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Bicrypto v4.0.7 + All Plugins ×

Formula One

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  1. Hello @Mahmoud , Since this script requires a license key so would you mind sharing details as to how to purchase it and its cost? Thank you.
  2. Hello there, I tried to download this file but I'm only getting an empty folder (0 byte in size) so may I know how to download it? Thank you.
  3. I installed it and it's working fine. Still, the only issue is that the script wants me to disable sql-mode strict_trans_tables and only_full_group_by which is not safe because there are two other major sites I'm running and this could affect the databases of those sites so is there any solution that site can run without disabling strict_trans_tables and only_full_group_by? The issue I'm getting is that the account creation process is not working because I have these sql-modes enabled. Any help? Thank you.
  4. I installed the script and it's working fine so far the only issue I'm facing is that the upload speed for large video files is very slow. I tried to post a video of 20MB and it took it over 15 minutes. Also, I noticed that if we are using USD as the default currency and then also using Razorpay, the system is not converting USD to INR. There should be a system to add USD-INR price so it can be converted at the time of payment.
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