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  1. ".env file show empty in some cases." Yea, same case for me. Heres my setup after thats case: 1. After your apps success instal and running well, do resetup permision folder with 755 as recomendation of the apps. *You must check the apps after change, expecially the front end. 2. Setup permision of .httacces to recomendation (usually is 644) and add script for hiding from the public and others (google it) 3. Setup .env permision to recomendation (usually is 644) 4. consider to add firewall/security (like: Project SECURITY) to the your apps for extra security. Hope it better.
  2. Are yu use Shared Hosting or VPS ? 1. If you use shared hosting, Shared hosting administrator system will stop the service running of Node.js. Why? Couse recognise an anomali process and abnomal. Thats policy of shared hosting. 2. If you use VPS or Cloud VPS, double check the configuration of node.js. If still same, try reinstal it from begining. After that, try PM2 for running process of node JS. for what? PM2 it for help you running whatsapp.js and app.js ALL DAY and you can monitoring the node.js proccess. 3. If you use Cloud*lare for DNS record, check section firewall and setting up with your ecosytem. Sometimes is block the connection of domain. 4. Consider of firewall of your hosting/vps, sometimes is detect an malware process and make your script/apps doesnt running.
  3. Hmm, I have been instal source code based you share, and the result for "Front End" its normal. I guess, its about security, file permision, and DNS setup for the apps. You must double crosscek the permision of folder in your hosting/vps and turn off all firewall to mode "Low" protection, and DNS record setting if you use the Cloud*lare.
  4. Hmm, try with: 777 first for initate. If succes, set to 755 again. --- chmod -R 777 /webroot/.env chmod -R 777 /webroot/storage chmod -R 777 /webroot/bootstrap/cache chmod -R 777 /webroot/public/uploads Let me see the result.
  5. Hello, i just try your code. The instalation and sending single/mass is running well. But feature "Auto Reply" and "App CURL via POSTMAN" doesnt working at all.
  6. Hello, can everybody help? After the apps succesfully installed and connecting via QR code. 1. Feature "Auto Reply" is not auto connecting with my WhatsApp. I must be logging and click "Connect Via Code" for running normal again. 2. When I test feature "Test Message" is not working very well and show Error "500 SERVER ERROR" couse i set .env to production. Big HELP. Thanks.
  7. Name: WASender Version 3.5.0 Status: Succes Installed --- Need to be fix it: 1. Chatbot (Auto Reply) is not working properly. I just input any value on: "Keyword Match Type" is not response on WA Chat. Need to be fix it.
  8. @Mahmoud please help and update addon module: Advance Accounting module for UltimatePOS. This module does not function properly. Many big thankssssss.
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