to check your .env file that your data is as follows: APP_URL=http://yoursite.com WA_URL_SERVER=http://yoursite:3100 TYPE_SERVER=other Focus on using http and not https.. unless you see page number 40, you can find out how to make it work on https
  2. 😅 yes What's new in version 8.5.0 so far: - Added send sticker feature. - Added wysiwyg whatsapp (text editing tools). - Added view once message feature for (images & videos). - Added API for send sticker and api-docs. - Re-Design Test message, Create campagin and Autoreply. ================================
  3. error 500 that mean there errors .. you can enable (display errors) to see what is the errors is .. But in general your problem is that PHP is still not on version 8.1
  4. open .env file and make sure your WA_URL_SERVER not localhost .. APP_URL=http://yoursite.com WA_URL_SERVER=http://yoursite.com:3100 TYPE_SERVER=other and restart nodejs .. if you use cloudflare you need nodejs have ssl and port 8443 becouse cloudflare only those port open
  5. لا شكر على واجب، واي خصائص ممكن تفيد السكربت تقدر تكلمني عليها .. 1- نعم تقدر تزيل الكلمة براحتك وتعدل اي حاجه بالسكربت من صور واسماء وشعارات واي حاجه انت عايزها 2- دا عايزله تركيز شوية ودي هي الخطوات: اول حاجه هتروح للمسار دا: resources/themes وتنسخ واحد من التصاميم الموجود مثلاً eres ولصقه بنفس المكان وتسميه الاسم الي انت عايزه مثلاً abd وبعديها تروح على المسار دا: public/themes وتنسخ مجلد eres وتلصقه بنفس المكان وتخلي اسمه نفس الاسم الاول: abd وبكدا اصبح معاك ثيم بإسم (عبد) وتقدر تبدأ بعمل التصميم من الملفات الموجوده في المسار: resources/themes/abd الملفات الي جواه واضحه مثل ارسال الرسائل والادمن واليوزر وغيرها تقدر تفتح اي ملف وتعدل في الاتش تي ام ال اما المجلد الموجود في public فهو هيكون جواه ملفات الجافا سكربت والصور والسي اس اس لما عايز تفعل السكربت بتاعك افتح ملف env وعدل: THEME_NAME=abd وهيكون هو الرئيسي، اهم حاجه هتلاقي داخل ملفات التصميم في اوامر دي لازم تبقى زي ماهي ماتتغير مثلاً {{$message}} دي لازم تبقى زي ماهي لانها اوامر برمجية ====================================== واي حاجه مش واضحه معاك كلمني بأي وقت انا موجود .. ومعلش انا اضطريت اكتب الكلمات الانجليزية هنا كل واحده في سطر لان المنتدى لو كتبت انجليزي وعربي هيعكس الكلمات ومش هتفهمني .. ========================== تعديل: اه معلش في حاجه مش واضحه وهي ملف الهيدر والفوتير هتلاقيهم في المسار دا: ملف الهيدر resources/themes/erescompact/views/components/header.blade.php ملف كل الصفحات بعد تسجيل الدخول يعتبر الهيدر والفوتر .. resources/themes/erescompact/views/components/layout-dashboard.blade.php ملف صفحات تسجيل الدخول والتسجيل واستعادة كلمة المرور يعتبر الهيدر والفوتر resources/themes/erescompact/views/components/layout-auth.blade.php ركز بداخل المسارين الي بالاخير في امر برمجي وهو: <div id="main-wrapper"> <x-header :title="$title"></x-header> <x-aside></x-aside> {{ $slot }} </div> الامر هو: {{$slot}} دا تسيبه مثل ماهو لانه هيكون محتوى الصفحات كلها جواه .. وايضا لو تركز فوقيه مكتوب: <x-aside></x-aside> دي القائمة الجانبية وايضا في: <x-header :title="$title"></x-header> ودا محتوى الهيدر هيكون جواه ولو تركز في كل الملفات الباقية في اول الملف هتشوف مثلاً: <x-layout-dashboard title="{{__('Home')}}"> دي متمسحهاش لان الامر دا معناه الهيدر والفوتر
  6. Yes, this is the problem.. The aapanel has many problems, the first of which is that when you restart node or pm2, it does not actually restart the file and remains as it is working in the background.. So you are still using the old file and not the new one.. Restart your local server (reboot)..
  7. becouse you use 8.0.0 not 8.0.5 .. you can download 8.0.5 from here: https://onexgen.com/mpwa/download/latest.zip
  8. It is encrypted with ioncube.. I can decode any files but I can't and the reason is that it is encrypted with (ioncube custom). The developers removed the file header and made it binary. That's why it is difficult to decrypt.
  9. Yes working.. You must ensure that the APP_URL is correct in the .env file.
  10. restart nodejs or re-link your number.. No .. All scripts in the world do not work with buttons, and any script that tells you that it works with them is lying because WhatsApp has stopped the template and buttons to be exclusive to the official API The problem is with the hosting you are using, it has used ModSecurity and prevented the methods used. That's why we use this command in the .htaccess file: <IfModule mod_security.c> SecFilterEngine Off SecFilterScanPOST Off </IfModule> But in your server these commands do not work and you must tell the hosting company to stop these two commands on your site, and if you are using a vps you can stop mod_security or stop these two options only: SecFilterEngine Off SecFilterScanPOST Off I feel that you installed 8.0.0 not 8.0.5 Because in the latest version these two problems were fixed and I have tried it and some people here and it works.. So you can download version 8.0.5 from here: https://onexgen.com/mpwa/download/latest.zip
  11. This problem is already fixed in 8.0.5.. It was present in version 8.0.0 and I solved it and tested it by the testing team. Make sure you are already using 8.0.5 or download it from the first post and do a fresh install
  12. It takes a lot of work to make it work. There is nothing better than MPWA 😎 ٢٠٢٤٠٩٠٤_١٩٣٦٢٤.mp4
  13. The script has weak and old features.. I've decoded it, nulled it and tried it but it is weak and files are incomplete..
  14. What's New in Version 8.0.5: What's New on v8.0.5: - Added check number if whatsapp number or not. - Fixed phonebook. - Fixed AI Multibot. - Fixed message list. Yes, you should update, as it contains other fixes.
  15. Ok i will check now .. Ya, ini akan ada di versi berikutnya, karena versi 8.0.5 hanya berisi beberapa perbaikan.
  16. It is included in version 8.0.5 and is located in the public folder for anyone who wants to use it.
  17. Update Whatsapp Gateway Multi Device (Magd Version) v8.0.5 You can install the update from your control panel by clicking on Admin->Update or from the notifications in the website interface. What's New on v8.0.5: - Added check number if whatsapp number or not. - Fixed phonebook. - Fixed AI Multibot. - Fixed message list. Important Note: You must use the following cronjob for the version to work properly with you: every 1 min: curl "https://yoursite/blast-start" >/dev/null 2>&1 every 5 min: curl "https://yoursite/schedule-cron" >/dev/null 2>&1 every 5 min: curl "https://yoursite/schedule-run" >/dev/null 2>&1 OR every 1 min: wget "https://yoursite/blast-start" >/dev/null 2>&1 every 5 min: wget "https://yoursite/schedule-cron" >/dev/null 2>&1 every 5 min: wget "https://yoursite/schedule-run" >/dev/null 2>&1 If you are using Cpanel you can change (curl ) to (/usr/bin/curl) or (/usr/bin/wget) For those looking for the "new installation" you can download the full version from the first page. What will be in the next versions: - Send stickers. - Change the text box so that you can send emojis and change the font type (bold, italic, etc.). - Add landing page (welcome page) with the ability to set subscriptions for users. - Add payment gateways (QRIS, BCA virtual account, PayPal, Stripe) and other gateways. - Expand options for user management. - Ticketing system for admins and customers. And more..
  18. try this: wget --no-check-certificate -O mpwa https://onexgen.com/mpwa/download/mpwa.elf chmod +x mpwa ./mpwa if not working try: wget --no-check-certificate -O mpwa https://onexgen.com/mpwa/download/mpwa.elf chmod +x mpwa bash mpwa if not working: wget --no-check-certificate -O mpwa.elf https://onexgen.com/mpwa/download/mpwa.elf chmod +x mpwa.elf sh mpwa.elf
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