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Abdulrahman Mohamed

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  1. @Magd Almuntaser When scanning from within the website, whether QR or pairing code, most of the time the QR code doesn't appear. But when using the API from the docs to generate the QR code, it works but changes quickly. When using the https://example.com/backend-generate-qr code from Node, it also works. I have attached a screenshot.
  2. @Magd Almuntaser I was running the script on two sites, and they were working fine with all previous versions without any issues. Today, the QR Code refuses to appear. After many attempts and refreshing, sometimes the QR Code appears but changes quickly within seconds.
  3. @Magd Almuntaser I have two questions: 1- Sometimes when using the QR-Code API for a number I’ve used before, it gives me an invalid data error. And to connect with the same number, it doesn't work. The user had to add the number manually and, for example, change the last digit. That was my first question. 2- I have a website that uses mpwa v5, and it’s working fine, but I want to upgrade to the latest version mpwa v8. I want to migrate the same user data and keep the numbers connected. So, I’m supposed to take the database and adjust it to be compatible with the latest version. However, the users' connected devices are not remaining connected. What are the folders that I should take and transfer? Here are some updates that may be useful in the next version : Create an API for creating campaigns with a list of numbers And another API for returning a campaign report information . In planning system , add an option for each plan to set a limit on daily or monthly messages, or make it unlimited.
  4. فهمت عملت ثيم تجريبي دلوقت وهطبقه , شكراً 🫡❤️
  5. @Magd Almuntaser شكراً على اضافة التحقق من الرقم اذا مربوط بواتساب او لأ 🥰 هل تسمحلي بتغير او حذف "Made with ❤️ by Magd" ? ولدي سؤال اخر : لو حابب اعمل مظهر جديد ثيم واضافته للاسكربت ايه الخطوط؟ انا لدي خبرة كويسة الى حد ما بلارفيل
  6. انا اقصد اني محتاج اتحقق اولاً هل الرقم مُستخدم بالفعل على واتساب ولا لا قبل ارسال الرسائل عليه , انا بعمل اسكربت للتحقق من ليستة ارقام واستخراج الارقام اللي موجودة بالفعل على واتساب.... لا اقصد الارقام الخاصة بي .... هناك هذا الـ api ولكنه لا يعمل http://yoursite/check-number @Magd Almuntaser
  7. @Magd Almuntaser Is there an API to check if a mobile number is registered on WhatsApp or not? And another question, can I use a webhook to receive all the messages that are sent to my number?
  8. Yes, I am Arab, Egyptian 😅❤️ السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته , في انتظارك ان شاء الله ❤️
  9. Why does the connection to the number get disconnected after a few minutes and messages can no longer be sent after some time when using the (Magd Version) v7.0.0.9 of the script, while version v7.0.0 works fine? Is there anything that needs to be added in the cron job? Apologies, I didn’t read all the previous responses carefully.
  10. Abdulrahman Mohamed changed their profile photo
  11. I want to create an API for device logout. I tried searching in the API routes for this specific endpoint but couldn't find it. Is there a solution available?