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Bicrypto v3.7.0 + All Plugins ×


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Everything posted by shadav

  1. did you enter you tmdb api into the api settings? a 500 error unfortunately doesn't tell me much, just that you had a server issue typically caused by Permission error: The permissions of the main files and folders are not set correctly. PHP timeout: The script tries to access an external resource and experiences a timeout. Incorrect code in .htaccess: The structure in a .htaccess file could be wrong. Error in syntax or code in CGI/Perl scripts: In some cases, scripts are incorrect. Paths, especially, can be misaligned. PHP memory limit: A process exceeds memory and therefore cannot be executed correctly. make sure that your host/server meets the requirements for the script PHP 7.2+ allow_url_fopen On cURL 7.19.4+ PDO On GD On mbstring On EXIF On Ability to Chmod 777 folders If you can't Chmod 777 for host reasons then disable chatbox MySQL database Basic knowledge of executing SQL for upgrades OneSignal API key for OneSignal support TMDb API key for importing movies and shows *Optional* Cron Jobs for the sitemap and RSS Feeds Make sure the chmd/permissions to all files and folders are correct (normally folders set to 775 and files set to 664 is fine) The following files and directories must be writeable (775 or 777) /index.php /app/config/db.config.php /app/config/config.php /app/chatlogs/ (must be set to 777 for the chatbox to work) /install/ /public/upload/ If you uploaded to a subfolder make sure to edit the .htaccess #Make sure RewriteBase points to the directory where you installed WolvieRedux. #Remove the # from #RewriteBase if you installed WolvieRedux in a subfolder. #Example: RewriteBase /movie if your installation is in a folder named movie.
  2. sorry the install on the previous v3.3.3 was messed up (for some reason the install index.php was overwritten with the main index.php *oops*) WovieRedux-v3.3.3.zip
  3. V3.3.3 This update should allow you to use any language for titles and actor names, the search function though still doesn't work with arabic titles or names though (still working on that) and still working on getting it to display right to left languages correctly, but at least now movie, series and actors names will work Fixed Recently Added Series home module to not show anime Fixed Movies/Series/Episodes/Actors Titles/Names to use Arabic Added Serie tags to Episode page Added Arabic Translation (thanks to MEGZ99 and kingaliyt for the translations) even though it's not 100% translated, it's translated enough Changed the Admin menu to be a bit easier Under Content Movies is on top, then Series, then Slider and everything below it is Alphabetical Under Community Users is on top and everything below it is Alphabetical Under Settings General is on top and everything below it is Alphabetical Changed Collections Page to only show admin collections Users can still have collections but they will only show up on their profile pages *Still Need To Do: Fix on the movie/serie/episode pages the link to genres doesn't actually work it just goes to the movies or series page but doesn't apply the genre Fix when admin/user uses a rtl that the script actually shows rtl and not ltr Fix search to recognize non-roman/latin lettering WovieRedux-v3.3.3.zip
  4. thank you for sharing this here, just to let you know, as one of the developers of this script it is now up to 3.3.0, you are a few versions behind here ? and about to release version 3.3.1 447423732_WovieRedux3.3.0-Fixes.zip
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