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hexa tech

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  1. campaign Nya ga fungsi setelah tanggal 12 November kemarin, izin sepuh, yang lain apakah masih bisa? udh coba pakai cron + scheduler manual sperti biasa masih ttp ga jalan, apakah ada update?
  2. already did bro server.js is on runin trough node options it runing smooth while on HTTP to get QR but not working on HTTPS, the blast options seems didnt work at all, cus only awaiting status, can make it work only with cronjob and spreedsheet, it sucks since it wasnt original options from the apps
  3. thank you for the answer but unfornetly itsnt the one i mentioned, yes the node is runing but only in HTTP, i tried adding ssl into the node project trough AApanel options but still didnt work, also the campaigns ? i cant find which post u talkin about how to solve it, ive been reading all from first page to the last one still noone can solve, just the cron job stuff and i did make it working too already. but not the original campaign from the Apps tho.
  4. i did install this awesome script on my aapanel but i got faced two problems here, hope someone whiling to help me to solve the probs.. 1. QRcode doesnt showing when i put my site on SSL (https) console log says socket.io not found on GET url 2. Sending Blast (campaign) messages, somehow it just pending (awaiting) status no error log at all pls help guys....
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