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Everything posted by boksnet.pl

  1. View File Krayin CRM - Free & Open Source CRM Software Krayin CRM is a hand-tailored CRM framework built on some of the hottest open-source technologies such as Laravel (a PHP framework) and Vue.js a progressive Javascript framework. Free & Opensource Laravel CRM solution for SMEs and Enterprises for complete customer lifecycle management. We also have a forum for any type of concerns, feature requests, or discussions. Please visit: Krayin CRM Forums. Features Descriptive and Simple Admin Panel Built on Modular Approach Email parsing via Sendgrid Krayin CRM is a truly opensource CRM framework which will always be free under the MIT License Documentation available Admin Dashboard Create leads through various sources/channels like email marketing, website and social media etc Build an actionable roadmap for amazing custom experience Perform action that will bring status processing into motion Submitter boksnet.pl Submitted 07/20/2024 Category Scripts Demo  
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Krayin CRM is a hand-tailored CRM framework built on some of the hottest open-source technologies such as Laravel (a PHP framework) and Vue.js a progressive Javascript framework. Free & Opensource Laravel CRM solution for SMEs and Enterprises for complete customer lifecycle management. We also have a forum for any type of concerns, feature requests, or discussions. Please visit: Krayin CRM Forums. Features Descriptive and Simple Admin Panel Built on Modular Approach Email parsing via Sendgrid Krayin CRM is a truly opensource CRM framework which will always be free under the MIT License Documentation available Admin Dashboard Create leads through various sources/channels like email marketing, website and social media etc Build an actionable roadmap for amazing custom experience Perform action that will bring status processing into motion
  3. W bazie danych zmień adres e-mail administratora na swój i skorzystaj z opcji przypomnienia hasła. Spowoduje to ustawienie nowego hasła. Zaloguj się jako administrator.
  4. public_html/components/app/Http/Livewire/Public/Install/Environment.php Go into this Directory Scroll to Section - try { $response = Http::get('https://envato.themeluxury.com/activation/sumowebtools.php?code=' . $this->purchase_code . '&domain=' . url('/') ); if ($response->ok() && $response['status'] === 'success') { if (! $this->checkDatabaseConnection($this->database_host, $this->database_port, $this->database_name, $this->database_username, $this->database_password) ) Replace this success with "error" like this if ($response->ok() && $response['status'] === 'error') DONE! now put anything and your file can be installed
  5. setup -> memberships -> account editing -> Minimum Payout
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