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About moriedan

  • Birthday 08/13/1983

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  1. use phpmyadmin or any other interface to insert database then edit index file, u'll see "installation" change it to testing etc then make the changes on app/config.php
  2. Yes but hard work! I tried some modification, I couldn't success No we can't use
  3. No It works like a charm! http://prntscr.com/s07ege Thanks to @Mahmoud Dear Mahmoud jan any plugins u have?
  4. I couldn't carry this topic under Wordpress Plugins - I open it here by mistake... Can someone carry it?
  5. ELITE LICENSER Elite Licenser is a WordPress plugin for any type of product licensing. It helps to manage product updates, license code auto generation, built in Envato licensing verification system, full license control and a licensing system can be added into your WordPress plugins or themes without any prior programming knowledge. Simply you can do with DRAG AND DROP system. Its full sets of API will help you to handle it by other applications as well. One app will handle the licenses of all your products. You can handle it by any language (PHP, .Net, Java, Android, etc.). Also it will provide to add licensing to more than one WordPress plugin or theme and it can be installed on same WordPress. Key Features Generate license automatically on product purchase. One licensing plugin for any type of product. Provide automatic product update to your customer. Control your license usages. (no.of website, no. of times) Track your license usages. (no.of website, no. of times) It has full set of API, you can use it any application 3rd party Integration enabled (Envato, WooCommerce, FastSpring,Paddle) Generate sample codes of complete WordPress plugins and themes Generate sample codes of PHP Web App, C#.net, vb.net, etc Drag n Drop licensing for WordPress theme & Plugin (Zero Coding) Create custom license type & maintain support and expire time Auto host ban Remove license from user's application any time Export license keys & clients list as CSV Features Summary NO NULLED VERSION APPLICATION ANYMORE ONE LICENSING APP FOR ANY TYPE OF PRODUCT AUTOMATIC PRODUCT UPDATE 3RD PARTY APP HOOK(INSTANT NOTIFICATION) ENVATO INTEGRATION PLUG AND PLAY CODE GENERATION FAST SPRING PAYMENT GATEWAY SUPPORTED PADDLE PAYMENT GATEWAY AUTO HOST BAN COMPLETE API SUPPORT EMAIL TEMPLATE CUSTOM LICENSE TYPE REMOVE LICENSE ANY TIME ONE APP HANDLES YOUR ALL APPLICATION URL BASED RESTRICTIONS DETAIL LICENSE INFORMATION CONTINUOUSLY LICENSE CODE PROTECTION Drag N Drop Licensing for WordPress Elite-Licensor-v2.1-Nulled.zip
  6. as an other threat or here? please share the link ? nokaraam baba!
  7. @Mahmoud jigeritoo do you have database.sql of this? owerthise I'll continue to play my bruteforce game ? I added js random uuid generator to install.php (under view) and generating serial to check my chance ? (ppl who want that can place the file attached to root/install/views - overwrite) install.php
  8. Because it's not nulled! It sends 3 parameters to http://stackposts.com/api/install? they are; "purchase_code", "domain" (base_url func of codeigniter) and a bool named by "main" and returns 5 node as $result (just like smartpanel's but smart panel returns 4 node) first node is $status = $result[0]; should return "success" second node is $item_id = $result[1]; it can be anything the third node is $install_path = "../".$result[2]; ../ is shows install directory which's under root so $result[2] can be empty if install directory is +w, 4th node is $version = $result[3]; as I guess it's 7.0 coz of next one (but it can be 7.0.1 indeed) the last node is $data = $result[4]; it should be a link which require a zip file which includes installation files and "database.sql" file... This $result returns base64 encoded and also $result[4] is base64 encoded too, if we can not find the link (actual success message) we can not know that! in my opinion if we can not find the original install db we have to play around 6.5's db but I'm not sure are there extra files inside that zip (smartpanel had it the success return of smart panel was {"status":"success","response":"24815787{|}Activated{|}aHR0cHM6Ly9zbWFydHBhbmVsc21tLmNvbS9hc3NldHMvdXBsb2Fkcy9maWxlX21hbmFnZXIvU21hcnRTdG9yZS9TbWFydFN0b3JlX0luc3RhbGxfdmVyMV8xLnppcA=={|}7.0.1"} when we base64 decode of it the link was above one... whatever) I a lil bit look at table names and columns everything has quite changes. at first the table names starts with general_ changes with sp_ in an example: general_purchase table with (id, ids, pid, purchase_code, version) columns now sp_purchase_manager with (ids, item_id, purchase_code, version) columns and there is no more general_packages table, also general_users table becomes "sp_users"; If someone who has exp with codeigniter can solve everything I belive. (except extra files!!!)
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