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Everything posted by Gims

  1. @ang.vil how do null the latest 2.5.0 UPDATE `settings` SET `stripe_status_for_now`='active' WHERE 1 --------not working with the last version
  2. HI MAHMOUD I can see this script (Cloud Desk 3 ) is nulled on your platform ? I really need it I have versions of this script..... but most it does not arrive at the end of installation.... even if it is paid I take it the most imprtant that it works......plz approve my demand
  3. cannot process at the end of installations PLZ UPDATED IF POSSIBE
  4. plz update Mr mahmoud
  5. THNK A LOT MAHMOUD, ABOUT UPDATE ADDON : AUCTION FROM 1.3 TO 1.5 plz! and app from 4.0.0 to 4.1.0, and if possible plz plz! inactive code activation that requis
  6. To install Support Board on your server follow the steps below: Open the archive supportboard 1.2.3.zip and extract the folder in a server location of your choice. Navigate to the link http://[your-site]/supportboard/admin.php and complete the installation. Replace [your-site] with with your website URL. If you change the directory name, replace supportboard with the new directory name. Once the installation is complete, log in with the email and password you created in the previous step and you're done! Then we can proced to Installation in Active eCommerce Edit the file \resources\views\frontend\inc\footer.blade.php in the directory of Active eCommerce and Enter the code below just after the footer opening tag <footer. Replace [YOUR-SITE] with the URL of your Support Board installation, get it from Settings > Miscellaneous > Support Board URL.. BUT WHERE'S supportboard 1.2.3.zip ?????
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