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  1. mending simpen 100k nya. daftar aws, trus ambil yg freetier 1 tahun modal 0 rupiah spec 1GB ram 1 core cpu 8GB ssd
  2. what hosting do you use? try changing to other then fill in http://yourdomain.com
  3. Cari code tersebut di whatsapp.js sock[token].ev.on('connection.update', async (update) => { lalu rubah code tersebut sampai code } }); ke code ini sock[token].ev.on('connection.update', async (update) => { const { connection, lastDisconnect, qr } = update; if (qr) { try { const url = await QRCode.toDataURL(qr); qrcode[token] = url; socket?.emit('qrcode', { token, data: url, message: 'Scan this QR code with your WhatsApp' }); } catch (err) { console.error('QR Code generation failed:', err); } } if (connection === 'close') { const disconnectError = lastDisconnect?.error; if (disconnectError instanceof Boom && (disconnectError.output.statusCode === 403 || disconnectError.output.statusCode === 428)) { setStatus(token, 'Disconnect'); console.log(`Connection closed with status code ${disconnectError.output.statusCode}. You are logged out.`); socket?.emit('message', { token, message: `Connection closed with status code ${disconnectError.output.statusCode}. You are logged out.` }); await clearConnection(token); clearInterval(reconnectInterval); reconnectInterval = null; } else { const shouldReconnect = disconnectError instanceof Boom && disconnectError.output.statusCode !== DisconnectReason.loggedOut; console.log('Connection closed due to', lastDisconnect?.error, 'Reconnecting:', shouldReconnect); if (shouldReconnect) { if (!reconnectInterval) { reconnectInterval = setInterval(() => attemptConnection(), 10000); } } else { setStatus(token, 'Disconnect'); console.log('Connection closed. You are logged out.'); socket?.emit('message', { token, message: 'Connection closed. You are logged out.' }); await clearConnection(token); clearInterval(reconnectInterval); reconnectInterval = null; } } } else if (connection === 'open') { setStatus(token, 'Connected'); console.log('Connected successfully!'); const userId = `${sock[token].user.id.split(':')[0]}@s.whatsapp.net`; const ppUrl = await getPpUrl(token, userId); socket?.emit('connection-open', { token, user: sock[token].user, ppUrl }); delete qrcode[token]; delete pairingCode[token]; clearInterval(reconnectInterval); reconnectInterval = null; } }); menambahkan status Disconnect jika terdapat error 403 dan 428 (itu adalah code error banned/logout mendadak karna app unofficial dari whatsapp) jika script bawaan dari mamang magd, jika logout atau di banned, status tidak berubah. saya hanya mengubah sedikit, yang disconnect saya barusan ngeblast dan beberapa mokad nomor nya
  4. Check your server. Use http, if you install https, edit .env to https
  5. yes this vps debian 12 ditunggu aja lagi ngetes multi panel dulu, ini baru coba diaapanel
  6. 16 jam live + auto detect disconnect tanpa cronjob auto restart pm2 or server.js ngetes dulu kalo 24 jam aman nanti via pm aja
  7. itu status device nya keliatan gak misal logout langsung berubah disconnect?
  8. buat marketing mas, WKWKWKWK sebelum nya pake fon** sama watz** tp beban biaya perbulan gede makanya lari ke mpwa sambil ngedit2 juga karna udh di opensource sama mamang magd,
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