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About Shahriar24

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  1. Please don't be rude, I didn't break any rules. I know this site not selling this script. I am also a user of this site and it's beneficial for me as well. I know this is a good site to inform people, I am commenting here to warn people that don't buy from them. Still I am sorry if I make any mistake.
  2. Hello, I am the owner and founder of syslic. Syslic.net this is the site of syslic system. I am here to confirm you guys that you just wasting your times. You cant make it working cause this is not real syslic files you cant have that cause syslic is using one of the hardest encryption system in the market. This files are actually cps files which are useless. As syslic already well known in market thats why they just name it syslic and make good amount of sell. If you buy from them you just got scammed if not you are lucky and stop trying to make it working . It's not possible search online still nobody can make it running. If anyone ask money to setup this script dont pay them you will get scammed. I am not posting this for making some sell , this is just to warn you guys to not get scammed as we get more that hundred report of scam.
  3. how to enable production mode i am using pm2 from root.. sorry i am noob in nodejs
  4. I am using this server.js without cronjob but after almost 1 hour my api just idle ... Do i need to use cronjob with this server.js?
  5. @Magd Almuntaser you gave me support in personal chat and solved my issue, really appreciate it and thank you from the bottom of my heart
  6. I logout and re login to the panel stil same failed but if i try Hi%20Shahriar%2C%20Thank%20you%20for instant of full message Hi%20Shahriar%2C%20Thank%20you%20for%20registering%20with%20us.%20The%20details%20of%20your%20account%20are-%20Email%3A%20askdhadh%40gmail.com then it send the message is there any length restriction
  7. I followed your every step for cpanel ssl already added this line that time.
  8. i followed your ssl on cpanel trick and enable ssl and i am root user of cpanel so i run server.js using pm2 froom root.
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